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The Player behind Hope

Yep, this is me. Be patient it takes a while to load. Some of these looked fuzzy to me so hopefully on a better 'puter they'll look better. Cheers!

My personal favorite

Me, Percival(cat), Cricket(dingo), and Roman(American Staffordshire Terrier)

This picture was taken in the summer of '98. The only one I still have is Percival and he's a big fat kitty now. He was just a year old in these pics.

Me, Percival, and Cricket

The next few are photos that were taken by a professional photographer for an acting portfolio in college.

Another Professional Photo but I did the hair, make-up and wardrobe for it.

This is basically what I look like when I dress up to go out or something.

Some of my wedding pictures.

These three I decided to add cause there aren't a whole lot of times in a girl's life she gets to dress up like this and feel pretty. This is my ex you hear me bitch about all the time. Bleh, too bad my nose was so red from crying!

More Recent Pics of Moi