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Ice Reavers

Message Board

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Member Bios

Sanctioned Reaver Activities

Ranking System



Members list







Initiate List



Steppenwolf Orlouge

Dark Magus

Death by Fire




NPC Members list

Algaron (Clerk)


Retired/Inactive Members list

Dragon Tear






Our long-term goal is to establish trade between every country in Althanas. As this is no small goal, it will take time. As is to be expected each country presents its own difficulties in gaining trading rights. Lorenius is run by a corporation, and Alerar is run by an oppressive government, these are just some or the obvious surface level difficulties that present themselves before the Icereavers. Though in time, we shall over come all these obsticles.

Currently we have a single outpost (our head-quarters) located in Radasanth. We also have a pressence in Alerar, and are working towards Raeiera. Time is all it takes in our line of business


There are three levels of initiation at this point into the Icereavers. Each one is more difficult than the last. This is to weed out the best candidates for the higher positions.

First off is the process to become an initiate in the Icereavers. This is simple. All you have to do is manage to join through in character means. Simply put, you have to approach Treslizn and either be invited or request mambership. There will be several factors to his descision. First and formost is the applicants role-playing ability. The better the role-player, the more favorable his reaction. Second is your personality. If he does not like you, or suspects that you are prone to cause trouble for the group, then he is not going to risk his livelihood by letting you become a member. Formally becoming an innitiate was done OOC, personally I hated that. It led to a poor group chemestry from time to time. Characters would not get along, or would down right despise each other. We lucked out with our four primary members, but I prefer to be more cautious from now on. I am just trying to build a better power group for Althanas. Some quick tips on finding Treslizn to join the Icereavers. First, do a search and see what OPEN events he is involved in. These tend to be places where you can make a good impression. Examples would be quests, events (such as the Icereaver games which he will always be participating in), and just around Althanas. Choose one and get yourself involved in the story. If you can not find any that suit your character, there is always the audience chamber in the Icereavers HQ.

The process to become a full fledged member is a bit more difficult. When an initiate feels that they are ready to take on the full responsibilities of membership, they will contact me to petition for promotion. I will then take the petition before the current Icereaver MEMBERS and ask them to review the most recent role-playing activity of the applicant. If they find the applicant worthy, we will move on to the next phase of the initiation process. The voting is majority rule, in the event of a tie, my vote counts as the tie breaker. The second half of the initiation process is trial by combat. A random MEMBER will be selected to battle the applicant. The applicant in no way is required to best their opponent in any way. this is merely another test of role-playing skill. Once the fight is over, all MEMBERS will be asked to vote yes or no. Once again in the event of a tie, my vote is the tie breaker.

The final initiation, that to the status of lieutenant, is both the simplest, and the most difficult. When the time comes that another lietenant is needed, I will call all of the lietenants together and we will select the canidate. The voting must be unanimous on this issue. (This may change to a 3/4 majority if it proves impossible to gain a unanimous vote)


  1. Follow the chain of command. Treslizn is the head of the organization. The lieutenants are second in command. All Lieutenants are labeled as such in the mebers list on the left side of this page. .
  2. Meet the responsibilities that come with your rank in the Icereavers.
  3. Also any actions that reflect poorly on the Ice Reavers are up for review. Murder, theft, attacking the innocent, beating up old ladies; those kinds of things are not allowed.

Anything that does not conflict with these is allowed.

Expulsion from the Ice Reavers and demotion

Those who repeatedly break the rules of the Icereavers or those set down by the staff of Althanas will be brought on trial. The defendant will be called upon to answer for their breach of conduct. Evidence in the form of threads will be brought before the court (the penalty for destroying evidence once a charge has been made is expulsion without trial, as it is considered a confession of guilt. So if you are accused it is in your best interest to delete nothing.) Once the prossecution and the defense have both rested their cases, the jury compossed of all the Icereavers members (full members). If found guilty, the member will be punished accordingly without petition. The leader of the Icereavers (Treslizn) will preside over the court as the judge. All other members will be on the jury, including the lieutenants. The only exception is the member who made the accusation. They will lead the prossecution with a single NPC controlled by me to aid them. The jury's verdict must be unanimous (Once again if this proves impossible I may alter it to 3/4 majority)

Base of Operations

Our original base of operations was in Salvar. We were booted out of there when the continent was temporarily closed down. Now that it is open to us once more, I am formulating plans to return and open shop. Currently our base of oporations is our official althanas PG Head Quarters located on the main page of the site, or in Radasanth if you wish to get technical.