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Name Of Nic:

Given/Birth Name:
Aponi Mascha


Vampire Koven

Royal Herbalist/Shaman

Hopi Indian




Eye Color:
Fawn coloured

Hair Color:
Sepia hair


135 lbs.

Divination: can provide her with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal,event, or activity that is to occur within one week.
Animal Friendship: she has the loyality of a wolf that she has tought to do three tasks.
Animal Messenger: she can compel a tiny animal to a spot. This is mainly used if she needs help and the tiny animal would be able to lead help to her.
Commune With Nature: she can become one with nature, attaining knowledge of the surrounding territory. Maily of terrain ,plants,minerals,bodies of water and animals.
Cure Light Wounds: while laying her hand upon a living creature, she can channel positive engery that cures light wounds.
Cure Minor Wounds: does the same as light wounds but heals minor wounds.
Detect Poison: she can determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous.
Find the Path: she can find the shortest, the most direct physical route to a specified destination.
Animal Trick: her animal companion can perform of her choosing that it does not already know.
Camouflage: She can blend into her environment.
Dawn: can wait any sleeping animal or creature as well those that are unconscious wake up and become staggered.
Forestfold: same as camouflage only adds the ablility to move silently.
Hawkeye: has the ablility to see accurately at long distances.
Nature's Favor: by calling on the power of nature, she can grant the target animal luck on its attack.

Dressed in a form fitting white buckskin dress. Her tanned skin is smooth and her body is toned. Her sepia hair is braided into two braids that are bound with leather. Her almond shaped fawn eyes are soulful as she gazes. She moves with silent grace and stealth. She has a beaded choker around her neck as weel as a few feathers tied to her hair.

She has the tattoo of a phoenix on her right hip and a tattoo of a black panther upon her left shoulder blade.

War Fan: this weapon appears to the untrained eye as nothing more than a beautifully crafted lady's fan. In fact, the vanes of the fan are crafted from steel, and the tips are needle-sharp.
Fukimi-Bari(Mouth Darts): these slim, almost needle like metal darts are concealed in the mouth and then spit at the target.Their efective range is extremely short and they do little damage, but they are highly useful when taking an opponent by surprise.
Long Bow and a quiver of arrows as well as a dagger hidden in her left buckskin leather boot.

Aponi is the shaman for her tribe of Hopi Indians. She has been sent out into the realms to learn knowledge and more ways of healing. She has been on this quest for nearly three years. She has spent most of that time with The tribe of Chippewa where she became fast friends with Winddancer. She has left the Ojibwa in search of more knowledge. She has meet many interesting people along the way and has many storied to tell for her people back home. Aponi is very bright and wants to learn as much as she can in order to help her people.