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Session Start: Tue Sep 25 19:49:00 2001
<Kameko> {{...Angelo?}}
<Angelo> {{Hmm..?}}
<Kameko> {{Y..You okay?}}
* Kameko 's voice (mental as it may be) is shakey
<Angelo> {{Yeah...why???  You ok??}}
<Kameko> {{....He was at the park again.. With Shitako.}}
<Kameko> {{Shitako didn't do ANYTHING.. he left as soon as he'd helped Muso stand with his crutches.}}
* Kameko adds that in quickly
<Kameko> {{...But they.. HE..said that they know....and they said it's his...}}
<Kameko> {{...And..they're watching me... and you.}}
<Kameko> {{Be careful!?  They said that they were going to 'cause an accident' at the sight...!}}
<Angelo> {{.....Well...}}
* Kameko blinks, eyes going a little wide before she concentrates again
<Kameko> {{Are you okay?!}}
<Angelo> {{We did have a few rookies today...They're japanese...I'll keep my eye on em'..}}
<Angelo> {{No, no..I'm fine..}}
* Kameko leans back, looking relaxed now
<Kameko> {{~Please...I'm so scared... I don't want you hurt..~}}
<Angelo> {{I understand...You be careful as well, ok?}}
<Kameko> {{....Yeah... When you off today?}}
<Angelo> {{I am off...I'm here at home helping Vala with her homework.....Nissa went off to find Shitako..}}
<Kameko> {{..You're home..?  I could have just called and avoided a headache..??}}
* Kameko groans
<Angelo> {{I...heh, probably...It's good to hear from you here, however...}}
<Kameko> {{*sighs*   You owe me a scalp massage... my head throbs...}}
<Angelo> {{Well, you could come over...Vala's going to bed...}}
<Kameko> {{.......You're done helping her with her homework already?}}
<Angelo> {{ she just zonked...She's got a slight cold...}}
<Kameko> {{Ah...I'll be there soon, then..}}
<Angelo> {{Ok...Take care??}}
<Kameko> {{...Nah.. you'll take care of me soon enough.}}
<Angelo> {{True enough..}}
* Kameko *blips* home, appearing in the kitchen to his apartment with the same pink spark
* Angelo looks up, smirking
<Angelo> Hey beautiful...
* Kameko sighs, pocketing her hands in her sweater jacket pockets, shaking her head
<Kameko> Not beautiful.  And my head is throbbing... I should have tried calling first..
* Kameko sits in a chair at the table, holding her head and massaging her temples
* Angelo walks over, picking her up
<Angelo>  You are, too...
* Angelo sits with her on his lap, massaging her temples for her
<Angelo> Here..let me?
* Kameko blinkblinks .. then leans back, too limp to argue
<Kameko> Mm..'k.  
* Angelo purrs quietly, smirking as he continues
<Kameko> Vala get her homework done?  Or did she just leave it?
* Angelo chuckles
<Angelo>  Nope, but it doesn't matter..She's too sick to go to school tomorrow, anyway...
* Kameko furrows her brow...
<Kameko> Aww... she need anything?
* Angelo shrugs
<Angelo>  Not so far, just sleep at the moment..But in the morning she may be feelin' it...I think she's caught the flu...
* Kameko frowns, looking worried
<Kameko> ~Poor kid... Mmm..feels good, though.~
* Kameko sinks back s'more, eyes closing
* Angelo pulls her close, still purring, still massaging her temples...
* Kameko sighs ... opening her eyes slowly to look at him
<Kameko> ~...You have remarkable control, you know that...?~
* Angelo blinks
<Angelo>  Oh?  
* Kameko chuckles, closing her eyes
<Kameko> ~Mmhmm... You haven't tried...I..well... ANYTHING...since...~
* Kameko trails off, shivering a little
* Angelo sighs
<Angelo> ~Only because I don't want to hurt you.....It's not that I have super control..Believe me, I've had quite a few cold showers...~~
* Kameko traces her hands over his arms, reaching up to hold his wrists
<Kameko> ~~I'm sorry....~~
* Angelo smiles slightly, kissing her brow before he stops to take her hands
<Angelo> ~Issok..~
* Kameko smiles, standing and taking his hands
<Kameko> ~We go to bed..?~
* Kameko 's looks at him .. eyes telling him what she won't with words.. still kinda afraid of saying it..
* Angelo nods, lifting her up and carrying there
<Angelo> Yup.
* Angelo smiles softly, heading there with her, eyes getting the hint
Session Close: Tue Sep 25 22:07:08 2001
