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.: Updates and News :.
-Saturday May 31, 2003
The artworks section is up and ready to be viewed. I won't be adding anything to the oldies section(bet u noe why) Lucasarts has started on a new first person shooter using the Unreal Engine. The title is Star Wars: Republic Commando, check out the trailer and read the press release at Lucasarts.
- Monday May 26, 2003
The info section is up, and so is hald of the projects section.

- Friday May 23, 2003
I'm definitely gonna stick with this new layout for at least six months to a year. Final exams are around the corner...Beginning of June for me =P. Might not be able to complete the artworks section until mid June 2003. Had to stop working on Beyond Existence for a while.

- Wednesday May 21, 2003
My friend and I have confirmed that we will be creating a website together. The name isn't confirmed yet, but it should go something like this,"Hitomi Hotaru", we know that hitomi means destiny and hotaru means I'm thinking of adding an english subtitle to it =P. We won't be working on it until the summer holidays begin cuz of the final exams.