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Session Start: Sat Mar 23 15:38:15 2002

* Keelin is on her high horse <G>

* Keelin is on Aidens' high horse..

* Diana smirks a little as she walks, looking around cautiously, hood covering her bright hair*

* Rislyn just walks, sulking that she has to wear a dress

* Keelin continues ..keeping up the rear with the horse...letting Dev to take lead..

* Dev, of course, yep, takes the lead 'n stuff...*

* Rislyn glances over at Mitch..

<Rislyn> You keep looking skyward, you're going to run into the horse's butt.

* Mitch blinks, and glances back. "-how?"

<Rislyn> Fine..then someone in front of you..

* Diana chuckles softly...*

* Rislyn rolls her eyes, glowering at her feet again

<Mitch> .oO(It's so... open.) He shakes his head, looking around. .oO(I miss walls. Walls are good.)

* Keelin smiles a little, watching as the path grows narrow .. thick forests beginning to line each side of the path..* <q> Be on guard ..

* Rislyn tenses, hand ready at her side to conjure her sword, if need be

<Mitch> .oO(Okay. Focus, Mitch. Get paranoid.)

* Diana nods lightly, staying seemingly relaxed, hands and arms hidden under her cloak...Dev moving along cautiosly up front*

* Mitch shakes his head again, a little harder - as if shaking things off - and slings the crossbow around, resting his arm across the groove.

* Keelin has her bow at ready, arrow drawn as she watches the side that Dev isn't ..

* Rislyn just watches ahead..seemingly not caring about anything that could come from the sides

<Mitch> "Where are we headed?"

<Dev> <q> Castle...

* Keelin shifts, still her horse for a moment..eyeing some amounts of thick brush to the side* {{ the left .. is that a scout or a shadow.?}}

* Dev looks over, flute at the readyy to cast a defense spell....*

* Keelin pulls an arrow out swiftly, aiming for the suspected area...her horse still

* Mitch glances at the others, and unslings the crossbow... as he racks the string back, pulling out a bolt, he watches the OTHER side of the path...

* bush rustles...*

* Rislyn blinks, looking around at everyone, wondering why everyone is getting all set to attack, turned and looking behind them

* Dev plays a soft tune, the spell seaking out what it is rustling the bush..*

* panicked rushing feet can be heard running away .. it was a scout*

<Keelin> Shit--can't let him get away with the information he has..!

* Dev turns the spell into a containing spell and takes off after him*

* Rislyn blinks, then glares, looking like she's going to run out after them

* Rislyn then does so, dashing as best she can in that dang dress, sphere of blue/purple appearing under her outstretched palm before solidifying into her sword, gripping it tightly

* Scout runs, a half-breed, trying his damndest to get away n' fast*

* Mitch stays by Diana... he eyes the horse, and mutters, "Nice horsie."

* Keelin blinkblinks, gritting her teeth

<Keelin> Nobody else run off--understood..??

* Mitch reaches up and snags the reins as Rislyn vaults off, and stands there, watching the woods.

* Dev, reaches out finally and snags the scout..*

* Rislyn growls, running as best she can, trying to catch up to Dev

* Keelin keeps her bow and arrow at ready .. looking around, the horse is oddly calm if not used to this

<Mitch> "What information does he have? I mean, we're just, y'know, going through the woods."

* Scout erks, going backwards by the collar of his tunic* Let me be!!

* Keelin sighs, glancing down at him

* Diana holds her sword at the ready as she scans the trail*

<Keelin> He's a scout for Lord Revelyn..we are TRYING to attain surprise ...

* Rislyn sees them finally and hurries over, sword drawn as she walks over to them both

* Dev yanks him back against a tree*

<Mitch> "Oh." He flushes, having had the wrong idea entirely, and looks at the trees.

* Scout reels, hitting his head against the trunk with a loud THWACK, still struggling none the less* I wouldn't tell a soul of your coming--let me live!?

* Dev arches a brow and looks to Ris* What do you think of this?

* Rislyn 's eyes slowly move over to Dev, arching a brow

<Rislyn> I think he lies to save his own neck.

<Rislyn> You?

* Keelin looks around..* <q> They usually travel alone .. but many are killed by orcs or goblins due to them being easy prey ...

* Scout struggles, shaking his head* N-NO! I wouldn't dare it with present company!

* Dev nods* I agree. *takes out his daggar* Why should we spare you, then?

<Scout> I would be of service to you..! I could find a safer path!

* Rislyn traces the edge of her sword down the struggling scout's arm

<Rislyn> You do lead us to a trap, you are the first to die..

<Mitch> Muttered. "Okay, it's a hit on a pusher with connections and a good-luck charm. You know this game."

* Keelin keeps her eyes peeled, waiting for them to come back ..

* Dev nods in agreement with Ris*

* Scout struggles, almost smiling before shaking his head* I wouldn't dare it..! Just let me live..??

* Rislyn 's mouth twitches a little at the corner, glancing at Dev to see if he saw it

<Rislyn> I think we should kill him anyway.

* Dev arches a brow, and nods lightly to Ris* Hold him? I have something I wish to do...

* Scout shakes his head frantically* You needn't kill me! I can be of use! I swear it!! Please?!

* Rislyn 's sword absorbs back into her body, and she uses her upperarm strength to pin him to the tree

* Keelin tilts her head..listening* From the sound of it I believe they caught him ...

* Rislyn then looks at Dev

* Scout erks, getting pinned, eyes wide as he looks at her*

<Rislyn> Go right ahead. He's nto going anywhere.

* Rislyn smirks up at him

<Rislyn> <q> Surprise...

* Dev nods his thanks and takes his flute out again, weaving a truth seeking spell, trying to compell him to give as much true information as he knows to them...*

* Scout sputters, eyes widening* A bard...?! You're--*blinks, eyes widening before he bites his lip, refusing to speak*

* Rislyn slams him back against the tree

<Rislyn> You know..I REALLY dislike men.. I suggest you speak, or you'll die painfully.

* Dev arches a brow, bright blue eyes sparkling dangerously, adding force to the spell...*

* Mitch blinks, hearing the pure tones of a flute on the edges of the breeze, but doesn't react. .oO(She did say he was a bard...)

* Scout sputters, eyes wide* Seventeen orcs .. paid and working for Revelyn--a mile ahead in the path..!

* Rislyn growls, eyes narrowing more and more as she listens to what he's saying...eyes telling Dev to let with him when they've got all the information they need....

* Dev nods a little, continuing the spell, searching for any more info...and nods again to Ris*

* Scout squirms, face saying he knows he'll die for the information he's giving .. if not from them from Revelyn* <q> He has been informed of your coming ... the two that were here before .. he does not know of the other three you travel with..

