Link 'o Rama
The following are links to various Role-Playing Game pages I frequent.

Reviews, tips, forums, news, columns and more.
Roleplaying Tips
Has scores of advice for running games and playing characters.
The Big List of RPG Plots
What the name says. A big list of the common plots found in RPGs.
The only LARP I play, and I also help to run it. Visitors may notice a striking similarity between the layout of this page and the Shogun page. It's purely coincidental. Honest.;)
Wizards of the Coast
WoTC main site. The publishers of D&D.
Online Generators
A bunch of on-line generators for NPCs, Dragons, Treasure and the like.
EN World
A news site for all things D&D and d20 System.
The Dragonhunt
The information page for a on-line D&D campaign that's a re-imagining of a table top campaign run by my friend Matt. This is also a run-on sentence.:)
The World of Darkness
White Wolf
White Wolf Game Studios' home page. Afraid I don't visit much more than that.

All content of this site created by Rob Anderson Copyright © 1998-2002