You can look at this page: it blows less than it used to. W00T, money. Updated. Tweaked. Changed. I seriously need to fix those Human forms... still. Some of the biggest pages of the site ^^ Doesn't look like it'll have to be changed anyway. Stores? Why yes. New Boards! I need to take off inactives... I think... Fresh rules, although I was a bit harsh this time around.

MSN Group









Quote/Conversation of the Update

"You ready for the test?"
"Oh yeah, it's like Eye of the Tiger in my head."
"Got a montage of you doing Physics problems while a small, elderly man screams at you?"
"Calculating the change in potential of a man running up a large flight of stairs."
"Got Mister T as a substitute professor, all getting up in your face."
"At the end of the test the Rocky anthem plays as you hand it in in slow motion."
"Then everything's back to normal until a week later when we get them back and I throw it into the air yelling 'ADRIAAAAAAN!'."
"Good times."
~Got a 90 on it.

Where's that Rocky Anthem when you need it?

I'll keep the link to this thread up here, as it provides an easy pathway to the unofficial update and discussion thread on the topic. In my efforts to get absolutely anything up and running, I'll occasionally vastly simplify current systems to prevent falling asleep in class, though I still don't seem to be able to find the time to implement them. But this semester only has a few weeks left and then I can go back to having no excuse for not doing it.

Which is strange, because I recently spent a handful of hours coding -- from scratch -- a probability generator for my Calculus professor. Is it that I don't respect this project as enough of a challenge, or that I sub-consciously find it too much of one? I guess I simply need a source of ever elusive inspiration, and I need to get far enough into the current draft that I don't develop a new one in the midst of it.

Perhaps, as well, it's the overwhelming size of all these projects, or the sheer number of intriguing ideas I've come up with as per the "all" term. And like every update before this one has mentioned, 18 units a semester is 150% Full Time, and all the free time I get I usually spend relaxing.


While I am now unconfident towards the benefit of training posts or attempts at technique learning under the current draft of the new site, I maintain that any activity on the message boards is good activity, and any work done will be rewarded. Hell, the posts could count directly towards your new character.

Some Funny Thing That Sometimes Contains Dunari But Is Often Something That Only Dunari And I Understand Or -- Alternatively -- Something I Want To Show Dunari But He Never Gets On To See It

Krono: Did you ever get that e-mail I sent you some weeks ago asking you to show up again? Seems like you always seem to show up after I send an e-mail, as if you forget time passes sometimes. And then you're all "Right, Time, gotta keep an eye on that guy."

Dunari: Yez. Lmao.

Krono: Good, because I've completely forgotten what I wrote in it, but I recall it updating you on a bunch of stuff I was sure I'd forget. Which I have. "There is no reason you should not get an A in this class, because -- despite the name -- this class is not about Engineering. It's about you. And who knows you better than you? Hopefully no one."

Dunari: o_o

Krono: Engineering teacher. He rocked. I can do his voice really well. The way I knew I'd forget everything I have now forgotten reminded me of the quote. He was a very large man.

Dunari: o_o

Krono: He basically rambled the whole time and would go through, like, seven completely random tangents and then suddenly snap back to the first one, like... " cocaine is a five and sex is a four, they say. THAT MEANS COCAINE IS BETTER THAN SEX. Go figure. ANYWAY! Turn. In. Your. Books. At. The. End. Of. The. Semester. They're useless after that. Moving on."

Dunari: Lmao >.<

Song/Poem of the Update

"Gotta get up, Gotta get going,
I'm gonna meet a friend of mine,
He's round and he's fuzzy,
I love him because he's just,

~The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, stuck in my head stubbornly for the past five days.

Tell Kronotross you found the Duke of Balony Tower. You'll get 1000 Zeni.

Ads and Et Cetera-Type Stuff

Note for new members who haven't yet: you need to sign up to the MSN Group to enter the Battle Room.

Dunari and I were tossing around ideas for a few more webcomics while he was around, so I made three more who enjoyable to even the greatest critics I know. While the newest ones aren't up yet, I'll remind anyone who scrolls down this far that the address is and I will also remind you that it is a sprite comic. The earlier comics may be hazardous to your sense of humor. No lifeguard on duty.

*There used to be a visit counter here but it exploded.*

In case anyone cares, I've been reading webcomics. I've been able to read the entire archives of (and I strongly urge you to scroll through some of these if you get the bored bug): Mac Hall, RPG World, Slackers, MegaTokyo, Real Life: The Online Comic, and Bob and George Comics. And just for more shameless links, Penny Arcade, Something Positive, and Oh My Gods! are all really good webcomics (and the only ones I used to know about).
Update: Nefarious Captain Poutine seems to have disappeared, I fixed the Real Life link, and here are some more I remembered along the way: Krakow, Dominic Deegan, and Dr. Devious Vs. Lincoln High. I know there's another one I'm trying to remember... >.<
Update on the Update: Here's some more! There's Anti-Hero For Hire, 8-Bit Theater, Queen of Wands, I managed to find Nefarious Captain Poutine, I've been reading through Checkerboard Nightmare, and who can forget Pokey the Penguin?
Update2: This list has really just turned into a way for me to remember all of these comics, so I'm going to add Angst Technology, Sluggy Freelance, and Friendly Hostility so I don't forget the URLs. Again. I think there's another one I keep forgetting, but I can't remember it. ZING!
Yet another Update: Filibuster is a nice political webcomic (from Canada?!) and Sinfest has the Devil in it.
UPDATES IS THINGS WHAT LESS OLD: I need to add the following comics so I stop forgetting to check them, don't mind me. Questionable Content. Beaver and Steve. Zebragirl. VG Cats. Ghastly's Ghastly Webcomic (DIRTY!). Also, it isn't a webcomic, but I'd like a link to Something Awful right here because I'm far too lazy to keep typing "som" into the navigation bar and scrolling down once.
(i cross j)date: Fanboys, Achewood, Three Panel Soul, and Rob and Elliot.

And this is still the bottom of the page.