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Short Term Goals: Find someone to help her stop her father.

Long Term Goals: Have her own law practice with cases involving domestic violence.

Description: 5’2, 105 lbs, shoulder-length black hair, brown
eyes, most commonly wears high fashion but comfortable
clothes, Has a birthmark on her left hip above her pelvic
bone of the Children of Gaia tribal symbol.
Name: Michelle Corvin Nature: Caregiver Tribe: Chidlren of Gaia
Occupation: College Student Demeanor: Architect Relation: Kinfolk
Chronicle: White Wolf Online DOB: May 24th, 1986 Concept: Senator's Daughter


Alertness Animal Ken Academics
Athletics Crafts Computer
Brawl Drive Finance
Dodge Etiquette Investigation
Empathy Firearms Law
Expression Melee Linguistics
Intimidation Performance Medicine
Leadership Security Occult
Streetwise Stealth Politics
Subterfuge Survival Science

Pure Breed

Other Traits

Garou Lore





Merit Cost Flaw Bonus
Feral Appearance Shy
Good Old Girl Soft-Hearted
Recognize Garou Outsider
Wolf Senses Enemy (Father)
Gnosis Nitemares (Rape)
Computer Aptitude Phobia (Being Touched)


At Home - Small Studio Apartment
Wardrobe of Clothes
LOTS of makeup and feminine stuff
Older Gateway Laptop w/ wireless Net access
Portable Shelf Stereo w/ CD Player/Tape Deck
25” TV with DVD player
Refrigerator full of take out, old takeout, getting older, it may be alive!
Russian Blue Kitten  “Adora”
Lots of School Books

In Purse
Nokia Camera Cellphone
Tiny can of self defense mace
A silver whistle
Black leather wallet w/ lots of credit cards and some cash

In Safe Deposit Box
Important Personal Paperwork
$10,000.00 cash
Nokia Tracfone w/ 100 minute prepaid card
Copies of father's incriminating paperwork
Ruger 9mm automatic pistol


       Michelle Lynne Corvin was born May 24th, 1986 to David and Angela Corvin of Los Angeles, California. Her father was a young, enterprising politician on his way up, her mother, a hell-bent for leather law student studying criminal law. Her father spent most of his time on the road campaigning or working out of state while her mother spent time protesting one cause after another, leaving no time for Michelle with either of her parents. Her nanny raised her from a babe until she was a young child of eight seasons when her parents filed for divorce. Her mother had finally discovered the many, many girlfriends her father kept in various towns across the country. Somehow her father won sole custoday of Michelle, much to her and her mother's dismay. Her father further forbid her from ever seeing her mother again, even going so far as to get restraining orders against her mother.

       Michelle grew up a cynical but well mannered child, tutored in the arts by her nanny and instructed in various other lessons by the many teachers her father sent to her. His way of showing he still loved his daughter, even if from afar. She was finally enrolled into a public school as a young teenager where she excelled in her classes and quickly became the talk of the teacher's lounge, it looked like there was no end to how far she could go. She began to follow in her mother's footsteps very quickly, taking to the books to learn all she could about the current laws that applied to civil rights and how they could be made better. It began to take a strain on her emotional health as she spent sleepless nights writing letter after letter and sending them to various figureheads in the government to try and learn how they got where they were and asking their advice on what they thought would be a good way for her to start. Her father finally stepped in by pulling a few strings on his end to get her a personal meeting with a member of the cabinet for which finally gave her the answers she was looking for.

       Satisfied by her apparent success, she relaxed to focus more on her private life. She had few friends but those she had were very close. They were virtually a pack in and of themselves in their behavior towards each other and everyone else. This kinship lasted all throughout high school until their graduation when they would all go their seperate ways, off to various colleges across the country. They parted as family and continue to keep in touch with each other via the occasional phone call or email but only time will tell if their friendship can last over such a great distance. Earlier in Michelle's life, when she was maybe twelve years old, her father had taken her on a vacation to the Great Lakes where he told her a most unual story of her true lineage and the of the new
responsibilities she would carry with her the rest of her life. He'd brought a strange man along with them, someone her father had said was a friend of his from a long time ago that she must learn from before this trip would end. The stranger revealed to her in all its beautiful and terrible realism the truth of her birthright by transforming into a towering mass of muscle and fur with a giant wolf's head atop a hulking frame. He spoke to her in a deep, gutteral voice that he was Garou, a thing humans would have called a werewolf out of their ignorance. He spoke of greatness that would be hers for tho she was not directly of his line, they shared a common bond, her blood would allow her to further their line down thru the ages with each child she bore. He called her kin and sister and spoke of his love for her and others like her.

