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  We are currently facing days in which original and good 2D Fighting Games have become a dying bread... if you wish to stop this depression, this is your chance... FIGHT!

Fight For Something New...

A Game That Can Be Whatever You Want It To Be...


Contact Me About The Following

Please hit me up on AIM, DC or via e-mail regarding any the following topics, once I have allot of submissions for this I can put up polls to have the viewers decide on what would be the best idea:

a) -What do you think would be a good name for a game of this caliber?

b) -Do you have any suggestions for characters? Background info on characters would be required for this, and if possible a picture or some basic info on his appearance, and fighting style.

c) -If you should have picked 2 or 3 for POLL 01, please e-mail me to let me know what characters you would like to see and from what game so I can create a separate poll for that game.

AIM: JyujinkaiX
DC: Kases (usually around the anime hubs)


Kases presents
UP SINCE: Nov.24

Do excuse the quality of the web site, it's the best I could pull out my hat that quickly.

Please take your time to fill out these polls as truthful as possible to help me decide on these things. Hence that you do not have to fill out all the polls, simply fill out the ones you wish, the more the better though.

Some of you who may be familiar with Mugen, may have tested my Mugen Character Setup... which enabled you to make characters for Mugen even easier then it already was. Well this game will include a pepped up version of that type of character setup software, enabling you to rip characters from other games or format your own art, and in the most easiest to use layout, program him to your wishes.

Kases Poll 01
The Story and Atmosphere around the Game:

-Should the game be based around entirely new characters alone?
-Should the game be based around entirely new characters as well as include a few known characters?
-Should the game mostly be made up of fighters from all kinds of games and animes (including DBZ, Kenshin, King Of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Marvel, etc)?
-Should the game be based entirely around characters from animes (including Trigun, Kenshin, DBZ, Love Hina, Uritsukidoji, etc)
-SPECIAL REQUEST: Should the game be based entirely around Dragon Ball Z?
-Other Suggestion? (if so please add comments to your choice and include further suggestions).

Current Results
Kases Poll 03
Should the game include fatalities?

-Yes but only useable after the end of the fight (similar to Mortal Combat).
-Yes and usable at all times, but can be evaded by the oponent (similar to Guilty Gear).
-No not at all.

Current Results
AIM: JyujinkaiX DC: Wordplay

Feel free to contact me about any further Suggestions, Polls, Ideals, Comments, Questions, basically anything.