* Scout's head lowers...* <q> I know nothing more ..

<Rislyn> ...I think that is as much as we will get...

* Dev nods a little, lowering his flute* Aye...thank you. Deal with him as you will, Ris...

* Rislyn smirks darkly .. eyes looking up at the scout

<Rislyn> <q> Gladly..

* Scout's head snaps up* I can lead you away from the orc--Please?!?!!!

* Keelin grimaces, shaking her head..

<Keelin> <q> He is taken care of ...

* Diana nods with a slight grimace*

* Rislyn looks over at Dev ... then sighs

* Dev sighs a little and shakes his head, weaving the spell again, this time to get directions <G> *

* Scout grimaces, muttering before telling them the way around* the path forks ahead..take the left is longer but not as dangerous ...

* Mitch glances at Keelin, then away. .oO(Daiben okoru. You're back in the nightlife, Morgan. It's what you wanted.)

* Dev nods a bit, eyeing the scout before lowering the flute again*

* Rislyn 's face looks all the world like she's changing her mind ... then her sword lashes out, dealing a fatal blow as she stares the scout in the eyes* <q> You'll receive your dues in the next world..

* Scout sputters .. then sinks....dead of course*

* Rislyn 's sword absorbs back into her body and she looks calmly over at Devnet

<Rislyn> Is that all we needed? It's a little late to ask more.

* Dev nods a bit* Aye...I know of the path...come...let us return to the others?

* Rislyn nods, going along ... glancing back at the dead scout before continuing on back to the group

* Dev heads back and looks around* The next fork in the path, we go left...keep your guards up..

* Mitch half-raises the crossbow as they come into sight - then lowers it again, recognizing them.

* Keelin furrows her brows with a small sigh, looking up when she catches sight of them* Left..? Tht's an extra four miles ...

* Rislyn just continues walking, entire body tense now ...

<Rislyn> There's an ambush waiting the other fork.

* Keelin blinks..then nods

* Dev nods* He has layn a trap down...*leads the waay...nodding in agreement with Ris*

<Keelin> If anybody feels need to ride, I can walk for a while ..

<Dev> {{He knew of you and I, love...not of the other three...}}

* Rislyn looks like she's got some inner battle going on, stiff as she continues onward

<Keelin> {{AH .. makes more sense..}} *turns, following the group*

* Mitch follows, keeping the crossbow out and cocked

* Diana nods a little, just staying cloaked and hooded as she goes on...*

<Mitch> Quietly, to Diana. "How're you doing?"

* Diana looks over to Mitch from under the hood, smirking slightly* <q> Ne...I have been better...this part of Underhill is just...*shakes her head a little* I'll be fine...

<Mitch> "Nani kore? Just what?" He keeps his eyes on the road ahead.

* Diana turns her eyes back to the trail* <q> It simply reminds me of what happened the last time I was here is all...not plesant memories...

<Mitch> He nods slowly. "Rather not talk about it?"

<Diana> <q> least until once we get back...those wounds were healed only partially...I don't want them tearing any more...

<Mitch> .oO(Come on... think of something, you schmuck...) "We can, y'know, talk about it over dinner... you still owe me spaghetti..." He glances at her and half-grins, trying to cheer her up a little.

* the squirrels at the side of the path watch them ominously*

* Diana chuckles softly* Hai...that I do...*grins over at him, her eyes are shaded, but the curve of her lips can be seen*

* Dev resists the urge to shoot the squirls with blow-darts*

<Mitch> Quietly. "This feels so weird... yeah, I know trees and grass and I think I've even seen some of this shit in the mall... but not all bunched up and, and BIG like this."

* Rislyn glances back at them

* up ahead, two of the squirrels are watching Dev, a stockpile of sharpened nuts at their side*

* Diana chuckles softly* <q> It is beatiful, ne? You have never been in the mountains I take it...

<Rislyn> You..are not used to trees..?

* Dev shoots them a warning look, fingering his flute*

<Mitch> To pretty much both of them. "Manhattan born and bred. Never been off the island."

<Mitch> He amends it. "Until, y'know, now."

* Diana chuckles softly*

* Keelin continues to ride, quietly, tracing her fingers over the feathers of her arrows

<Keelin> {{Careful, Dev, those squirrels are quite dangerous in these parts...*mockingly*}}

* one of the squirrels chatters something and flicks his tail, the rodent equivilant of the middle finger*

* Rislyn blinks, then BLINKS

<Rislyn> Shit!

<Dev> {{I'm not THAT paranoid...thbt!}}

* Mitch half-turns, glancing at Rislyn.

* Rislyn draws her sword, looking behind them at the big -GREEN ugly thingy that comes their way

* Keelin tilts hr head

* Dev blinks, looking around for un-squirlike danger, then widens his eyes, casting a sheild spell*

* Keelin blinks, steering her horse to face the other way, immediately firing arrows at it..

* Diana turns, summoning her own bow, her arrows joining Kee's in flying at the monstah*

* Orc comes lumbering their way, club raised over his head, getting hit by a few and getting thrown back .. then his eyes go all "wounded animal" and he comes at them at a full run

* Mitch raises his crossbow and fires, the bolt burying itself in the ground halfway there... he curses, racking the string back and grabbing another bolt

* up in the branches, the squirrels suddenly start scuttling back and forth, jumping between tree to tree*

* Dev weaves a spell trying to slow the Orc*

* Orc makes it closer, swinging his club at them, loosing strength fast, though

* Diana continues firing...*

<Keelin> Shit..!! *fires more, prayin' for a miracle arrow to hit it's eyes, steering the horse out of the way .. her arm getting nicked by the club*

* Mitch hauls the crossbow up and fires again, punching a broadhead arrow through the meat of its thigh

* Orc falls dead, getting two arrows in the Kee's and the other from one of the others, the one in his thigh embeded deep as he falls

* Rislyn just stares, eyes wide

<Rislyn> Okay..I'm fine with attacking ...people that are evil...but THINGS that are evil?!

<Rislyn> What the hell WAS that?

* Keelin grits her teeth, lowering the arrows n' bow..

* Diana lowers her bow and gasps softly...* An Orc...

<Mitch> " orc."

<Keelin> An orc. *grimaces, rubbing at her arm once the bow is out of the way...then blinks at Mitch* I'm quite surprised you know what it is..

* Rislyn just shakes her head

<Keelin> Last I checked they do not reside in Manhattan.

<Mitch> To Keelin. "Page 281."

* Dev keeps watch 'n stuff*

* Keelin blinks, arching a brow

<Rislyn> And that is what was set up to ambush us? *looks at Dev with wide eyes*

<Keelin> ...Of what..???

<Rislyn> It took alot to knock down the ONE..

* Dev nods* Aye...