     She quickly shook herself of any fears, flooded with wonder and belief of what her eyes had shown her. She sat in the great creatures lap for hours listening to him speak while she twined her fingers thru the thick tufts of hair. He did eventually that day go back to his human form, telling her it was easier for him to speak to her this way as his other form, one of but many, was often harder to understand as it wasn't really meant for speaking. They spoke of a great many things that first week, the second week her father left them, returning to go back to his work and his many girlfriends, leaving them to tend to each other. Over the course of the summer they stayed there in that place living in a medium sized cabin which her father had purchased while his wife and he were still together for their own vacations. At the summer's end, her father returned for her. She hadn't wished to go, having fallen for the kind stranger but her father insisted. He thanked the stranger, leaving him there at the cabin as he took his daughter back to her life before. She never forgot that summer nor the man she thought she'd love for the rest of her life.

      Michelle graduated from high school in 2003 at the top of her class. She was seventeen when she enrolled in the California State University where she chose majors in Political Science and secondary classes in Arts and Philosophy. Her extracurricular activities include being in the colleges ROTC program where she studied military theories and received training in her leadership skills. She  was also part of the girl's tennis team where she partnered with her roommate where together they managed to win more than they lost. All through the year she attended class regularly while spending most of her free time researching everything she could about the Garou, whom she had come to call "the people." She seemed almost obsessed with finding out more about them, despite the great deal she'd already learned from the stranger she'd spent the entire summer with as a young girl. Despite her best efforts, however, she turned up nothing more than what she already knew. Most of what she did find were merely stories and rumors laiden with half-truths and falsehoods meant to mislead the curious. With a heavy heart, she gave up. It was towards the middle of her summer break that her father came to her, asking her to join him in New York City to help him in his new campaign to run for office there. Reluctantly, after much begging on her father's behalf, she agreed to go, but just for the remainder of the summer, she insisted. She moved a few of her belongings to the small studio apartment she was able to sublet in order to try and make herself feel more at home despite the feelings of homesickness that still crept into her heart from time to time. She worked
long hours with her father during the day and sometimes even at night, returning home tired and yet unable to sleep from her restlessness. She soon took to wandering at night to the various places that remained open after hours, coffee shops and the like, searching for something. It was in her heart that she hoped she would find what she was looking for somewhere.

      One day, Michelle discovered a document amongst her father's paperwork laying out on his desk while she was searching for a pen that spoke of unsafe toys being the reported cause of several injuries of young children. The report stated that the materials
the toys were made of was highly flammable, a fact that was well known prior to their release but was buried due to the high costs involved in researching a newer, safer material. The report had a little yellow post-it on it in her father's hand writing stating "1.2 to bury report -- permanently!". She took up the paper and ran it quickly thru her father's copier on his desk then tucked the copy into her pocket and put the original back where she'd found it just before her father walked in on her. She smiled nervously and made up the excuse she couldnt find any pens tho her father simply walked over and picked one up off the desk and handed it to her. She thanked him and quickly excused herself then slipped out the back door and was gone to see a friend about what she'd just found out. Her friend persuaded her that she must do something quickly before anyone else could get hurt.

      She contacted one friend after another trying to find someone who would help her but none of them wanted to get involved because it would have meant going up against her father. She tried to find out everything she could about the toy company named in the document she'd discovered, one Billy Bink's Toystore. She'd managed to backtrack its holdings to a larger company called Teradyne Industries who amongst other things, was responsible for many of the electronic components often found in the toys.
As it turned out, Teradyne Industries also was responsible for supplying a great many computer manufacturers with components for their systems as well. It had its hands in a great many pockets besides that of a seemingly innocent toy company. All  her snooping didn't go unnoticed however as two men caught up with her one night as she was walking home, cornering her and telling her to stop asking questions and that she was to give them whatever evidence she had the next time they came to her or someone would see to it that she was buried alongside whatever evidence she thought she may have.

      The encounter with the men in black left her cold and frightened, too scared to go home for her father must've surely sent the men after her to try and scare her into keeping her silence. She used what little money she had to get a room at a local motel, she used a fake name just in case. It was then that she decided for the first time in several years to try and contact her mother. She finally reached her mother sometime early the next morning after dozens of calls to various law firms as she tried to find the one her mother worked her. Her mother was concerned but somehow not at all surprised at the things Michelle told her. She insisted that Michelle not go back to the house for any reason and that she would wire her some money so she could buy a bus ticket out of state where she would hopefulyl be safe from her father. They talked for a little while longer about what she must do and then a little just to catch up, her mother finally insisting that no matter what she musn't try and see her for that would surely be the first place her father would look for her. Michelle sadly agreed and told her mother how much she missed her before she hung up the phone and then went off to pick up the money her mother had wired her.

