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Cats as Pets

Dr. Kerry Kane O'Seanaughsey M.D.

Age: 28
Height: 6'1 1/2
Build: Broad shoulders, narrow hips, very lean.
Hair: Red
Eyes: sage green

Kerry was born in Derry, N. Ireland to parents Sean and Molly O'Seanaughsey, he is the oldest of four. His brothers are Ayan (two years younger) Kelly (five years younger) and Quinn (ten years younger).

When Kerry was twelve (and his brothers were ten, seven and two) his parents were killed in a paramilitary bombing. Kerry was with them at the time, and was badly injured. He was in a coma for just over a month. When he woke, he learned that his right leg had been amputated above the knee, he had lost most of his hearing in his left ear, and the doctors suspected life long neurological impairment.

Once Kerry was well enough for the flight, he and his brothers went to live with their 'uncles' in Massachusetts, USA, on the island of Martha's Vineyard. Kerry was home schooled for two years before being enrolled in the islands charter school. Always athletic, he threw himself whole heartedly into his recovery and by the time he reentered public school, he was back to 100%.

Kerry spent his high school years taking college classes and competing athletically. He attended two years of community college while at high school, and graduate with both his High School diploma and his A.S. After high school, he attended Queen's University in Belfast for two years and graduated at twenty with his B.S. in Premed.

After Queen's, Kerry returned to the states and attended med school at the University of Minnesota. At the age of twenty five he graduated with his medical Ph.D. Ph.D. in hand he enrolled in 'Doctors Without Boarders' a volunteer program the sends doctors to war-torn and third world countries where they are needed most. Kerry had three assignments in a row, a year in Bosnia, six months on the Ivory Coast, and six months in Sri Lanka.