<Keelin> How many were to ambush us..??

<Dev> Nasty creatures..

<Mitch> "Klork gave me this... game, I guess, big hardcover book called the Monster Manual. Told me it was like Underhill, to, y'know, find out what to expect."

<Mitch> "Everyone kept talking about orcs, so I kinda paid attention to that bit."

<Keelin> Ah..*blinks* interesting . *furrows her brow, pulling her cloak over her arm* Let's carry on ...

<Rislyn> 17, Keelin...were set up..

* Rislyn just kinda ..pulls her sword back into her, eyes still a bit wide

<Mitch> "Um. I don't know how accurate it was. But... under the bit about how many appeared? It was a BIG number."

* Keelin shakes her head...

<Keelin> Great ..

<Rislyn> And that was also with them just knowing about the two of you.

<Diana> Ne...Keelin...mind if I ride a little...? Getting a little hard to breath...

* Rislyn looks from Keelin to Devnet

<Keelin> We should move on .. more might follow..*looks to Diana...then nods, hopping down* Of course..

<Rislyn> They must want to two of you dead. Badly.

* Dev nods a little and shrugs lightly, Diana getting on the horse and thanking Keelin, Dev leading on once she's secure*

* Mitch approaches the corpse a little reluctantly... he pushes the leg over with his foot, plants the foot down, and yanks at the bolt... he grits his teeth, clasps both hands about it, and tears it out with a reluctant shearing of flesh.

* Dev leads on* We are enimies to his family...

<Keelin> Yes, Rislyn ... my family is the opposing ruling family to Revelyn' would be a great success and overcoming were he to be rid of me and have my brother in captivity.

* Keelin waits for Mitch to go on, still goig to take the rear ...

* Mitch swallows, almost covers his mouth, then straightens up and follows, flicking the bolt as he goes to get the blood and bits off.

* Rislyn shakes her head, then stiffens at the mention of Kevley...head lowering slightly

<Rislyn> <q> I see..

* Keelin follows, shifting her cloak over her arms again as she walks

<Mitch> .oO(This one actually hit. It's now my lucky bolt until such time as it doesn't hit.)

* Rislyn goes silent.. just walking as she looks down at the ground

* behind them, on the path, the squirrels suddenly boil out of the woods, biting onto the orc's limited garments, and dragging it out of sight behind the trees*

* Dev blinks, glancing back and smirking to Kee* {{Told you they're dangerous buggers...}} *continues on <G>*

* Mitch finally slides the bolt back into the crossbow, and watches the path, casting an occasional nervous glance behind them.

* Diana just ewws*

* Rislyn pauses ... then turns back to look at Keelin

<Keelin> Carniverous rodents...*watches them, looking sickly...before turning and going forward again*

<Rislyn> You alright?

<Mitch> Muttered. "I don't remember that..."

* Keelin blinks, tilting her head slightly* Bruised .. but well..

* Rislyn shakes her head

<Rislyn> Bruised doesn't smell like blood.

* Rislyn looks over at Dev

* Keelin raises her brows, still walking* You are smelling the orc blood ..

<Rislyn> The harpy in me wouldn't smell orc blood. It's attracted to more..human types of blood.

* from time to time, little beady squirrel-sized pairs of eyes can be seen watching them from the forest, always half-cloaked in shadow*

<Keelin> I'm elven. Perhaps Mitch is bleeding.

* Dev furrows his brows* Is someone among us injured? Bleeding?

* Keelin stays curt, walking

* Rislyn sighs, shaking her head, then POINTING at Keelin to Devnet, eyes saying "YES, SHE is!"

* Keelin rolls her eyes

* Mitch shakes his head. "...not unless it's my time of month, which, y'know, hasn't happened yet."

<Keelin> Were it fatal I wouldn't be walking, now would I? *draws her mouth to a thin line, just staring ahead as she goes*

* Dev sighs softly* Ris...take point...*falls back* <q> Keelin...let me see...

* Keelin rolls her eyes, pulling back her cloak .. her upper left arm is scraped from the club .. her blouse sleeve taking more damage than she did* I said it was nothing .. I meant it .

* Rislyn nods, doing so, eyes catious of ANYTHING at this point..glaring at the squirrels from time to time

* squirrels glare back*

* Dev nods* Alright...*grins a little at her, going to take point again*

* Rislyn sees the fork in the road coming up ...

* Rislyn slides back into uh...not point. <G>

* up ahead, a squirrel darts into the path, urinates briefly, then dashes into the trees*

* Keelin quirks a brow..

* Dev blinks and rolls his eyes* .oO(When did the rodentia get so...strange?)

* Mitch blinks at this. "-Christ, I thought the pigeons had balls."

* Keelin glances up at Diana

* Dev shakes his head slowly*

<Keelin> How are you faring...? We have water and some food if you need it..?

* Mitch glances back at Diana, then watches the path again, listening.

* Diana looks down at her and smirks lightly* I'm alright...domo...someone else can have the horse soon if they need ribs simply aren't healed all the way...

* Keelin shakes her head.. smiling* I think the rest of us are well .. you ride all you need..

* Diana returns the smile, face still half shadowed* Domo..

<Mitch> .oO(For once.)

* Keelin smirks, motioning for Mitch to take her riegns before falling back behind to keep watch again

* Rislyn just walks, mind elsewhere

* Mitch falls back enough to take the reigns, looping them around one arm.

* Keelin continues to walk, silently watching the woods...flicking a few rocks at the squirrels that glare at her...

* Rislyn just keeps walking, taking the left fork in the road with the others..

* Mitch glances around, almost instinctively, for a display clock... then he shakes his head, a little bemusedly. "Uh, how do you tell time?"

* Keelin points upward at the stars.

<Keelin> It's about nine in the eve..

* the squirrels she targets all duck under cover - not bolting and running like normal squirrels, but simply ducking behind a convenient tree or rock, then popping back out with a glare that says "Keep it up, biped">*

* Rislyn stops walking ... just standing there and staring at the ground

* Dev furrows his brows, looking into the forest* Step with care...I think I saw a bit of drider web just off the path...

* Mitch glances up. "I'll take your word for it..."

* Diana blinks and furrows her brows*

* Keelin blinks..glancing at Rislyn...

<Keelin> Ris...? *flashes a dagger at her hip to the squirrels* What is it..?

<Rislyn> .......I don't know..something..familiar..?

* Rislyn sounds more than a little lost, then shakes her head

<Rislyn> <q> Nevermind..

<Mitch> .oO(Drider. Uhh... drow? Part-spider. Hell of a lot more powerful than just drow. Hate sunlight.)

* Keelin shifts, brow furrowing

<Keelin> If' you're certain ..

* Keelin pauses..

