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Session Start: Tue Sep 18 23:13:28 2001
* Angora sighs, sitting down, wearing her green outfit, looking up at Mal'
<Angora> You sure do shop a lot..*smirks slightly*
* Musoko hobbles down the street on crutches .. a glare set on his face, his face stitched up badly ... heading towards the park to visit his brother
* Maleeiah grins a bit, looking over at her
<Maleeiah> D'ya blame me! I don't think I ever had this much money in my HEAD .. let alone in m'LIFE!!
* Angora smiles
* Maleeiah leans back against the bench, the bags and bags at her feet
<Angora> You want something to eat?
* Maleeiah shakes her head at the same time her stomach growls and grins sheepihsly
<Maleeiah> Heh...guess I do.
<Angora> Hot dogs sound ok? *looks at the booth that's across from them*
* Musoko manages to make it there.. his brother hurriedly bringing him the chair to sit on
* Maleeiah nodnods
<Maleeiah> Oh yeah, anything fatty I can get my hands on is good!  
<Angora> Ok, I'll be right back then..*chuckles, heading over there to get some...n' up in a bun with a few loose strands framing her face and dangling to 
her shoulders*
* Maleeiah winks, closing her eyes
<Maleeiah> You do that.
* Musoko is grimacing in pain .. his brother giving him some water as he hands him a brown paper bag--lunch from Tsure today
* Angora comes up to the cart, already digging through her purse for her wallet
* Musoko blinks ... then tries to sit up a little, hissing through his teeth in pain
<Musoko> I-It's you...I...
* Angora blinkblinks, looking up, then blinks!
<Angora> I...jesus, don't do that if it hurts. *goes over, kneeling* How are you doing???
* Musoko manages a dry laugh
<Musoko> Been better.... but better than I was.
* Musoko looks up at his brother
<Musoko> Shitako, this one's on me... She's the one that stitched me up.
* Musoko watches as his brother's eyes go a little wide and he nods "Anything you want, miss!"
* Angora blinks
* Musoko grimaces, trying to get himself comfortable, his arms aching from having 'crutched' it all the way through the park
<Angora> I just..helped you until the ambulance came for you...*chews at her lip*
* Musoko sighs
<Musoko> It .. was enough.  
<Musoko> You probably kept me alive.
<Musoko> I was wondering ..
* Angora furrows her brow, ordering a hot dog for her and one for Maleeiah, attempting to wave her over..
* Angora looks back at him
<Angora> Hmm?
* Maleeiah has her eyes closed, head leaned back on teh bench..oblivious
* Musoko grimaces a bit in pain
<Musoko> If...when I recooperate.. if you would let me repay taking you out to dinner?
* Angora blinks, eyes softening a little before she looks up at him
<Angora> I..I can't quite refuse that, can I?
* Angora smirks, almost looking playful..
* Musoko smiles a little, the look a painful one, though
<Musoko> I... was hoping you couldn't resist THIS face...
* Musoko winks, then hisses as that hurts
* Angora grimaces
* Maleeiah mutters, looking up at what's taking so long..then blinks..dragging her bags over
<Maleeiah> Hey...Angy?  Issis the guy?
* Angora then goes around back with Shitako, getting a small baggie from underneath, having used to rob these things, digging ice out and putting it into the baggie
* Angora blinks, looking up
<Angora> Hmm? I..yeah, This is my friend Maleeiah. *looks to Muso...then her brow furrows as she walks over with the ice*
* Musoko blinks, looking up, grimacing as that pulls at his back, which is throbbing
<Angora> I...don't thiink I got your name...*furrows her brow, settling the bag of ice in his hands*
<Maleeiah> Hey.. heard 'bout you gettin' busted up pretty bad.  Hope the hospital done ya right.
* Musoko takes it, putting the ice to his throbbing temple
* Angora frowns
<Musoko> Musoko... *griamces* Musoko Mondai.  Live up the street a bit..
* Musoko looks up at Angora's friend
<Angora> It seems they've short changed him his pain medication....
<Musoko> Maleeiah...s'nice to meet two pretty ladies who aren't snobs.
<Angora> Angora Leanne Curric....
* Musoko smirks, then looks back to Angy
<Musoko> I.....Angora...very beautiful name.
* Angora quirks a brow, then chuckles
* Musoko grimaces again, muttering
<Musoko> I wish...I knew these wouldn't leave scars.   I'm going to be quite frightening to look at once I heal.
* Maleeiah is busy eyeing her hotdog, which Angy has yet to give her, then blinks
* Angora frowns..passing the hot dog to Maleeiah
<Maleeiah> Angy, hun .. don't that lady we're stayin' with have all those concotions o' stuff that'll heal the anything?
* Angora blinks, then nods
<Angora> As a matter of fact...
* Maleeiah grabs it, thanking her, scarfing
* Angora nods
* Musoko chuckels
<Angora> I...if it wouldn't be any trouble...we could have her help...
<Musoko> I doubt... anything could cure what scars these'll bring.
* Maleeiah snorts
<Maleeiah> Don't doubt this lady. She's got sum mazin' stuff in that house of hers!
* Maleeiah polishes off her dog .. looking hungrilly at another..
* Musoko looks back at Shitako
<Musoko> Another one for the lady here?  Before she eats it out of your hand?
