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Katharyn Connor Morgan

Katharyn is a 22 year old human mage. She met Brian at the age of 15 and married him the following year. For two years they lived happily in the bonds of marriage. They had decided to try to have a child when the problems among them started. They went to see a group of healers who told Brian and Kat they would not be able to have children for Kat was not fertile. This disappointed them greatly so they decided to either adopt children or find another way to have their own. It was during this time that Brian came upon a formula mixed for this purpose. He spoke of it with Kat and she agreed to try it. When Brian returned home that night with the concotion he poured into her glass of white wine. In only about five minutes the poison that was poured into her glass was taking effect quickly. In less than a half of an hour her body was weak to the point of being unable to move at all. Tears streamed from her eyes as she stared at him wondering why he wanted her dead. Brian walked out the door not looking back at her once the healer arrived.

After he left her side Kat slipped into a coma lasting for over a month. Once she awoke she found she was with child. Instead of trying to find Brian and tell him of the child she lived a lie telling the healers she sent word of the child to him knowing she did not. She would have to send word to him to granted a divorce so she remained married to him through the years. After the birth of their daughter Xandria, Kat had to watch her daughter be sick unable to do anything of it. She began to study as a mage to try to find a cure for her daughter. It was through another mage that she learned of a flower that grows once a year in a remote location just past Dhalethra.

Once Kat reached Dhalethra she went into a placed called OutCast Tavern. It was there she met up with Brian again. Upon seeing him she told him of things that had passed and that he had a daughter. He told her of how he thought she had died and lived filled with guilt over the years. He swore to her that he had no idea the mixture was poisonous and he deeply wanted a child with her at that time. To her surprise he wanted to be involved promising not to make the same mistakes as he had in the past. They agreed to remain married and to raise Xandria together though they still currently live apart for now.

More than four years have passed ... this is where the story begins ... this is where the past and the future must collide to build a present for them both.