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Banner by Sarah-Le (who I plan to gut)

Sux to be you, the midi won't work.

You have found my little area of residence, please do wander around. Be warned that should anything happen to you I won't be held responsible. If you die while here, too bad, it was nice knowing you. And I guess you'll miss out on dinner, well, almost >=)

Clan Wars writing
Past updates
Link to me

You are number

to be lost forever in my domain

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Monday 3/3/03 New ownership. >:} Kayla seems to have lost interest in this tiny little bloodbath, so it is my pleasure to take over for her. I am Israfel, and if you don't like it....I'll eat you. Or drink your blood at least. I'll feed the rest to Kayla. Many updates will follow, more menu items and such. Mug shots, as well.

Wed 10/17/01 No, I'm not dead. Been tied up in Seraphim/Shadow relations... meh, can't the good guys just die or something? >.o Profiles up, lots of them. If you think I'm going to list all that's new, then you're an idiot.

Thursday 4/11/01, New server, yeah....

Wed 3/14/01, Oh goody, over a month later for the next update. New profiles up..... everywhere, too much for me to list so look yourself! Incase you're a blind idiot, there is now a link up an RPG I am in, join it and you might get a chance to fight me, and lose! >=)

Thursday 2/1/01, Joy, the month of love, watch me leap for joy... and gut whoever invented February. Sarah-Le was also born in this month, I shall forever hate two days, the 7th and the 14th >.o Yeah, I updated, just the record hits. I dug through my piles of bones and guts to figure out what was what. I also found that echidna skull I had been looking for o.o

Wed 1/31/01, Ok, lots of new crap, I have new renditions up, GO SEE! I have new profiles as well, another main course and one new veggie.

Saturday 1/6/01, New year, my holiday's were great, I got so many echidnas to gut. Anyways, since I know you don't give a damn about my holidays, I added more food in profiles. No, I won't say what is new, you can find out on your own.

Tuesday 9/26/00, Big ass update in profiles, just look, if you're not blind or stupid you'll see them.

I gutted someone at TSIC for this, you better d@mn well like it
Touch my clock and die, get your own friggin clock here
Sonic: I am the ultimate fast food!
Knuckles: I'm all fists, I'd taste horrible, but my head would make a great trophy

All characters Sonic/Knuckles related © to SEGA and Archie comics, any fan made characters are © their creators, no I am not claiming this stuff as my own, blame me and I will gut you and floss my teeth with your instestines!

This site is set as a mirror to Echidnoyle Crossing. Should anything be broken here, it'll be working on the main site. It's pure satire here.