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20, november, 2003. 19:32 PM. ->

Hi. :). This my weird site, Im sorry for the banners, but I can't get rid of it, because I'm poor, and I have no money, so when I get my credit card, I will upgrade it to the best level thing. I apologize it, but soon this website will be cool, as Eskimo Bob is!

Oh, and David Bowie's new CD is there, it's called "Reality", I've listened to some of the tracks, I didn't liked it at all.. if I'd rate.. it would be average..

Im bored, I guess I'll play Furc, See you tomorrow, and wish me luck for a math's exam tomorrow!

Nov. 20. 20:49 PM. ->

And MysticGuy4, Is a cool guy!. :)

Nov. 21. 13:21 PM.

Oh well, I was not good at the exam, some kids did get an F too, now my parents will yell at my face, and don't speak to me.

Nov.23.00:50. PM.

Woo!28 hits in a day! Thank ya, peoples, for the 28 hits, or my .TK domain would be deleted, but I thank you all for keeping my site running, soon i will put some stupid games here, (Yes, it's true!) And I love you all kids, keep visiting this stupid thing for more!

Im sad for today is saturday, and tomorrow is Sunday. Monday morning, I feel bad.And stuff, The Yardbirds (or something like that) have a song called "Friday on my mind." (DAVID BOWIE'S COVER VERSION ROCKX0RZSSSS!!!11) It's lyrics is the same that we live everyday.

Monday morning feels so bad
Everybody seens to nag me
Coming Tuesday I feel better
Even my old man looks good.
Wednesday just goes on
Thursday goes too slow
I have friday on my mind!

Kthx. That's it. Now I'll hang around, Kids, And remember, David Bowie is secksay. ;)

Nov. 24. 22:25 PM.

IM BORED, PLAYING THE SIMS IS STRESSFUL. xx;. Im at Sleepy Hollow on Furcadia now, i won't say my character's name, because of some stupid reasons.

Oh and should I put of a damned picture of myself in there? Just e-mail me at my REAL email-adress:

Nov.27.16:16 PM.

OH LOOK IT EES A PHOTO OF MY FURCADIA CHARACTER! MWEEEEEEEEEE. IT'S A SCREENSHOT, AIN'T IT COOL? :3.Im in sleepy hollow right now, it was were I take those screenshots of meh charry, Rosalyn, and yesterday A friend of me and I played games in MSN, and I won in checkers, and the reporter dude was killed by My friend, such a sad thing.

Aww, ain't that cute? It is me.. Sleeping on the rock. x3