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Aeglos "Snow Point"

This was the spear of Lord Gil-galad, the leader of the Templars of Law. The spear was lost during the sacking of the Temple of Greenspar in the 3rd War of the Colors. It found its way into the possession of the king of Gwyn, Filmor Waitespar. He was slain in battle, and the spear passed on to his nephew, Vospar. Unfortunately, Vospar was reckless and foolish, and soon joined an adventure with a group of equally foolish friends. They attempted to slay the dragon Rogdarm, who proceeded to bake the group into ashes. At a later time, Rogdarm gave the spear to an evil mage in exchange for several spells. The identity and current whereabouts of the mage are unknown.

Aeglos is a spear; being of particularly excellent balance and weight, it can be thrown twice as far as usual. It is approximately 6' long, with the 1' long, blue-steeled tip fitted into the 5' long oak shaft. The oaken shaft has several runes carved into it and is magically strengthened; it has the strength of solid steel. When Aeglos is held, the user can never be surprised.

Angrist "Iron-cleaver"

This knife belonged to the halfling hero Çædric. It was believed destroyed in Çædric's battle with the demon Dragoath. It reappeared in the hands of a Eastern Wasteland hero named Pinn before being lost again.

This lawful good knife +1 is intelligent and can speak Old Common, Lawful Good, Kirin, Eastern Barbaric, and Demon. It can detect demons up to 80 yards away, project up to 12 magic missiles each day, and teleport the wielder and all gear twice per day. Angrist can hit any demon, regardless of the `pluses' needed to hit. When it strikes a demon, it is imprisoned.

Axe of Democles

This is a battleaxe +3, but against earth and fire elementals, it increases to +5. This gleaming mithril steel axe was used by the dwarven hero Democles to defend his people from the Elementals that sought to drive the dwarves from their mines. It causes all creatures from the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, or the Para-Elemental Planes of Smoke, Magma, and Ooze that see it to loose moral. The Axe of Democles is +5 to any such creature.


The first record of this massive black iron warhammer is its use by the evil dwarven fighter Bawdarin when he defeated the champion Falin. Soon after, the hammer disappeared when Bawdarin met an ignomious end at the Battle of the Twin Peaks.

Bloodfist is a warhammer +4. The hammer causes double damage

Bow of O'Locksley

The famed archer and outlaw O'Locksley constructed this bow with the aid of a sympathetic mage to aid in his quest to rid the county of the harsh and oppressive master that held the peasantry in an iron vice of fear. Not a small portion of his fame as a archer without peer is due to the powers of his wondrous bow. After his tragic death, O'Locksley's bow was passed on to his nephew, Jaen of Southerton. Jaen used the bow for two decades to continue to fight injustice and evil in the county. He entrusted it to an elven friend before setting out on a secret mission from which he never returned. The elf gave the bow to his queen, and it has since been passed down among the royalty of the elven court. Several times it has been lost, but it has always been recovered due to the diligence of the elves' searches. It was last used by the elf Treestalker during a raid on the Goblin King's lair. Both Treestalker and the bow were lost after the raid, and the elves are continually searching for both.

The bow of O'Locksley is a longbow of exceptional quality; it is made of ancient yew that some say came from the great World Tree, Yaggissadril. It is a long bow +5. In the hands of a character that has longbow specialization, all ranges are considered short and the maximum range of the bow is tripled. The magic of the bow is such that it never needs restrung or tightened, even after getting wet. The draw of the bow is feather light, so extreme accuracy is easily obtained.


Grond was the gigantic mace of the infamous and feared Sauron, leader of the evil Decautar Knights. It was imprisoned along with Sauron upon his defeat by the Forces of Good during the 1st Great War. No one knows what has happened to either Sauron or his mace since, though there are persistent rumors of their return.

Grond is a 5' long, pure adamantite footman's mace +6. It cannot be lifted by anyone with under an ogres strength, and cannot be wielded effectively unless the user has at least a hill giants strength. Creatures under 5' cannot wield this weapon at all, while those under 7' must use two hands.

Any creature not of evil alignment that picks up or handles this weapon will be affected as if they had received a blow from it. The mace can cause fear or darkness, 15' radius upon command. Thrice per day it will paralyze upon a touch. All hits from the mace cause triple normal damage and drain life energy.


