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Hunters in the World of Darkness

The Great Cycle

Now is not the first time in history that heroes have arisen from humanity to defend mankind against monsters and oppression. It's happened at least once before, in specifics parts of the world, in an almost mythical past. In a distant age when Creation and Humanity were still young, the Heavens oversaw reality. Mankind lived a humble exsistence and honoured the gods. And yet, the Universe was vast, and it demanded much of the attention of the Powers That Be. In the gods absense from the Earth, foul lords emerged from their dark places, jealous of the gods' power and humanity's devine favor. Free to exact their will, these demons abused the world and mankind imposing afflications, inspiring sorrow and stealing life itself.

When the Heavens turned their gaze back upon the world, they saw what the demons had done. As punishment for the jealous lords' offenses, the gods chose heroes from among humanity to defend it against further harm. These warriors and champions ferreted out the demon's agents and severed corruption's grip from the land. A golden age of prosperity and joy followed as the chosen sheparded the flock.

And yet, as time passed and the tasks of the chosen were completed, the warriors grew complacent. With the agents of the dark lords driven out, the heroes sought new challenges and entertainment. Eventually they realised it was easier to gain power from weaker creatures than by performing their sacred duties. They learned how to tap the life energy of their people in order to gain strength. and the discovery spread. In the downward spiral that followed, the chosen fell to fighting amongst themselves as they captured human followers, claimed power, struggled for control and staked their claims on the earth.

When the heavens realised what had become of their creations, they delivered divine justice once again. The worlds heroes were damned to a miserable exsistence , and they retreated to their lonely dens. Despairing the creature of all and his Ministers turned their backs on creation and the cycle of ages. A shadow fell across the world, and the demons crawled from their holes to wreak havoc once more.
The result as time has continued to turn, is the decayed, chaotic, grim and sorrowful modern world. Earth is now home to malicious and twisted beings, a plaything for night creatures, abominations and monstrosities that appear to be directed by the demons' pervasive touch. Indeed as the world continues to decline, the wheel verges on turning again, marking the time of destruction, the time of hell on earth.

However, where the Creator has abandoned the world, his ministers are less severe. They have returned their gaze to creation, and they know the end is imminent. Although the wheel cannot stop - the next age is inevitable - They hope any apocalypse era can be made brief in anticipation of a new Golden Age to follow. Thus, without their lords consent, the Ministers have set out to create new heroes, akin to those of ancient past, champions to rise up against the darkness that threatens to consume all.

Do you have the faith to follow their message