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As you ride out of the dense forest, you find yourself upon a well
worn path that leads you to the drawbridge of a very large castle.
As you ride closer you see the spires of the castle with its immense towers
and there on the parapets, you see one lone gargoyle as if in deep
thought, guarding the castle. You look amazed at all that you
see as you ride closer to the castle ahead.

You see the castle loom ahead of you as you approach it.
You cross the moat over the drawbridge and you look all around.
You see sentries and guards all about.
You wonder if you shall be welcomed at this magnificent fortress.

As you ride in through the outer gate and into the bailey,
you see a large figure standing there at the castle doors.
You look upwards to the many floors of the castle with its many wings.
You see two overly large towers on either side of the bailey where guards or sentries
can stand watch over the castle. But you see another set of towers that are
connected to the main structure itself. You assume these smaller towers are for
some of the inhabitants of the castle. As you look up in the darkness,
you squint your eyes thinking you see a winged figure fly into one of the tower
windows where a lone candle cast a soft glow into the interior of the tower room.
You just blink your eyes, knowing you must certainly be tired... that, or you are
going crazy. You like to think it's the first thought.
You just smile to yourself as you look to the man on the steps.
The man waves to you in a friendly manner. You pull your tired and
lathered horse up to the steps and castle entryway to where the man stands.
A stable boy quickly comes to take your horse, and out of surprise
all you can say is, "Thank you."
You dismount your horse tired from your days of travel,
and you slowly walk towards the noble looking
man as he stands there on the steps motioning you to come inside.

You approach the large figure, and you look a little wary at this unusually large
being. You simply say, "Kind sir, I am in need of a night's rest. Could you put me
up here in your great home? I will be gone with the morning's light."

The man simply smiles a friendly smile and places his gloved hand upon your shoulder,
"I am Vengence, King of these lands where you have found yourself.
My friend, you are more than welcome here for the night.
Come in and make yourself at home. Find food and drink in our well
provisioned kitchen. Stay and meet some of our clan and family.
I am certain that my wife, Queen Emerald, would be more than
happy to greet a new face. Come in you shall meet the others and mayhap
learn more about our humble home and its interesting residents."

King Vengence turns you toward the doors and guides you to the interior of the castle.
Smiling to you as you both enter, he says,
"Welcome to Hv-Castle. This is the House of Vengence...."

Entrance to the Great Hall