* Angora chuckles
* Musoko watches as Shitako hands Maleeiah another one, the woman taking it and eating it a little less quickly
<Angora> Somebody made herself hungry with all of the exhausting shopping she's been doing..
<Musoko> Shopping, eh?
* Musoko chuckles
* Maleeiah snorts, pausing in her eating
* Angora nods, smirking a little as she starts eating a little
<Maleeiah> If you were suddenly takin' in by a really rich, POSH lady that gave ya'll the money ya could DREAM of, would ya turn it down?!
* Maleeiah smiles
<Maleeiah> Ms. Shikiba SURE is a nice lady!  Helpin' us off the street like that.
* Musoko 's eyes harden a little .. suddenly interested
* Angora nods, still eating
<Musoko> Ms.. Shikiba, you say?  Older or younger?
<Angora> Older...took us in when she found us on the streets..
<Musoko> Ahh.. my brother is one of her kenpo students. 
* Angora finishes, setting her trash in the bin
<Angora> She's training me a little...I envy her skill sometime..
<Musoko> She is a very generous lady, indeed...
* Angora smiles whistfully
* Angora nods
* Musoko smiles, loosing the calculating look
<Musoko> You'll match her someday, as long as you keep practicing.
<Angora> I'd be dead were it not for her. *sighs, sipping at some water* 
* Angora chuckles
<Angora> Oh, I doubt that...She has years of practice behind her...
* Maleeiah finishes now, throwing her trash away
<Maleeiah> Right, that.   We'd be STARVED in yer old jeep if it weren't for her!
<Maleeiah> You woulda had to sell everthing IN that covers..back seat..blanket.. steerin' wheel cover...hangin' stuff from the mirror...cover..n' WE 
STILL'A starved, cuz you wouldna sold that jeep!
<Angora> I meant that she found me after I'd been mugged..*smirks a little*  You mighta died in the jeep, however.
* Maleeiah blinks .. eyes softening
<Maleeiah> Yeah... that... I'm greatful to her for that.
* Musoko blinks
<Musoko> You were mugged?
* Angora blinks, then nods
<Angora> First night we were here...I took a walk alone in Central Park...
* Angora smirks
<Angora> I'm not a local, if you couldn't tell..
* Musoko shakes his head, eyes getting a little distant look ... one they'll probably figure he's getting because if HIS being attacked
<Musoko> ~..It's not safe to walk the park at night...for anyone..~
* Angora almost looks ashamed of that fact, staring at her water
<Angora> Heh...I know that now..
* Musoko shakes his head
<Musoko> Now don't you go frowning on me.  You're not allowed.
* Musoko smiles a bit, a charm in him that was taught early
* Angora arches a brow, smirking a bit
<Musoko> Pretty ladies aren't allowed to frown.
* Angora just shakes her head
<Angora> You enjoy flattery? *smirks a little*
* Maleeiah smirks, buying a snowcone off of Shitako
<Maleeiah> You need it, Angy!  You ain't never been flattered by a gentleman in yer LIFE.
<Maleeiah> Always been street scums!
* Musoko smirks
<Musoko> A gentleman to the end, I am.  Would you refuse my compliment?
* Angora grimaces, staring at her drink again
* Musoko 's eyes look like he's winning
* Angora blinks, looking up
<Angora> Hm...let me think on it. *smirks a little*
* Musoko sighs, looking at his watch as it beeps
<Musoko> Well.. I have an appointment with a physical therapist to get to.
* Musoko points to his leg
* Angora grimaces
* Musoko grabs his crutches, tucking them under his arms
<Angora> If you ever need help...
<Musoko> So..I will hear from you later?
* Musoko hands her a slip of paper with his phone number
* Angora blinks, then nods...blinking again and taking it
<Musoko> Call me about that dinner, if you haven't seen or heard from me by the time I'm healed.
* Angora blinks, then smiles
<Angora> How will I know when that will be?
* Musoko sighs
<Musoko> Three weeks of therapy...PAST what it'll take to heal, which they say is another four weeks..
* Musoko mutters...
<Musoko> Give it about a month. 
* Angora nods
<Angora> Alright...take care of yourself....
* Musoko starts turning on his crutches
<Musoko> You, and you as well, Maleeiah.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to find a gimp-friendly cab.
* Musoko smiles, then hobbles off
* Musoko pauses...
<Musoko> See you at home, Shitako!
* Musoko then goes on
* Angora grimaces, finishing her water
<Angora> ~He must be in so much pain...Who would do such a thing to a person?~
* Maleeiah sighs, shaking her head slowly
<Maleeiah> ~Dunno...mebbe the same people that did it to you?~
* Angora shrugs
<Angora> Maybe..
* Maleeiah lifts up her bags
<Maleeiah> Mind helpin' me lug this lot home?
* Angora picks up a few, shrugging
<Angora> Sure...shall we?
<Maleeiah> I'll help ya look fer that scar removin' stuff Thera said she had.  Then ya can call yer fella and patch him up right.
* Angora blinks, face a little red.."Ok...heh, My fella eh?"
* Maleeiah nods, saying nothing else, but smirks at the look on Angy's face
* Angora just shakes her head, heading home
Session Close: Tue Sep 18 23:51:02 2001