* Diana nods from behind, then arches a brow*

<Keelin> ...I know you have Harpy in you, what else do you have in you? *keeps up the rear*

* Rislyn arches a brow, looking over at her

<Rislyn> I haven't a clue. Why?

* Dev keeps going...cautiously watching both sides of the path...tension filling the air...*

* Keelin tilts her head to the side, pulling her dagger free..

<Keelin> <q> Perhaps Drow ...?

* Rislyn furrows her brow

<Rislyn> What's drow..?

* Mitch tugs a greasy rag out from under his tunic, and wraps it around the head of one bolt, palming a cheap plastic lighter.

* bushes rustle to one side of the path*

* Keelin shifts, putting her dagger away bow and arrow taught..

* Rislyn sighs, shaking her head, figuring she's not going to get an answer...sword drawn and ready

* Dev leaps back as a huge spider-ish creature scuttles out*

* Keelin snaps her arrow back, firing at the Drider..

* Rislyn yelps, jumping back and staring at it..then just kinda stops, sword disappearing as she furrows her brow..

* Mitch flicks the lighter, and the rag catches fire, burning merrily as he pulls the crossbow to his shoulder

<Keelin> Rislyn ...! Your sword??! *fires again*

* Drider falls back, lashing a leg out at Mitch before turning to lunge at Keelin*

* Rislyn blinks, Keelin bringing her back, sword appearing as she leaps for the drider

* Mitch fires point-blank, the flaming barbs burying themselves into the Drider's chest as he takes the blow - not enough time to dodge - hurled back into the underbrush

* Rislyn lashes out, but not as strongly as she normally would, confused by how familiar this thing feels

* Keelin blinks, firing rapidly at the drider..murmuring a protection spell as she goes back

* Dev weaves a spell, kneeling by Mitch, Diana firing as well, the drider fumbling before falling back...and eventually dowwn...too many hits*

* Mitch coughs, pulling himself up - the tunic is torn, revealing a heavy mesh combat vest underneath, scraped but secure

* Keelin sighs shakily, glancing over

<Keelin> are you well...aside of your clothing..?

* Rislyn just kinda sinks, staring at the drider, not as if afraid of it, but still that same confusion

* Dev helps him, Diana looking over in concern too*

* Diana looks over to Ris* Are you alright?

<Mitch> "-fuck, man, I just piss things off-" He nods, standing with Dev's help and straightening himself out. "Yeah. I'm good."

* Rislyn nods a little, brow furrowed

<Rislyn> <vq> Wish I knew why....

* Mitch coughs again, palpitating his chest and wincing... he hooks the crossbow up, and walks over to retrieve his lucky bolt

* Rislyn sighs, sword disappearing as she stands, looking up at the others

* Dev nods...* Good...*sighs softly taking up point aggain*

<Rislyn> Glad you're alright, Mitch.

* Keelin looks over at Rislyn, brows furrowed..

<Keelin> But are you ..?

* Diana nods...still worried..*

* Rislyn furrows her brow, rounding on her

<Rislyn> Am I what?! Drow?? I don't have a clue!

<Rislyn> I don't know what the hell else is in me...

* Rislyn goes quiet with that last bit, though..losing her steam fast

* Mitch slings the crossbow under one arm as he hauls out a needle and thread from the rucksack, sewing up the rent in his tunic... he looks up, watching the byplay.

* Diana sighs softly*

<Rislyn> <w> I don't even know what "drow" is...

* Keelin blinks...

<Keelin> A Drow is sort of like a dark elf ..

* Rislyn rolls her eyes

<Keelin> that drider is half drow ..

<Mitch> Quietly. "Uhm... dark elf, mostly subterranean. Black skin. Hates sunlight, can't really see and is actually hurt by it if it's bright enough."

<Rislyn> Great. Two dark beings put in on--.......oh..

* Rislyn furrows her brow

<Rislyn> I don't have black skin. Don't like sunlight, yes, but that's because I prefer to be out at night when I'm not being harassed by people outside.

* Diana smiles thinly*

* Mitch ties off the thread, having closed up the tear with a surprising economy of motion, and tucks it back into the sack again as he brings the crossbow up once more.

* Keelin shrugs, continuing to walk

<Keelin> It was merely a suggestion ..

* Rislyn sighs, saying very quietly..

<Mitch> .oO(Christ, feels like I took a sledge to the chest.)

* Dev continues on...Diana watching the group with concern*

<Rislyn> <w> ...But Kevley spoke in your native language and I understood...

* Rislyn shakes her head, continuing to walk, just...lost look on her face

* Keelin tilts her head, watching Rislyn..

* Keelin continues to walk, shaking her head a little .. unsure what else to tell her

* Rislyn clears her throat

* Dev leads on, continuing to watch both sides of the path*

<Rislyn> So how much longer until we reach our destination?

<Mitch> "R- Rislyn... dunno if this is gonna help any. But most of us are kinda mutts in some way or another." He shrugs. "Who cares what you are so long as you're still Rislyn?"

<Dev> Depends on how many more attacks are in store...if hour at least...

* Rislyn blinks a little .. looking back at Mitch .. then smiling, one of the first genuine smiles she's ever shown anyone

<Rislyn> ...thanks.

* Keelin glances at RIslyn, then to Mitch .. then looks up at Dev before going back to her walking silently

* Diana smiles slightly, nodding in agreement with Mitch*

<Mitch> "Nandemo dai." He half-smiles in response.

* Rislyn sighs at the hour comment..just kinda nodding solemnly

* behind them, the squirrels drag the drider away*

* Diana wriinkles her nose at the dragging sound and the inevitable sssqueekings*

* in the underbrush, if anyone has REALLY sharp eyes, they can be seen essentially going through its pockets...*

* Keelin arches her brow..then slowly shakes her head, walking still

<Keelin> <q> Bastard rodents..

* Diana smirks in agreement*

* Rislyn just walks.. anxious now to get Kevley out..more anxious to see him, but she's damned if she'll admit THAT to anyone

* Mitch blinks, and turns to look behind him... "...that's really starting to freak me out."

* Dev nods* Aye...I don't remember the wildlife being quite so...greedy...

<Mitch> "Isn't it, y'know, the circle of life or something? This shit happens all the time, doesn't it?"

<Dev> Not quite with this....ferocity...

* Rislyn wishes she had a watch so she could see how fast time was going by...wanting to be there NOW...

<Keelin> I have to agree with Dev there...

* Mitch shrugs, turning again and walking with the path.

<Rislyn> <q> So what exactly happens when we get there..?

* one of the squirrels chatters with excitement, pulling a small pouch out from under a folded forelimb...*

* Keelin groans, shaking her head a bit before shrugging

<Keelin> We try to free him .. simple.

