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Fellowship of the Ring

*A young man walked forward long blonde hair fell down nearly to the small of his back. His eyes are ferice yet kind in there own way. He watched you, remaining silent. His gaze shifted from the lands surrounding you, to you. He remained silent, and seemed so perfectly suited for this place. Nature seemed as much a part of him as it was of the earth her self. You note his pointed ears, and reilize he was a elven archer. He wore a quiver on his back full to it's brim of skillfully crafted arrows. A well shaped bow in his right hand. When he spoke his voice was as noble and beautiful as he was. * ~ Good day, I am Legolas Greenleaf, Son of Son of Thranduil, Lord of the elves of Mirkwood. I welcome you to this place. There is many places to enter and pass by. Talk with the hobbits in Shire, seek out Arwen and others of the elven kind in Rivendell. Speak with others among your travels but take heed in the pleasantries of peace, Evil still lurks in the shadows with nothing more to do or no one to obey. The Ringwraiths have become rogues and attack, rob, and kill for the sheer and simple pleasure of it.~ * With that he bowed turned and began to walk away pausing to glance back* ~Fairwell~

The Realms

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Information On the beings of Middle Earth
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~*~ CONTACTS ~*~
Owner Arwen
Co-Owner Legolas