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Hey, this tutorial is made for begginer modelers who are just beggining to learn to low poly modeling. The techniques used are my favoured method, and are in no way the best. It will follow a step by step pattern to create a very simple sword.

Step 1
First we will want to creat a simple box, it should be a bit over the size you want the hilt to be. Once you have it the right size, go to the modifier tab on the right side of the screen, right click where it says "box" and click the "editable mesh" button.

Step 2
Now you will need to extrude top polygon into the hilt, but first we will want to have a stopper on the end of the hilt, so click on the editable mesh, then click the polygon tab(indicated by a red box, or if you open the editable mesh it says it right on there) and pick the polygon u want to be extruded into the hilt.

Now on the polygon panel scroll down until you see a box with "extrude" and "Bevel" in them. In the extrude box type in 10, and in the bevel box -5. Then without clicking off of the polygon extrude another 20, then use the move comand and lengthen the hilt to however long you want it to be. Then you can fool around with the bevel command by adding little bit to make the hilt so its not all straight, or if you want it strait leave it. Also you can fool around with the verticies(called "verts" herinafter) and adjust it that way, using the scale or move commands.

Step 3
Now we need to make a guard, to do this extrude the same polygon by 3 or 4, then use the non-uniform scale command on the 2 verts that just got made by the extrusion along the x or y axis(depending on which way your model is facing)

Once you have got this as wide as you want the hilt to be extrude the polygon again to however thick you want it to be.

Now extrude it another 3 or 4, make a -3 or -4 bevel and uniform scale it to how wide you want it to be.

Step 4
Time for the blade, extrude the polygon that you just extruded,beveled and scaled to just about as long as you want the blade to be(you may have to adjust the width a bit more to get it as thick as u want). Now extude it once more, make this as long as the point at the end of the blade will be. Now go the the edge tab thats in the same list as verticies and polygons. Turn on ignore backfacing(right below the place with the red square for polygon) and then scroll down and find cut.

Once you have ingnore backfacing on use the cut command to cut a line down the center of the blade on both the front and back. Be sure to get it all the way down. Now select the top verts and move them all towards the center point, this can be done using the non-uniform scale. Then bring them together from the other view. it should look something like this:

Now we need to weld the verticies together, still in the vertex command box scroll down until you see the weld box, then in weld selected change the number to 4 or 5, highlight all the verts, and click the selected button.

Now go along both edges of the blade and bring the verts together and weld them. This will give the blade sharp edges. When you're done it should look something like this:

And there u have it, a simple double bladed sword. If you want you can try to fancy it up with sum of the tools uve learned, and practice. Once you have a sword exactly as you like you'll need to learn to uvw map it, go to this site for a tutorial on that. Then you can skin it and uve got a completed sword!