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Anarch Sect

Welcome to the Iron Legion Website. The Iron Legion is an organize Anarch Group consist of many Clans that create it ranks. Unless you are part of the Iron Legion, all information herein is ooc.
The Iron Legion is very selective in who joins within the organization. Just cause one is Anarch, don't mean they are Iron Legion material. In fact, they avoid the beligerent, scream at the world Anarch type, and thus seek those who truely desire to be seperate from the Camarilla Sect.
Politics makes it way into everything, that is just the way things are in the modern world and the Iron Legion, like many kindred, use it as a tool to their advantage. The Tenet of the Iron Legion are explain later.


Gangs of Tyler

Tenets of the Iron Legion

Map of Tyler

Who Who


Revolution By Night: Offical Camarilla Fan Club Anarch GSA Homepage