* Dev nods..*

* Rislyn sighs, as if saying, "Yeah, I know that..."

* tiny whispers of movement as rodents scuttle by, well out of sight*

<Rislyn> ...but what exactly are we up against when we DO get there..? An army of people, or or two?

* Diana listens quietly to the forest*

<Dev> Guards...Lord Revelyn himself at one point, I'm sure...

* Keelin shakes her head a little..

<Keelin> We will know when we see the castle..

<Rislyn> <q> So long as I can get him out, I don't care....I owe him that, at least..

* Rislyn just stares in front o fher, continuing to walk

* Diana furrows her brows as she rides*

* Keelin walks .. keeping quiet

<Mitch> .oO(Okay. She wants Kevley out. Diana wants Revelyn stopped.) He glances at Diana, then looks away. .oO(Guess you're her knight in shining armor.) .oO(...Christ, I can't believe you just said that. I just said that. Thought that.)

<Diana> <q> If we end up fighting my son...I do not want him killed...

<Mitch> .oO(Both of me, shut up. That's Devnet's job anyway.)

* Keelin glances up...

<Keelin> I had not intended to kill him..

* Rislyn mutters, but nods ...

* Diana nods* <q> Just so there are no miscommunications...

* Mitch looks over at Diana again, never having intended on doing a damn thing - that was her business...

<Rislyn> <q> I respect your wishes..

* Diana nods to Rislyn* <w> Domo...

* Keelin nods..walking still

<Mitch> "It's your show, tomodachi."

* Diana nods* <q> Hai...

* Keelin stretches a little...walking for a good amount of time

<Rislyn> How much longer now?

* Rislyn blinks, then mutters..feeling like a kid saying, "Are we there yet?!"

* Dev looks up as the castle can be seen in the distance*

* Keelin furrows her brow...pulling her dagger free

<Keelin> <q> Too close for comfort .. be ready ..

* the bushes rustle again - and this isn't the quiet covert rustle of the rodents, this is the big ugly clunky rustle of something who rattles things up just by BREATHING*

* Rislyn tenses..sword ready to come forth if needed, eying the castle

* Diana nods, staying all cloaked 'n stuff, Dev concentraiting and stuff, looks over at the big ugly clunky rustle, brows furrowed*

* Keelin blinkblinks..turning..eyes narrowing, not having time to pull her bow & arrow free

* Rislyn blinks, eying the bushes now..wondering how many different ways they can be attacked

* the bushes move aside, suddenly - that's no bush, that's the top of a tree, being tossed aside as a hideous creature leaps out from concealment, lumbering at them with a huge club raised high!*

* Mitch yelps and jerks up his crossbow, sighting along it

<Keelin> Shit..! *pushes Diana's horse back and away, hurling he dagger up towards it's face

* Rislyn growls, sword appearing again as she goes to try and get a few slices in

* Dev steps back, starting in on a spell to drain it of energy*

* across the path, the trunk of a tree suddenly bulges and explodes outwards in a cloud of splinters - even as Rislyn runs forward, the tree jerks downwards, sags, and falls with precision force-*


* Keelin blinks ..

* Rislyn blinbklinks..stopping in her running and nearly falling with the reverberations, eyes a bit wide

<Rislyn> <q> What the HELL was that..?

* Keelin covers from things exploding .. brows she has to get her damn dagger back ..

* a lone squirrel hops up onto the trunk, scuttles a few feet down its length, and turns to stare at the bipeds malevolently*

* Keelin quirks a brow..

* Dev ducks, and continues to weave the spell, Diana making sure the horse is safe before firing balls of fire at the thing*

* the ogre's fingers go twitch-twitch-twitch as brackish blood seeps into the dirt and leaves*

* Rislyn groans, turning back to the castle..thinking she's going to start building squirrel traps when she returns

* squirrel twitches its tail, then vanishes, ninja-style*

* Keelin shakes her head, heading up towards the castle..passing everybody .. jaw set..

<Mitch> "-what the FUCK?!"

* Mitch stares

* Rislyn grabs otu for Keelin's arm, looking at her

<Mitch> "That was NOT in the manual!"

* Diana shakes her head, leaaading the horse back to the rest, Dev following..*

* Keelin shifts away, continuing

* aaaaall around them, beady little eyes turn, following their movements...*

<Rislyn> <q> Keelin....?

* Rislyn 's voice sounds a bit pleading

<Keelin> <Q> What..?

* Keelin glances over her shoulder at her

* Mitch follows, dubiously climbing over the fallen tree

* Diana watches the eyes...*

* Rislyn sighs ... looking up at the castle

<Rislyn> <vqw> ..You don't think they've already killed him, do you?

* Keelin blinks .. shifting as if thinking about that ... before slowly shaking her head with a grimace..

<Keelin> <q> I'd hope not...

* Keelin turns, without another word, pulling her cloak up and heading into the village surrounding the castle

<Mitch> "You okay, Diana?"

* Diana nods* <q> Hai...

* Dev shrouds himself in his cloak as well*

* Rislyn flinches, jaw setting as she nods, pulling her borrowed hood up and following

* Mitch doesn't have a hood, so raises his chin a little and walks forward, head bared to the elements <gasp!>... he slings the crossbow back as they leave the woods, slipping his lucky bolt under his tunic.

* Rislyn looks around at the villagers homes...thinking they look so small compared to what they have back home..

* Keelin continues on, stopping for a moment to speak with another hooded elf for a few moments before he turns and heads in the other direction

<Mitch> .oO(Hell, let 'em recognize me. Be a day and a night before I come THIS way again.)

* Keelin moves back, stepping along side Devnet* <q> Kevley's alive .. but you and I are expected. It seems we'll not be going through the front gates...

* Rislyn furrows her brow...then frowns

* Mitch glances at the castle, casing it from the perspective available to him.

* Dev nods, keeping pace with Keelin* <q> Aye...perhaps we can masquerade as servants or something...

* Rislyn turns and looks at them

<Rislyn> Keelin.. do you really believe I am a drow?

* Keelin nods, looking around* <q> I wish Klork were here with his portals right now..*pauses, then looks at Rislyn* It is a possibility, why..?

* Rislyn smirks a little .....

* Dev nods with a slight smirk*

<Rislyn> Would a drow be on the good side..? I could try to get you in..

* Keelin shrugs ..

* Rislyn points over to a large hay wagon ... which is slightly filled

* Keelin blinks, looking over at Dev before looking to Rislyn ...

* Mitch glances over. "Wait. They expect you two? What about us?"

<Rislyn> I could say I'm bringing the two of you in....and Mitch and Diana could be hidden...

