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(This is what Ivaer looks like, except with much lighter hair, white wings, and he rarely wears his armour)

Name:  Ivaer Adon (Elven; Life, Love)

Sex:  Male

Age:  Ivaer looks to be about 30, but in actuality, he is over 2,500 years old. No exact age or date of birth is known.

Race:  A Seraph, Ivaer's back is adorned by the characteristic wings. He is half-elven, however; his father a human, his mother an elf.

Marital Status/Family:  Owner: Cerusia.

Height:  6'1" 1/2

Weight:  189 pounds

Eyes:  An odd amalgamate of colors, to say the least. His eyes change colors to match his current dispostion, such as: Maroon relates to love, black to fear, etc.

Hair:  A near-golden shade of blonde, somewhat like a new day's sun; looks as though it has been gelled into snazzy-looking locks, but no gel or conditioner is actually used.

Complexion:  White, but with a medium tan that is likely permanent from all of his time outside during his travels.

Mentality:  Though chronically depressed, he has a great cheer about him a good deal of the time, and is prone to long stretches of silence; patience is a virtue!

Build:  Ivaer's build is pretty much standard for the world he lives in. He has a well-developed musclulature, but despite his power, most of it comes not from his
physical build, rather from the power within him.

Personality:  Ivaer has become good-natured and care-free most of the time, a deep contrast to his serious, kill-or-be-killed attitude of the past.

Likes and Dislikes:  Ivaer is a great fan of food in general, almost like a connoisseur, but he is not so foolish as to eat and not exercise. Ivaer
also likes kind-hearted and good-willed people, writing, questing with his friends, and star gazing, whether alone or with
a special someone.

Ivaer dislikes esgargot; he also has a deep hatred for rude, snotty, obnoxious, whiney, spoiled, and mean-spirited people. It also
annoys him when people touch his wings, probably due to the fact that enemies usually go for them first when fighting Ivaer.

Weapons:  Ivaer has become adept in using most any weapon due to his incredible amount of spare time he has had to practice in (seeing as how he's time-immortal), and he is quite good with little-known weapons such as the Razor-Shield and the Chain Lance. You can usually see him with a sword strapped across his back, kept in a rather ornate, silver sheath, vibrant reds and greens and blues carving intricate patterns into the shiny metal. He may also be seen carrying a longbow in the same position, its pure white wood a testemant to its Elven craftsmanship.

Noteworthy Features/Attributes:  The most noteworthy features of Ivaer are his wings, which are the purest white and about twelve-and-a-half feet wide when spread, and the dozens upon dozens of scars that litter his body. It was clear that he was either very clumsy, or was quite the veteran, or perhaps something else altogether. His most noteworthy attribute is his attitude/demeanor. He is usually very kind-hearted, and offers his services to most anyone who require them. He is also very forgiving, but do not mistake his forgiving nature for stupidity; behind the kindness is the mind of a master tactitian, and hidden away in his being is a hatred that could destroy him if ever uncovered.


Favorite Quotes:
  "You see things and say 'why?', but I see things that never were, and I say 'why not?'. "

"The greatest way to live with honour in this world is to be what we pretend to be."

"There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth."

"When you are content to be yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you."

"A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can last forever."

     The links below are Ivaer's history. The first link is, as it says, a Summary History, or rather, an overview of the important points in his lifetime. The subsequent links are the most important individual times in his life. So there you are, enjoy!

-Summary History-

-The loss of Ivaer's first love, and the gaining of his powers and wings-

-First half of Ivaer's travel to his homeland.-