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Red: ok
Nela'Syr: Okay, first, send me your sheet over skype. I just want to be sure there are no other problems
Red: sec
Nela'Syr: Okay, I've got your rolls set up so there aren't any bugs. :-)
Nela'Syr: I can send you the node over Open, or just roll them for you.
Red: ok
Nela'Syr: Okay, The sheet looks fine. But one thing. What is Fatigue: 46
Red: not sure..there is a part on a paper character sheet I DLed that has fatigue rating on it
Red: PS+PE
Nela'Syr: ahhh, well, nix that. :-) No idea what that is, and never heard of it before. :-)
Nela'Syr: Okay, so do you want the roller to roll yourself? or do you waqnt me to do it?
Red: I think I will try your luck as you probably have a roller emot ready to go
Nela'Syr: alright, let's see how this goes. :-)
IQ: [1d6+10] => [6,10] = (16)
ME: [1d6+12] => [5,12] = (17)
MA: [1d6+2] => [1,2] = (3)
PS: [2d6+12] => [4,5,12] = (21)
PP: [2d6+12] => [3,1,12] = (16)
PE: [2d6+12] => [2,1,12] = (15)
PB: [3d6+8] => [5,4,5,8] = (22)
Spd: [6d6+20] => [1,2,1,1,1,1,20] = (27)
MDC: Add PE and [6d6+12] => [6,1,2,3,4,2,12] = (30) for MDC
Nela'Syr: Alright. :-) You rolled craps on the MA roll. That would be up to Arelius if he wanted to let you reroll that one. :-) But, you did make up for it. You have a very solid PS, ME, and PB. :-) Some physical skills, and you can have a PP that gives you bonuses to hit in melee combat. :-)
Red: what dose MA do?
Nela'Syr: Mental Affinity (M.A.): Shows the character's personal charm and charisma. Natural leaders, with an M.A. of 17 or higher, have a bonus to invoke trust or intimidation in others.
Nela'Syr: But, you have a 22 PB, whihc is seduction :-)
Nela'Syr: Physical Beauty (P.B.): Is an indication of the physical attractiveness of the character. A P.B. of 17 or better will be rewarded with a bonus to charm or impress.
Red: So I have a great body but a horrid personality?
Nela'Syr: You just don't inspire a lot of trust. :-)
Red: are you reading the same book I am?
Red: page 221 of the D-Bees of north america book?
Nela'Syr: Ugggh, typo in my psyscape book.
Nela'Syr: Okay, your MA should be 1+20=21
Red: I have manners at least :-)
Nela'Syr: Okay, so you have great personality and a beauty to match. :-)
Red: now what about all the athletics stuff I took...any rolls there to add to things?
Nela'Syr: Well, let's avoid any trouble and do them here as well.
Red: ok
Red: wardrobe and grooming I think adds some PB
Nela'Syr: Alright, any modifications occur AFTER...wait, you're not human, that doesn't apply. :-) Okay, give me your physical skills one by one and let's see how they adjust your scores
Red: gymnastics
Nela'Syr: Gives you the following:
Nela'Syr: PS: 21+2=23
Nela'Syr: PE: 15+2=17
Nela'Syr: PP: 16+1=17
Nela'Syr: You're not SDC, so the bonus to SDC doesn't apply
Nela'Syr: next
Red: acrobatics
Nela'Syr: PS: 23+1=24
Nela'Syr: PE: 17+1=18
Nela'Syr: PP: 17+1=18
Nela'Syr: Again, you're not SDC.
Nela'Syr: NExt
Red: Running
Nela'Syr: PE: 18+1=19
Nela'Syr: Spd: [27+4d4] => [27,4,4,2,2] = (39)
Nela'Syr: And you're not SDC again :-)
Nela'Syr: Next?
Red: athletics(general)
Nela'Syr: PS: 24+1=25
Nela'Syr: Spd: [39+1d6] => [39,4] = (43)
Nela'Syr: Not SDC again
Nela'Syr: Next
Red: and other then grooming and wardrobe...that is it :-P
Nela'Syr: PB: 22+1=23
Red: ok...thats it for skills boosting my wahat is normal SDC calculated
Nela'Syr: And that's it. i'll record this onto my website and send both you and ARelius the link. input the changes, and your MDC is 49, not 50. :-)
Red: oh...HP..and ISP, and PPE?
Nela'Syr: HP you don't have as an MDC creature. When you hit zero MDC you're in a coma/near death. Antyhing under and you're dead.
Nela'Syr: ISP for you is 1d4x10+ ME tripled. So that's [1d4*10+39] => 79
Nela'Syr: PPE for you is 2d4x10 + your PE doubled. So
Nela'Syr: PE is [2d5*10+38] => 68
Nela'Syr: PE is [2d5*10+38] => 88
Nela'Syr: PE is [2d4*10+38] => 58
Nela'Syr: PPE is 58 rather. :-)
Red: what about my SDC...or do I ever gat that as a MDC character?
Nela'Syr: You don't get SDC as an MDC creature