      Michelle disobeyed her mother by going back home for there were a few personal things she desperately wanted and she thought it would be safe for her father was to be in an important meeting that day and would not be home until late. When she
got home she did indeed find it empty, at least, at first. She'd just finished packing what things she planned on taking with her
when she heard a noise downstairs. She crept slowly downstairs to what could have caused the noise when she spotted one of the men in black standing in the doorway, blocking her escape. In fear she turned and ran into the kitchen, meaning to go out the backway but just as she was about to open the door it swung wide, an expressionless man in black now blocked that exit as well.
In a panic she swung the suitcase at him, striking him as she caught him offguard for he'd hardly expected her to fight back. His
800 dollar shoes slipped on the lenolium floors of the kitchen and with the force of the blow he went sailing against the counter where he knocked over a chef's block with a dozen or so extremely sharp kitchen knives, half of which pierced his chest as he fell with them to the floor. Michelle flinched as she saw a pool of blood forming from beneath him, coming back to her senses she ran out the now empty kitchen doorway and sprinted across the yard. The other man in black pursued her but lost sight of her after a couple of blocks as she knew the nieghborhood better than he did and knew where to hide.

      She ran straight to the bus station where she was about to buy a ticket back to Los Angeles when the idea struck her that that would be exactly what her father would expect her to do, to run home where he would surely have more men waiting for him. She sat in the station for hours as she tried to think of where to go, eventually deciding to stay right there in the same city as him. He wouldn't expect her to stay put so he most likely wouldn't have his men out scouring the city looking for her. She called her mother again and asked her if she could help her get a new ID, which her mother had already thought of and had begun to make the arrangements. Together they laid out a plan to get her resituated in a small apartment near the middle income area of town where it'd be safer and it was still a short bus trip away from the college where she could still attend classes although it'd be up to her why she looked exactly like one of the students who just stopped showing up. She figured she'd think of something as she hung up the phone and went off to get a safety deposit box as her mother instructed her to do. Soon after her mother sent to the deposit box a handful of things she thought she might need, Michelle also kept the copies of the documents she copied from her father in the deposit box hopeing they'd be safer there than with her just in case she ran into any more men in black. She settled into the small apartment her mother had arranged for her, picking out a few things to furnish it and then using the stuff from the suitcase to try
and make it feel more like home. She laid down afterwards and fell fast asleep and did not wake until the next day where she went about the business of enrolling, once again, at the college under the new ID and fake transcripts her mother had sent her. Things went smoothly, all things considered as she settled into her new life.. although she still kept one eye constantly over her shoulder.

~History Update~

      Michelle has met up with a couple of Garou in her search to find out more about where she comes from but so far neither of them turned out to be exactly Prince Charming. One gave her the willys and the other had his way with her, marring her first time with anyone before leaving her out in the middle of nowhere to walk home half nude. Her feelings towards the Garou are now a little strained tho she still has hopes that she'll find someone as noble as the one she first met that summer long ago. She's also having issues over her first time with a man because although she didn't say no, partly out of fear that he might hurt her and that he might not take her to the other Garou like he promised he was going to in the first place. It tore her up inside when he was done when he thru her out of his car and left her there standing on a cold deserted dirt road in the middle of nowhere. She walked towards the lights of the city half naked and thinking it was a miracle that she made him home let alone without anyone else seeing her. She's been having vivid nitemares of that night, carnal moments of violence and blood even though he wasn't overly rough with her but he wasn't exactly a gentle and loving companion either. She's thought of going to a therapist but doesn't know if she should for fear that he might try and have her commited if she were to say anything about werewolves. For now, she sleeps very little and misses the occasional class as she falls asleep on her books. She knows she has to do something soon, she just doesn't know what.

~History Update~

       Recently hard times have befallen Michelle as she discovered, much to her dismay, that she was pregnant. Things only got worse after a girl at school remarked about how she must be cheap so Michelle decked her and thus was expelled. And seeing how she was no longer taking any classes, her tuition was suspended and without any money to pay her rent she was evicted from her apartment. She lost most of her belongings as the rat-fink landlord kept her stuff in lieu of her owed rent and when she tried to go
to the mailboxes etc to get her emergency money she saw what she thought looked like one of her father's goons so she's now homeless and broke living on the streets... She went to Planned Parenthood to see about having her pregnancy terminated but there was such a waiting list and she'd have to go thru counselling sessions first that she felt like her life was just becoming almost too much to bare. Other ideas have begun to enter her mind.. of stories told long ago.

~History Update~

       While exploring the woods and looking for the cockbite that knocked her up she ran into a couple, Joe Jr. and Racheal Smith, that offered to take her in for at least until she could have the baby. She went with them to a diner and talked well into the night and finally decided she'd stay keep the baby and stay with them in the meantime until she could figure something else out. For now she's intending on giving the baby up to a garou or kinfolk couple but thoughts of perhaps keeping the baby haunt her when she's alone.. she honestly doesn't know what she's going to do.