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Arc Kenni

Name: Arc Kenni

Age: 15

Year: 5th

House: Gryffindor

Race: Esper

Appearance: He has brown hair and green eyes. His looks mostly takes after his mother, who has brown eyes as well. Under his school robes he wears Urban-camo loose fitting pants and a white tank top. On his face, he has an X shape scar from the Magicite raid that took place 9 years ago.

Personality: He's very quiet and he mostly keeps to himself, but he's very friendly. He's very protective of his younger brother, Leon. Like his brother Leon, he is also shy around girls.

Family: Father: Deceased

Mother: Rena Kenni

Younger brother: Leon Kenni, 14

History: Arc took up the sword at the age of six, after his father was killed during the Magicite raid. After his father die, he felt that he had to protect his family and his people of the kingdom. So he then decided to become a knight like his father.

Esper Form: His hair turns green, skin turns green, robe turns to a dark green, and he has angel-like wings.