* Dev looks to Mitch* <q> They aren't expecting you three...*looks to Ris, then to Keelin*

<Keelin> Yes .. but why would they let you in ... ? Just because you are on their side does not mean that they would let ou in .. *rubs at her temples* I'm not sure it would work ..

* Mitch blinks at Rislyn. .oO(Never mind. Had an idea, she had it first.)

* Rislyn sighs

<Mitch> "Can we witchy-finger our way in?"

* Keelin arches a brow

<Keelin> I'm assuming you mean magic ...?

<Rislyn> <q> Was worth a shot...

* Diana nods to Ris..*

<Mitch> To Keelin. "Yeah, magic. Witchy-finger magic."

* Keelin nods to Ris, settling a hand on her shoulder to show she appreciated it

<Keelin> It's more than likely that Lord Revelyn would sense it ..

* Dev looks to Mitch* He more than likely has wards up...aye...

* Keelin looks at Ris

<Keelin> I'm willing to try your plan, but we have to think of why they would let you in ...

* Mitch frowns, rubbing his neck and looking at the castle.

<Rislyn> ...I have the two of you, and will not give you up unless I speak with the Lord directly.

<Diana> Ne...perhaps she could pose as a bounty hunter? Or perhaps an agent of Revelyn's?

* Rislyn smirks

* Keelin slowly nods ... shifting..

<Rislyn> Bounty hunter, is more what I had in mind..

<Keelin> And what of Mitch and Diana .. ?

<Keelin> How would we get them in .... ?

<Mitch> "Bounty hunter - like hit man, you mean? Lots of them work in teams."

<Rislyn> We hide them. You two are 'seated' in the back of this wagon, propped against the hay uncomfortably. They, are the hay.

* Rislyn smiles a little

<Rislyn> The stronger ones have no need to have help.

* Keelin shifts, then shrugs ..

<Keelin> Thus .. while we are being taken to Revelyn .. Diana and Mitch can look for Kevley..?

<Mitch> He chuckles. "Yeah, but the target DOES have help. Bounty doesn't do you much good if you're wasted getting it out."

* Rislyn nods ...

<Rislyn> And I will not bind you tightly... you will be able to escape if needed.

<Rislyn> Unless you prefer to play unconscious.

* Mitch shrugs, since the other plan seems to be the plan du jour, and just listens.

<Rislyn> But I do not know of a way I could knock you two out.

* Keelin furrows her brows..

<Keelin> Let's take this out of the open .. *motions to an alley* We might need to make this believable .

* Rislyn nods, heading in .. then looks at Mitch

* Dev nods, heading that does Diana after she dismounts from the horse*

<Rislyn> If will be the partner, then, and we will hide Diana. She would look too much like the Lord, even to the lowlifes.

* Keelin follows, keeping her eyes on the wagon ..

* Mitch follows. "It's up to you. This ain't the city... I don't know how shit goes down around here."

* Diana nods* <q> Hai...exactly as I was thinking...

<Keelin> Ris .. go get that wagon .. we'll hook the horse up to it .. Dev.. I'm going to have to kick your ass.

<Mitch> .oO(This ought to be good.)

* Keelin looks up at him, eyes apologetic before she clocks him one between the eyes

* Dev nods and...heh...Lets her knock him out <G>*

* Keelin rubs at her hand, knuckles bruising after a while..

* Rislyn nods, coming back with the wagon, it's small enough to do so, but it still caused her a little trouble to bring

<Keelin> Damn ... now... um...*looks from Mitch to Diana* Perhaps I should stay conscious ... just in case..?

* Mitch quietly lays a bet with Diana on how long it'll take while it's happening

* Keelin looks sheepish, slowly picking up Dev...

* Diana smirks and shakes her head*

* Rislyn brings it, then sighs, leaning back against it before straightening

<Rislyn> There...Diana, you should climb in first

* Mitch 's lip twitches. "Sorry. The plan, y'know."

<Rislyn> Mitch...make sure you get her well covered with the hay...?

* Diana nods, climibg in and burrying herself in straw...*

* Keelin hitches the horse up the the wagon .. shifting as she buries her weaponry and Dev's into the hay on the side..

* Mitch climbs in after her... muttered, "Sorry..." as he shoves more straw over her.

* Dev stays out, 'n stuff*

* Keelin helps bury Mitch with straw ..

* Mitch isn't getting buried!

* Rislyn sighs, climbing up top after the horse it attatched, holding the extended reigns

<Rislyn> You coming, Mitch...?

<Keelin> Um ... *shifts* You aren't going to tie me and Dev up at all..?

* Keelin picks up Dev, settling him onto the hay ... murmuring apologies to Diana if she's squishing her..

* Mitch puts a foot up on the edge of the cart and vaults over to the cab... he glances back, still standing. "You want to be tied up?"

* Rislyn pauses..then sighs, nodding and climbing back down..grabbing the rope

<Rislyn> You need to be in the wagon least, he does.

<Rislyn> It's easier if you are.

* Keelin settles in, nodding...

* Rislyn proceeds to tie them up, keeping them loose enough, but well wrapped so they LOOK will tied

<Rislyn> There...can you move..?

* Keelin nods, shifting her hands slightly

* Rislyn hops out of the back, nodding and climbing back up top

<Keelin> <q> Yes .. Dev is still out tho .. you think I hit him too hard..?

<Rislyn> Then let's make a house call...

* Mitch settles in, arranging his gear and balancing the crossbow over his legs.

<Rislyn> <q> You might have.. You can talk to him through mind-speak, can't you? Try waking him that way.

* Rislyn looks at Mitch

* Keelin nods .. shifting so that Dev won't fall out..

<Rislyn> You ready..?

* Keelin nods..

<Keelin> {{Dev .. ?? You there..?}}

<Mitch> "One question. Where am I from?"

<Dev> *garbled* {{Nng...}}

* Keelin shifts..looking up at Mitch

<Keelin> A wanderer .. human obviously .. abandoned by half breeds.

<Keelin> That work for you...?

* Rislyn looks back at Keelin, then nods

<Rislyn> There's your story. Let's go.

* Rislyn gets the horse started, heading straight for the castle gates

<Mitch> "I figured I ought to be a little foreign or something." He shrugs and leans back, burying his nervousness and flipping through personas...

<Mitch> .oO(...not Mitch, not Morgan, not Mark... god, not Martin. Max. Max can happen, he's arrogant enough. Okay...)

* Rislyn rides the wagon straight up the gates .. ringing the bell pull to announce the arrival <don't know if there's a moat or not..but she's ringing a loud ass bell>

* Keelin goes with, obviously ..

* Keelin leans against the side of the wagon, obviously looking worried over Devnet..* {{We're at the castle..are you still there..??}}

* Guard steps up, looking up at her and mitch suspiciously* Aye?

