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Session Start: Wed Sep 19 21:05:15 2001
* Klork walks down towards his work, looking at his watch later that evening
* Klork looks up, blinking when he sees her sitting on the bench in front of the Pizzeria...going over and sittng beside her
<Klork> Hey you..
* Kameko blinks, then scoots to the other side of the bench, saying nothing
* Klork blinks
<Klork> I..what??
* Klork scoots closer
<Klork> C'mon, Kame...What's wrong???
* Kameko shakes her head
<Kameko> Nuthin'.
* Klork frowns
<Klork> I'm sorry...that I didn't tell you the whole deal earlier...I was in the middle of something..
<Klork> you want to hear about the rest of it...?
* Klork furrows his brow
* Kameko furrows her brow, still not looking at him
<Klork> Kame...please?
<Kameko> ~....You didn't even tell me or Mother that you were going to.. I thought family told eachother this stuff..~
* Klork sighs shakily
<Klork> I didn't even know I was going to, Kame..I just....did...
<Klork> I've had the ring..because I saw it in a window a week ago..Thought it was neat and it reminded me of her..
<Klork> I had no intention of making it an engagement ring..until last night..
* Kameko kicks at the cement .. saying nothing
<Klork> ~Kame..We were walking with each other...talking about..the baby she lost...I was touched that she wanted to share that with me...~
<Klork> ~So I took her to the imagine shrine..and proposed...I had to..It seemed so right...~
* Kameko whimpers, curling her knees up under her chin after he says "baby"
* Klork blinks.....brow furrowing
<Kameko> ~....As long as you love her.. and won't hurt her..~
<Klork> ~I do, Kame..I swear it..~
<Klork> ~And I'd never hurt her...~
* Klork pauses
<Klork> ~Kame..there's something else wrong...~
* Kameko shakes her head
<Kameko> ~No..I'm not going to ruin your day any more than I already have.~
* Klork blinks...
<Klork> ~Kame, you haven't ruined a thing..please....tell me? That's what I'm here for...~
* Kameko just kinda rocks herself .. saying nothing
* Klork scoots over, putting an arm around her shoulder
<Klork> ~Kame...?~
* Kameko sniffles, shaking her head
<Kameko> ~~I.......I don't know who it is.....!~~
* Klork blinks..
<Klork> ~What do you mean, sis?~
* Kameko shudders, sinking back against the bench, pinching her eyes shut
<Kameko> ~~~~.....The father... I don't know who it is!~~~~
* Klork pulls her close, then blinkblinks
* Kameko hiccups, sobbing outright now
<Klork> ~Oh jesus...Kame...~
<Klork> there anything I can do to help?~
<Kameko> ~A-and when I heard that you'd proposed to Mo, it g-got me thin-thinking..~
<Kameko> ~~Wh-what if the baby..i-isn't Angelo's?  I-I don't want him feeling like he's being force-forced into anything..~~
* Klork sighs shakily
<Kameko> ~~B-but if it i-is.. I don't want him to-to do anything because he feels re-responsible..~~
<Klork> ~Kame..I seriously doubt you'd be forcign him on know he loves you...~
<Klork> ~Talk to him about it...?  Seriously, it might help..~
<Kameko> ~But.. I-....I-If it isn't HIS...I...~
* Kameko shudders again, cutting herself off
* Klork sighs
<Klork> ~We can find out...~
* Kameko pales, shaking now
<Kameko> ~~.......I-I'm afraid...t-to know...~~
* Klork blinks, then slowly nods
<Klork> ~Still..let Angelo know..? I'm sure either way, he'll love you..and the child..~
* Kameko goes silent again, just crying
* Kameko hiccups, trying to talk, though
* Klork holds her, letting her do so
<Kameko> ~I-I'm so...sorry!  I didn't want rui-ruin your d-d-day!~
<Klork> ~You didn't Kame...I'm glad you told me. I would do anything to be big brother to you, you know that?  I love you, sis..~
* Kameko sniffles
* Klork reaches into his pocket ..offering a kleenex
<Kameko> ~I....I got scared....I-I thought y-you mi-might hate......hate the b-baby....~
* Klork frowns
<Klork> ~Kame...the baby, no matter who the father, is innocent...I could never hate a child in your womb...they'll always be my niece or nephew...~
* Klork smirks
* Kameko hiccups "niece" ..
* Klork blinks
<Klork> ~How'd you know?~
<Kameko> ~W-we a-always have g-girls firstborn...m-mostly ONLY have g-girls...Cousin Sammy wa-was different.~
<Klork> *nods* ~Makes sense...~
<Klork> ~...She'll be as beautiful as her mother..~
* Kameko snorts, then grabs for the kleenex desperately as that doesn't help her running nose
<Kameko> R-right..!
<Klork> ~...I'm serious!..*hands her another*  Kame...she will be..~
* Kameko sighs shakily, looking up at him
<Kameko> ~~....Y-you....don't think he'll hate me...i-if it isn't his..?~~
* Klork shakes his head
* Kameko twists her hands together, tearing at her skin a few times with her nails, she's that nervous about it
<Klork> ~He loves you too much to hate you, Kame...~
* Kameko bites her lip ... nodding .. but not really looking convinced of her own thoughts
* Klork sighs, hugging her tightly
<Klork> ~Trust me?~
* Kameko nods a little again
<Kameko> ~I...I don't know when to tell him...~
* Klork rests his arms around her, looking like the perfect image of a protective older bro
<Klork> Give it a few more days...Let yourself get accustomed to the fact before telling him.
* Kameko furrows her brow, nodding a little
<Kameko> ~He's gonna wonder... if I'm moping around all over again..~
* Klork nods
<Klork> ~He might...but, you won't be avoiding him...will you?~
* Kameko shakes her head
<Kameko> I.. don't know how often I'll be talking..~
* Klork sighs...
<Klork> ~I know... but keep close to him?~
* Kameko chews at her lip, nodding a little
<Kameko> ~~.......I feel so cheap......~~
* Kameko 's shoulders sink a little
<Kameko> ~~......Saying I don't knwo who the father is..~~
* Klork frowns
<Klork> ~You're not cheap, Kame, you're far from it..~
* Kameko swallows a little
<Kameko> ~~......Still feel it...and dirty..~~
* Klork nods, looking around
<Klork> ~You wanna go home?  I'll take you there?~
* Kameko nods a little, sniffling, wiping at her nose
<Kameko> ~Yeah....~
* Klork stands, helpin her up
* Kameko shivers a little
<Kameko> ~Got..cold..~
Session Close: Thu Sep 20 00:15:10 2001
