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-Vampire Form-

Many moons ago a lovely daughter, Kayletta Jade Shadows, was born to a man and a woman by the names of Zadeyus and Jemina Shadows. Kayletta, also known as Kay, was the first offspring of this darkened couple. Kay, with her razor sharp canines, leather felt wings and soon to become words of terror is what you would call a hybrid chylde. Being that her mother was a demon and her father, a vampire warlock, she would be the perfect species.

Through endless nights, Kay, before her 13th birthday, was taught by her father the ways, words and worships of a vampire warlock. During the day her mother, Jemina, would teach her just what it means to be a demon. All this resulting in Kay's abilities to use her words against others in what is known as black magick, her ability to heal herself and others, her adaptation to poison and her ability to transform from one form to the next in a matter of moments. Countless hours of fighting, flying and hunting were all that Kay encountered until she had finally mastered the techniques at the ripe age of 18.

But all that excitement soon ended just before Kay's 18th birthday when her mother and father announced the blessed news that Kay's mother was to be expecting another chylde. Kay's world had just been shattered. Throughout her entire life, Kay was always the center of attention to her parents and now Kay would be second in line. Becoming very jealous, Kay withdrew herself from her parents and isolated herself from the outside world. She began to become very rebellious also and used her powers towards the disadvantages of others. The day had finally come when her mother was to give birth. Kay was no where to be found, at least not for the next five years.

Kay's younger brother, Alexander, was just starting to celebrate his fifth birthday when Kay showed up on the front step. Her father was overwhelmed with joy to see his daughter, but right away he knew something was missing. He could see it in her eyes. Kay just stood there, her voice silent as she peered around to all three of them. Her mother, father and brother all sat down at the table wondering if she was ever going to speak to them. Her parents didn't understand why she left, but all they knew that it was good to have her back…or was it? Days went by and Kay had still not said a thing to them, she just watched and observed, taking in all she had seen and heard. Finally one night, while quietly sitting in her old room she had over heard her parents talking. Realizing then, that her mother and father did not want her around anymore, saying that she wasn't around for 5 years, why come back now? Kay went berserk and stormed into their room. Her wings had flared out upon entrance to their full extent of 9 ft, her eyes a deep crimson and the veins in her neck pulsating so hard that they looked to be like they were going to burst open. Glaring at her own parents she growled deeply and lunged herself at them. What went on next would devastate even the coldest of hearts. As Kay stood up she looked down upon her lifeless bodied parents. Her father's neck had been grotesquely ripped apart and he lay there in his own pool of blood. He was unable to fight back, for he was old and not as strong as his daughter was. Kay's mother then lay a few feet from where her father was. Her head had been severed off from her body from the forceful lashing of Kay's talons on her wings. Kay stepped back, standing in the doorway entrance drenched in blood. She felt neither remorse, nor sympathy for her parents. Hatred and betrayal is all that was left in her heart. Kay, forgetting about Alexander, walked out of the house and left that painful memory behind her for the rest of her life, never revealing a single detail to anyone.

Years have passed now and Kay has finally gotten on with her life. But she couldn't have done it without those she knows right now. DayWokr, her brother (not by blood) and best friend, welcomed her into his clan as the Dark Mage, but Kay quickly worked up the ranks as becoming the Chancellor of Lost Souls and now a Queen. From there Kay met the people that would change her life forever, the Queen at the time Adria, the Royal Advisor, Demoness, and her now ex husband, Zexx, whom also was in Lost Souls and by who she had a beautiful baby boy that goes by the name Damien, in honor of an old friend. Things have changed overtime though, some for the best and some for the worst. But as Kay's life stands right now, she wouldn't trade it for the world. Her life now is devoted completely to those in the clan, Lost Souls. Without them, she would be lost. Not a day goes by that she does not thank her brother, Day, for giving her a chance and believing in what she can do.

And yet another chapter has been added on to Kay's life long story. She now has a daughter, Daylene, named in honor after her brother. She'd rather not mention the man who fathered her daughter...he's not important nor even exists in her world anymore. She also resides as Lady of LS. Anyways, a lot has happened to LS, most of it though wasn't all good news. For those of you who know, you understand, but for those of you who don't, just know that LS will always be around no matter what. The Lost Souls are currently on a "break" and so Kay has decided to hang up her tags for now...maybe even for good. She, in heart, will always and forever be part of LS, for she can not leave her friends and family. And if you're lucky, you can still catch a glimpse of Kay with her tags on every now and then.


A diamond bladed sword accompanied with a leather hilt named Justice. Two small daggers named Bliss and Malice.


Controls the elements of Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. Also practices in Black, Light and Candle Magicks. She also has the ability to shape shift into any object or life being.

-Demon Form-

~†~ Demon Dreams ~†~

When Satan’s son is dead, castrated † A dark gateway will be created † The world will transform to a living HELL † And will create the unholy shell † Where the skeleton hangs the body lies † As demons’ hands reach for the skies † The life within now gone away † Tomorrow is a darker day † Joy to demons, joy to hell † Joy to those within the shell † The hatred is a joyous thing † And sorrow makes the church bells ring † The Tree of Life is grown with thorns † And sprout anew with little horns † The angels have abandoned flight † And there will be no morning light † Those who burn with holy fire † Will not reach their one desire † The happy dreams will not be filled † Let all the joyful ones be killed † The dark one sits on burning tower † The bright one feels his folding power † It seems now that the tide has turned † Let all the holy ones be burned † The world has now come to an end † This is it, it’s over friend

Written by Andrew Aneshek