* Mitch leans back even more, kicking his boots casually up onto the crossbar

* Rislyn smirks, looking up at the guard

<Dev> {{ time...I knock you out, love...}} *groans a little bit..*

<Rislyn> Good'eve, weakling! I demand an audience with the Lord!

* Keelin grimaces...* {{I think not .. easy .. you're tied up..}}

<Rislyn> You should see the gifts that I brought him. Something you probably couldn't do with your whoring mother's help!

* Guard narrows his eyes as Dev stills, eyeing Kee and Dev in the back, blinking* Who are you?

* Rislyn smirks, hopping down and draping an arm around his shoulders and walking with him, pointing to Keelin and Devnet

<Rislyn> You recognize these two?

* Keelin narrows her eyes at the guard and Rislyn, hovering protectively over Dev ..

* Mitch flicks the loop of the reins over his boot, a startlingly vicious smirk on his face as he watches the pair of 'em.

* Guard eyes Ris* I know them...

<Rislyn> If you knew who theset wo were, you wouldn't NEED to ask who WE are.

* Rislyn smirks

<Rislyn> I'm here for gold. Or gems... or whatever the Lord gives us for bringing these two in.

* Rislyn smirks darkly up at Mitch

<Rislyn> You see how he knocked that one out? He could do much the same to you if you let him. *glances at Kee, winking slightly where the guard can't see*

* Keelin doesnt' acknowledge the wink..knowing itd be seen, small trickle of blood seeping from the corner of her mouth where she's been biting at her tongue ...just for added effect..

* Mitch grins cheerfully. "Not that I'd care about whether or not he 'let' me."

* Guard furrows his brows and shakes his head* Let me check if you are hiding anything first...regular procedure...

* Rislyn laughs

<Rislyn> D'ya hear that, luv? *is referring to Mitch* He thinks we hide something! In this little wagon barely big enough to squat in, he thinks we have something hidden.

* Rislyn just laughs

* Guard takes out his sword*

<Keelin> ...oO(ow ow ow..) *glares, hovering over Dev...essentially blocking the wagon* Dare not touch him or I WILL Kill you!! *is about as crazed as she can sound*

* Mitch chuckles, swinging his leg idly. "Oh, yeah. Lord Revvy's gonna LOVE the way you kept him waiting on THESE two."

* Guard smirks* I won't touch the bard, light elf...I leave that to my Lord Revelyn.

* Rislyn smiles at the guard, now using every last bit of her that is female..the look seductive as she inches up to him

* Keelin growls, spitting blood at him..

* Guard growls at Keelin then looks down at Ris, blinking*

<Rislyn> <q>'ve seen how vicious she can be...I suggest you let the Lord search the wagon, as we brought it for his pleasure and not yours..

* Mitch reaches over and gives Keelin the back of his hand, bellowing "QUIET!"

* Rislyn traces a finger over his jaw, smirking a little

<Rislyn> <vq> But it could be for OUR..pleasure if you let me in...

* Keelin grits her teeth, face snapping to the side before she gives him a glare .. telling him he will be regretting that....

* Dev winces a little*

* Guard grins a little and sheeths his sword* Well...alright...

* Mitch regretted it before he moved a muscle, but simply snaps his teeth at her, a feral grin on his features.

* Rislyn smirks darkly, hand tracing down his chest and then lower before stopping just short enough to tease, winking as she looks up at him, nipping at his chin

<Rislyn> <q> Then let me in...? I just want my reward..

* Guard grins and nods, shivering a little as he steps back, pounding for the doors to be opened..*

* doors slowly swing opened with a low groan*

* Keelin grits her teeth, her lip bleeding as well as her tongue now ... going back to hovering over Dev ...

* Rislyn smiles, hopping up top with a fluid motion, winking down at the guard as she takes the wagon indoors

<Rislyn> <vqw> ..She's gonna kill you, Mitch...

* Mitch kicks his foot up again, hauling the reins up and flipping them to Rislyn as she climbs on.

<Dev> {{Heh...when should I wake up the rest of the way, love? *mental smirk*}}

<Mitch> <eqw> "I'm gonna kill me, Rislyn."

* Keelin doesnt' seem to hear him .. glaring at Mitch currently ...

* Rislyn catches them, leading them in, standing on the seat as she nods down to him, calling out in a demand to see the Lord

* a guard steps forward, mostly complying once word gets out of WHO'S in the cart*

* Mitch leans back, still the cocky bastard, balancing the crossbow across one knee

* Keelin glances over at Dev .. finally coming to her senses when ppl start hollering for Lord Revelyn ..* {{Soon, Dev ..}}

<Dev> {{Alright...}}

* Rislyn hops down, going back as if to inspect that her 'captives' haven't been injured, shooing everyone away and climbing in, looking all the world like she's being rough with them

<Rislyn> <vqw> I'll demand to be taken inside..all of us, if I can...I'm praying it'll work..

* Keelin grits her teeth, playing along ...

* Rislyn then hops down, going back to the front

* one of the royal guards, higher in rank approaches* You are the ones with the captives?

* Rislyn smirks, chest puffing out proudly

* Mitch flips his legs over, crossbow dangling between his legs as he smirks at the captives, as if daring them to try something.

<Rislyn> Aye. But I will speak with none other than the Lord himself.

* Rislyn waves a hand at him in dismissal

* Keelin leans back, pulling Dev's head to her lap, grimacing as she fingers the bruise on his brow ... casting a glare at Mitch as if blaming him for the bruise..

* Guard arches a brow lightly* This way, then... *starts leading into the actually caaastle*

* Dev grimaces lightly in his "sleep"*

* Mitch truly doesn't seem to give a rat's ass, running his thumb along the taut bowstring and grinning at the hum it makes.

* Rislyn hops up, as if to lead the entire wagon inside, leading the horse to the door

* Guard stops there* Take the captives out. Lord Revelyn will want to see them in person.

* Rislyn shakes her head

<Rislyn> The Lord comes down here to greet us. I do not trust anyone in this castle to leave them in the ...EXCELLENT condition I have for him.

* Keelin grimaces .. .. oO(Somebody should take the wagon .. shit ...), still hovered protectively over Devnet

<Rislyn> And I want to be certain that no one steals my wagon. How else will I continue my journies if it is stolen from me?

* Rislyn smirks, resting a hand on Mitch's arm

<Rislyn> don't want to make him angry... TRUST me..

* Guard gives Ris a wry look* We will make sure it's safe. Lord Revelyn will not lower himself to coming down here among the fodder.

* Mitch looks over at the guard, a slow death's grin creeping over his face.

* Guard looks to Mitch and smirks, not seeming overly intimidated*

<Rislyn> Oh? *eyes go wide and innocent like* Is that so? "Among the fodder." Did you hear that, luv..? Our gifts are not good enough for the Lord. I suppose we'll have to take them elsewhere..

