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(*Note: Please answer questions in a different color. All information must be answered or this application will be thrown out, no questions asked. Thank you.*)

What is your screen name (lowercase)? 

How old are you? (Age clarifies the necessities of the way we must teach) 

Do you have any other characters in Golden Horn? (Notify us of which characters) 

Do you understand and accept that this kingdom is a medieval role-playing organization under the ruling of Royalty? 

Can you accept that no fire arms, modern technology, or references to times other than those prior to the medieval and dark ages will be accepted? 

How long have you been role-playing online? 

State the String Command to roll 2d20.

Give us an example of your role-playing style by showing us what your char would do when:

Entering the Castle: 

Exiting the Castle: 

Punching a person: 

Kicking a person: 

Define the following terms: 



Honor Match: 

Death Match: 

Mass Spar:

In Character Information: 

(( Please fill this section out as accurately as possible. Thank you. ))

What is your name? 

Do you have any nicknames or anything you'd prefer to be called? 


What is your chosen field? 

(Pick from the list below.) 



§-Guards (Depending on your ability, you will be placed accordingly): 

    ( ) Royal Guard 

    ( ) Palace Guard 

§-Knight: There are various types of knights as well. 

Indicate your first and second choice: 

    ( ) Rangers 

    ( ) Classic Knights 

    ( ) Mounted Knights

    ( ) Dragon Knights 

    ( ) Archers 

    ( ) Classic Foot soldier 

    **Knights are the generic offensive force of the kingdom. Part of your training will take your specific choice into consideration. 

§-"Tools" of the Trade: 

    ( ) Tradesmen 

    ( ) Blacksmith 

    ( ) Leatherworker 

    ( ) Armor smith 

    ( ) Blade smith 

    ( ) Animal Trainer 

    **These positions support the kingdom, providing their equipment and services. 


    ( ) Mages 

    ( ) Clerics 

    ( ) Dragons 

    ( ) Priests 

    ( ) Healers 

    ( ) Citizens

Choice of Residence. (Of course all are welcome in the main castle anytime, this only determines your placement on the census (Roster) and those you will associate closely with. The crown reserves the right to place you where needed, especially if you indicate no choice: 

    ( ) Valeska: Grandest city and home of the bustling royal palace. 

    ( ) Kencha Keep: A keep nestled in the mountain regions of Golden Horn. Clear cool streams and waterfalls, along with forest paths and calm gardens highlight this area. Second in Command Evae Marie Rocean, is Duchess of this keep and tends it well. 

What experience do you have in your chosen field? (This is necessary to see if you require any special training to be placed where you desire to be. We enjoy teaching and have people specially trained to help. So please, if you need help, ask.) 

Are you in any other Guilds, Kingdoms, Forums, etc.? 

Tell us about yourself. (Gender, Physical Descriptions, Past, Other skills, etc.) 

Why do you wish to gain membership within the Kingdom of Golden Horn? 

Are you willing to be active within the Kingdom? (Frequent the Castle or keep, Posting, etc.)


We require absolute loyalty to our Royal Family

Can you guarantee that you will serve and protect our kingdom, even if it costs you your life? (Don't get us wrong, it is very seldom that anyone loses their life for our kingdom. We are peaceful and avoid conflict.) 

Are you willing to compromise? (Compromising helps in case of a demise.)

 **Is there anything you'd like to tell us about yourself? Are there any questions you wish to ask, along with your application? Ask us anything you may wish to know. If your recruiter was unable to help you, we will still try our best to answer you in a steadfast and timely manner.** 


The Oath

(must be signed)

I ,         do hereby give my word and understanding by signing this application. If I am accepted into the Kingdom of Golden Horn, I will swear loyalty, respect, and equality to the kingdom and establishment, as well as my fellow members. Failure to do so will result in punishment no more severe than the discharge of myself and no less minor than censuring. I am aware of what is required of my membership, and will do my best to uphold those requirements to the fullest extent of my abilities.


Copy Application and send to the following: 

Gold Horn Officials 


-- Copywrite to Kingdom of Golden Horn, 2003 -- 

-- All Rights Reserved -- 

-- Revised With Queen Rayna's Permission by 

Cathena For Use on Her Web Site -- 

-- Some Graphics Used By Permission From Queen Sareania Danther of Kingdom of the Rising Dawn -- 

-- Official Kingdom of Golden Horn Web Site -- 

Kingdom of the Golden Horn 

(( Please select all, press control C, to copy and then press Control V, to paste into provided pre-addressed letter above. Thank you ))