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Session Start: Fri Sep 07 22:14:51 2001
* Nissa walks up to the Mondai household door, being late at night...hoping to catch Shitako for a late movie
* Musoko opens the door, hair a bit disheveled as if he's had a hand in it, arching a brow
<Musoko> Can I help you, kiddo?
* Nissa furrows her brow
<Nissa> Where's...Shitako?
<Musoko> Working at one of his multiple jobs.  You know my brother?
* Musoko leans on the doorframe, turning on the outside light
* Nissa blinkblinks, eyes sparking only a little when she realizes who he is
<Nissa> ~Yeah, we've been seeing each other. Why?~
* Musoko shakes his head
<Musoko> No reason.  He usually just doesn't hang out around many girls.
* Musoko glances at his watch
<Musoko> I think he's off in about twenty minutes if you want to come inside and wait.  
* Nissa snorts a little, then sighs
<Nissa> ~Fine...~
* Musoko arches a brow a bit at her attitude, but lets her in, leading her through the grand hallway into the waiting room
* Nissa stares, wide-eyed at the surroundings
<Musoko> There's books to read and stuff to do.  Just .. don't go wandering. It's not a good idea in this place.
* Musoko smiles a bit to her, but it looks a bit forced, like he doesn't do it much, and turns to head out
* Nissa nods, rubbing at her upper arms...
<Nissa> I didn't get your name..
* Musoko glances over his shoulder, opening the door
<Musoko> Musoko.  Shitako's older brother.
* Nissa clenches her fists a little
<Nissa> Heh...I have an older brother as well..
* Nissa forces a smirk, trying to keep herslef from throttling him
* Musoko turns slowly, seeing her fist in a mirror to his left, brow raised
<Musoko> Now now .. You act like you hate me and I don't even know who you are.
* Nissa blinks, linking her hands behind her back
<Nissa> perhaps I do, it's a small world. 
* Nissa says that casually, lowering her eyes
* Musoko crosses his arms, intrigued now .. leaning back against the wall
<Musoko> Unfortunately.  There aren't many places to hide in it, it's true.. But I know I've never come across you.
* Nissa sighs, folding her arms in front of her, looking up at him, half scared shitless, half pissed off at him
<Nissa> No, you haven't.  But you've run across my brother.
* Musoko looks only slightly startled, his black eyes a bit confused before they harden again
<Musoko> I think you're mistaken.  I don't leave the house much.
* Musoko glances up at the clock in the room
* Nissa snorts
<Musoko> Fifteen minutes.  I think I'll go back to work.
<Nissa> Only to stalk his girlfriend.
* Musoko pauses after turning at her snort
* Musoko then freezes ... turning slowly to look at her
* Nissa outright glares at him
<Nissa> Angelo's gonna kill you if he finds you, you know that?
* Musoko 's eyes instantly harden
<Musoko> When I find him, I'll deal with that.  Until then, you warn him to stop touching my property.
* Nissa glares, eyes sparking exactly the way her brother's did, only with a light purple look to it
<Nissa> YOUR property--Like fucking hell!
<Nissa> SHe hates you--and I MIGHT want to tell you that you weren't tho I'm sure you wish you were, were NOT her first.
* Nissa grins, almost triumphantly
* Musoko smirks as her shouting instantly has armed men in the room and chuckles, shaking his head as he waves them off
<Musoko> She's Shitako's girl .. Let her rant.
* Nissa blinkblinks
* Musoko watches them all slink off and disappear as quickly as they came
* Nissa glares at him, deciding to keep quiet that her brother was her first...not wanting him in trouble
* Musoko looks at her, face as hard as his eyes
<Musoko> ~I know I wasn't her first.  I'm not stupid.   And from as loyal as she is to your brother, I'm guessing it was him.  Right after the heroics the other night, 
wasn't it?~
* Musoko glares outright, his voice hardly more than a low growl
<Musoko> ~~I went back to HEAR him taking her...~~
* Nissa smirks, almost triumphantly at that
* Musoko 's fists clench .. eyes going piercing as they look at her
<Musoko> ~I will succeed.  Until my objective has been taken care of, I won't back off.~
<Nissa> You know, when I talked to Shitako about it, he almost had me beleiving that you're doing this for him.
<Nissa> Ya know? 
* Nissa glares at him still, leaning on the desk
<Nissa>  I think at one point you may have been..
* Musoko blinks, eyes going remarkably readable as surprise and obvious devotion to his brother flicker through them before glazing over again
<Nissa> But now? *snorts* I don't think that's the case...You're just a selfish bastard.
* Musoko glances around quickly before his voice is incredibly low...
<Nissa> You actually WANT her now, don't you?
<Musoko> ~~.......I am...if I want him to live--~~
* Musoko outright roars at her..
* Nissa sniggers
* Musoko growls .. then looks visably shaken that he blew up at a kid
<Nissa> Yeah, it's a shame she hates you.
* Musoko sighs, forcing himself to relax
* Nissa smirks, liking shoving that in his face
<Musoko> ~Look.. my brother will be back soon.  I suggest you WAIT here QUIETLY.  I'm leaving to work.~
* Musoko turns and heads right out
<Nissa> Oh, like hell I'll be quiet you piece of shit!
* Shitako comes in a few minutes later, brow arched
<Shitako> Uh..Hi..the security told me you were here.. What's up?
* Nissa stops in mid-holler, blinking...glad she only said something along the lines of "You filt--.."
* Shitako blinkblinks ... looking at her
<Shitako> You..okay?
* Nissa blinks, looking at him, looking a little shaken before nodding a little
<Nissa> I..y-yeah, fine..
* Nissa sighs, brow furrowing
<Shitako> ~You sure?~
* Nissa nods slowly, suddenly feeling a bit guilty for doing this knowing he'd be coming home..