This small dagger has been powered with an extremely potent dweomer. It has no pluses or any other bonuses when used in regular combat. However, when the true name of any creature seen by the wielder at some time in his or her life is spoken aloud, and the dagger thrown, the dagger will automatically strike that creature, wherever that creature may be. Thus, if necessary, the dagger will sail through the planes to seek and hit the creature. Upon hitting under such circumstances, the effect of a harm spell will automatically affect the target, and then damage for the dagger will have to be calculated. Note that this does not necessarily kill the victim. There is only one of these daggers known to be around, and this was the item that finally brought low the infamous Piraz the Mad. The hand that threw the blade is thought to have been that of Saicha La Vallee, Azith Dengg's wife. Her powers and actions throughout the long wars are a mystery. It is certain that she played a large role behind the scenes in organizing the campaign led by her husband.


This magical blade was made by the wizard Silvaros Rhynyth in his younger years for use by the hero Darmien when he fought the vampire lord Count Fleros. It was handed down through Darmien's family until it was stolen by a minion of the vampire Fleron. It has surfaced occasionally since then, but only for brief periods.

Nightshade is a broadsword +2, +4 vs. vampires. Besides the extra bonus when fighting vampires, damage caused to a vampire by this sword cannot be regenerated. Also, the sword protects the user from the experience-draining effects of a vampire's touch if a save vs. death magic is made.


These mighty blades are huge two-handed swords. Nine are known to exist, one for each alignment. These blades are extremely powerful, and one will only allow themselves to be used by mortals if some dire threat exists to its alignment that said mortal can somehow rectify. They are highly intelligent, and will only cooperate with an individual of the same alignment. The sword is too heavy to be used by anyone with a strength below a Titan; however, if the sword allows itself to be used, then it will bestow such strength on its wielder while being in active use. Furthermore the sword will bond with the wielder, fusing its life force with that of the wielder. Furthermore, regardless of alignment, all swords bestow the following powers upon their wielders: detect magic, detect invisible, detect evil/good, dispel illusion on touch, immunity to fear and charm/sleep-type powers and spells, infravision 120', ultravision 120', globe of invulnerability, and tongues. Then there are powers dependent on which alignment the blade is:

  • Lawful Good: Holy Word, Heal, Lightning Bolt
  • Neutral Good: Holy Word, Heal, Shocking Grasp
  • Chaotic Good: Holy Word, Polymorph Self, Shocking Grasp
  • Lawful Neutral: Prism Spray, Dimension Door, Ice Storm
  • True Neutral: Prism Spray, Teleport, Cone of Cold
  • Chaotic Neutral: Prism Spray, Dimension Door, Ice Storm
  • Lawful Evil: Unholy Word, Polymorph Other, Burning Hands
  • Neutral Evil: Unholy Word, Harm, Burning Hands
  • Chaotic Evil: Unholy Word, Harm, Fire Ball

    Should the wielder be slain while wielding the sword, the sword 'dies' on this plane, and will automatically be transported to its own alignment's plane to be 'regenerated', a process that takes 10 years.

    During the Azithian Race wars, four of these blades were known to have been in use. The Chaotic Good blade was in the hands of the brilliant general Sarpedon of Cron Shander. Cron Shander sided with Piraz the Mad, and was leveled in the final days of the war, when Piraz was already deaded. Azith Dengg is rumored to have been personally responsible for the kill. The Lawful Neutral blade was wielded by the sorcerer Szartax VI, descendant of the warrior to whom is named the armor. He used it to great effect in the defense of the Capital of Szartax. He killed Anchises, when his strike team, by then grown into a veritable army of drow, goblins and human thugs, attempted a too bold stroke of torching the cities grain supplies. Due to the sword Szartax VI saw through their covering illusions, not one in ten of Anchises' band survived the trap laid for them. The Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil blades were used to great effect by the great drow and ogre generals Phaedra and Megaera. The current locations of none of the blades is known, though the lawful evil sword is most likely in the hands of the Royal House of the Drow. Both Szartax VI and Sarpedon were members of the Council of Twelve.

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