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The Abysmal Void of Dispair




7/1/02 12:13 AM ESR: Revisions on part 1 and 2 of Bloodstalker have been made, and I'm planning to excahnge the revised editions with the first tomorrow, once I add in the necessary HTML - italics, predominantly.
6/25/02 8:19 PM EST: Due to the recess hard drive crash that befell my computer, a large portion of Bloodstalker, that had yet to be published up here, has been obliterated. I'm discouraged by this, rewriting it won't be too difficult. This may take some time to get me motivated, as Journey is my primary focus, bot I'll fix Bloodstalker up.
6/22/02 10:50 PM EST: A new work as been added, in case you failed to observe this. It's entitled Journey... Also in case you failed to observe this. Check it out, while you're here.
5/09/02 4:15 PM EST: I've chopped up my story into the said divisions, clicking on the link above will take you to a table of contents.
4/07/02 2:31 PM EST: Finally put up Bloodstalker, a dark fantasy/comic-bookish short story I'm working on. I anticipate several parts to it, and the first isn't even done yet. Go figure...
3/03/02 11:00 AM EST: I removed the'picture book'. Not like I want people staring at me... So if you want to see me from now on, tough. If I feel the need to show somebody my pictures I'll send it to them individually.
Anywho, added the Music List.. out of boredom.
3/01/02 9:27 PM EST: Revamped the news portion of the site. A table looks fancier, plus it's more consolidated.

ŠAll stories, characters, concepts and other correlative aspects on this site are copyright Jacob E. Baudler unless otherwise specified.