<Shitako> want something to eat..?  Some tea..?  To cheer you up?  Tsure makes wonderful goodies....??
* Shitako looks at her, eyes almost puppy-dogish..wanting her to cheer up
* Nissa blinks
<Nissa>, I'm ok..I just...Really only came to see you..
* Nissa chews at her lip
<Shitako> I..nothing at all?
* Shitako sighs, rubbing at the back of his neck
<Shitako> I..well...I-I'm gonna go change outta my work gear...I' right back down..
* Nissa nods
<Nissa> 'Kay....
* Nissa sighs, rubbing at her upper arms again, sitting on a chair
* Musoko pokes his head in a few minutes later
<Musoko> Shitako, there's a file......
* Musoko trails off, seeing him not in there and straightens
* Nissa blinks, then narrows her eyes
* Musoko almost laughs
<Musoko> You're ready to go at it again, kitten?
<Nissa> ~Dick..~
<Nissa> No, frankly, I wouldn't want to kick your ass in your own home. 
* Nissa forces a small smile
<Nissa> I'll leave that to Angelo, Klork and Mo'..
* Musoko shakes his head
<Musoko> You are a frisky one.  I hope my brother can deal with you.  He sure seems smitten.
* Nissa rolls her eyes
<Nissa> I care for him...just because I care for him, however, doesn't mean I have to put up with your crap.
* Musoko chuckles a little, shaking his head
<Musoko> Maybe .. just maybe, if I found someone like you, I'd soften, too.
* Musoko smirks outright
<Musoko> He wasn't always so goodie-two-shoes.
* Musoko bows just to annoy her
* Nissa looks up at him, unamused..
<Nissa> Oh buzz off, asshole..
* Musoko outright lauhgs, the sound following him down the hall before it stops and his voice is heard moments before Shitako comes back in
* Shitako comes back in .. looking puzzled now
<Shitako> I...what was he laughing at?
* Nissa glares at where he left, looking back up at him with a softened look
<Nissa> ~~...Nothing....~~
* Nissa sighs
* Shitako furrows his brow
<Shitako> So..what's up?
* Shitako goes over and sits next to her
<Shitako> I mean..what brought you here so late?
* Nissa leans on his shoulder
<Nissa> ~Just been thinking I guess...~
* Shitako blinks, looking at her, rubbing at her arm
<Shitako> 'Bout what?
* Nissa sighs
<Nissa> ~Lots of things...~
* Nissa closes her eyes momentarily, purring quietly
* Shitako blinkblinks .. then smirks
<Shitako> ~Heh.. how d'you do that..?  It's
* Nissa blinks, looking up at him
<Nissa> ~Do what??~ 
* Nissa didn't seem to notice she was purring..
* Shitako smiles, rubbing at her throat
<Shitako> ~I .. that sound..kinda like purring.~
* Nissa blinkblinks, purring again..then blinks again
<Nissa> ~I.........~~~~purred???~~~~~~
* Shitako nods a little
<Shitako> Heh..yeah..
* Nissa stares, then smirks a little, nearly tackling Shitako in a hug
* Shitako BLINKS, then laughs
<Shitako> I..what was this for?  Not that I'm complaining..I..heh.
* Nissa smirks a little, chewing at her lip again
<Nissa> ~I.heh...I have a lot of explaning..~
* Shitako arches a brow, then shrugs
<Shitako> I've got time.
* Nissa sighs shakily
<Nissa> ~I'm...not entirely put it bluntly~
* Shitako looks at her .. then shrugs a little
<Shitako> A lot of people aren't.  I've heard of the FoH .. don't agree with them at all.
* Nissa sighs shakily
<Nissa> ~Well, I'm part cat...and part turtle...Angelo and Vala are, as well...~
* Shitako shrugs again
<Shitako> ~Is that supposed to scare me away..?~
* Shitako looks a little crestfallen..
* Nissa furrows her brow
<Nissa> ~..But the purring..I don't know how good you are with taking to comitted relationships..~
* Shitako fidgets
<Shitako> ~I... I've never had a girlfriend before...I.. d-don't usually have the guts to talk to girls unless I really like them..~
* Nissa sighs shakily, really not sure how to say it...
<Nissa> my family...when you purr for someone whos NOT usually means you've...well, found your soulmate..~
* Shitako looks at her ... then smiles a bit .. then outright smirking
<Shitako> Heh...really?
* Nissa chews at her lip
<Nissa> ~Yeah..I..that doesn't scare you??~
* Shitako grins outright now
<Shitako> ~Not a bit.~
* Nissa chews at her lip, smirking a little
<Nissa> ~Honestly?~
* Shitako nods a bit, tracing his fingers through her hair
<Shitako> ~Yeah...honestly.~
* Nissa furrows her brow, hugging him tightly
* Shitako blinks, seeing her brow furrow
<Shitako> ~What..did I say something wrong..?~
* Nissa shakes her head
<Nissa> ~OH, no no...~
<Nissa> ~I just...not used to people being so accepting to what I am...~
<Shitako> you for YOU..Why would what you are change that?~
* Shitako looks a little puzzled
* Nissa chews on her lip, shrugging
<Nissa> Because not everybody is so open minded...
* Nissa glances over her shoulder at where Musoko went, brow furrowing before it smoothes and she nearly tacklehugs him again
* Shitako chuckles, hugging her back closely ..
<Shitako> ~So..wanna go out to a late late night dinner or something?~
* Nissa smirks
<Nissa> sounds good..
* Shitako smiles, standing and helping her, grabbing his jacket
* Nissa hops up, pulling on her sweat shirt
Session Close: Sat Sep 08 00:00:09 2001