* Rislyn takes the horse's reigns, turning the wagon so that the back is against a shadowed area of the castle..somewhere Diana can hop out without being noticed, if needed

* Mitch places his hand on the cab and vaults in, whipping the crossbow over one shoulder and grabbing the reins, tugging the horses into a circle to lead 'em out.

* Guard unsheeths his sword and holds it to the horses neck, gripping the reins with the other hand* You think you can go far witout a mount?

* Mitch stands, levelling the crossbow in one hand. "Think you can go far without your life, sunshine?"

* Keelin watches whilst they do this...moving the hay so Diana can escape while they're in gridlock..

<Keelin> <vqw>!

* Rislyn hops down, going to the front, shaking her head

* Guard arches a brow, Diana slipping out, all ninja-ish*

<Rislyn> Gentlemen...gentlemen.. All we wish is to have our reward..

* Diana dissapears into the shadows and into the castle silently*

<Mitch> "Let's just... think about this, shall we? I LIKE that horse. I DON'T like YOU. And I'M the GUY with the CROSSBOW!"

<Rislyn> And if that means giving up the wagon, I suppose we must... Just assure me that it does not get destroyed..

<Guard> And all I wish is to bring the four of you to Lord Revelyn. *cries out a command, guards circle, training bows and arrows on Mitch and Ris*

* Rislyn makes a slightly pouty horse

<Rislyn> ...I like that horse, too..

* Keelin grits her teeth, watching the guards, wiping the blood from her chin onto her cloak..

* Rislyn sighs, holding her arms out, walking over to Mitch as if to try and "calm him"

<Rislyn> Come now..we will have no reward if you treat them thusly... I promise, our efforts will have been worth it, luv..

* Mitch tenses his finger on the trigger mechanism, his eyes narrowing, listening to her words...

* Rislyn restrains from twitching..hating to act "girly.."

* Guard smirks* The girl has a point.

<Rislyn> Let's...just let them take us upstairs to the nice Lord and get our nice bags of money..

* Mitch suddenly breaks into a cheerful grin and hoists the crossbow up, kicking a foot up and flopping back into the cab. "-okay, but you said that about the toll guy. Lemme kill SOMETHING today, huh? Wouldja?"

* Rislyn smiles a bit sheepishly at the guards, then looks up at Mitch

<Rislyn> Promise..later, luv... with our next target. They're wanted dead, so you can kill them,okay?

* Keelin resists the urge to laugh .. especially since she still wants to kick his ass from that slap ..

* Guard arches a brow, the others slackening their guard a little*

<Mitch> .oO(This personality is NOT Max. I'm gonna need a new name.)

<Mitch> "Oh... all right." *pouts*

* Rislyn smiles, looking at the guards

<Rislyn> My apologies... He gets a bit..touchy, when I don't let him kill..

* Guard smirks* Sure sure...come on then..

* Rislyn nods

<Rislyn> Be careful with my captives! I want them given to him in the SAME condition that they came in!

* Rislyn hovers, like a nervous mother hen

* Guard smirks as he commands two more to unload them...Dev all groggy and stuff*

* Keelin grits her teeth, going about nicely to throw a bitch-fit upon being seperated from Devnet .. completely out of character as if down-right going crazy

* Rislyn heads over to the guard as he relays orders .. smirking up at him, tracing a finger down his arm lightly before walking back over towards Mitch and the front of the cart

<Rislyn> C'mon, luv..we're headed elsewhere now. Don't worry, our horse will be cared for.

* Guard smirks a little, leading the group into the castle, guards struggling with Keelin 'o course*

* Mitch pushes himself up and leaps off the wagon, giving himself just a moment to look good as the cloak swirls around him before sauntering in at Rislyn's side, bow up on one shoulder.

* Keelin struggles back...going with grudgingly

* Rislyn smirks, being led inside, and to wherever they're being taken

* Keelin , however, keeps a hold on her bindings so they don't come loose

* Dev...meh...he's groggy...playin' it for all it's worth...they get led into a ritch throne room...Revelyn, about 6'1", hair, eyes and bone structure a great deal like Diana's, muscular and clothed in silvers and golds, sitting up on the throan*

* Rislyn glances around slightly for Diana..wondering if she's following in the shadows or looking for Kevley on her own...hoping she's following over the other while alone..

* Dev does, too of course*

* Rislyn comes in, curtsying low, swearing under her breath at the cut in Diana's gown as she does so

* Keelin grits her teeth, eying Revelyn before struggling again* Murderer!!! *her voice goes hoarse* You killed my brother..!!!!

* Mitch , beneath his tunic and pressed against his body, quietly folds one hand around the silk-swathed butt of his revolver... he bows to Revelyn, though his attitude suggests he's performing the formality rather than the respect.

<Rislyn> Good evening, M'Lor--SILENCE!!

* Revelyn nods with a smirk, eyeing them from his seat, arching a brow at Keelin* Nay...I did no such thing, Lady Keelin...

* Rislyn spins, glaring at Keelin..then sighs, looking back at Revelyn

<Rislyn> I apologize, My Lord..for her rudeness..

* Keelin grits her teeth .. hair falling loose as she glares at him .. just playing her act for what it's worth

<Rislyn> I have brought to you both Lady Keelin and the bard.. It was no simple task .. but it's been done. Now, I wish for a reward

<Diana> {{* the goodies* I've found him...where exactly are you?}}

<Rislyn> Something that will compensate for the weapons destroyed and the lives lost while we captured them.

* Keelin shifts..seeming to relax* {{Throne room .. }}

* Rislyn decides it's best NOT to answer and distract herself while talking to Revelyn...

* Revelyn nods, standing slowly and casually* Oh, you will be repayed with money and food...have no fear of that...

* Mitch snickers at the part about "lives lost", but doesn't speak.

<Rislyn> quite sure there MUSt be a reward..

<Diana> {{Hai...we will be there shortly..}}

* Rislyn smiles darkly, curtsying low again

<Rislyn> Thank you, My Lord..but I was hoping to have them this night, so my partner and I could go about hunting our next victims..

* Keelin shifts, straightening .. eyes narrowed as she attempts to regain her pride

* Revelyn smiles charmingly* Of course...I simply need to see thier conditions from closer up...*comes down the stairs..**

* Rislyn moves out of his way, nodding

* Keelin grits her teeth, eyes narrowing the closer he gets...

<Rislyn> Of coruse, My Lord.. it was difficult to convince your gaurds not to roughen them up any further..

* Mitch bows and gestures mockingly, with a stylish "after you" flair to the movement

* Rislyn watches his back warily..eyes glancing around when they aren't seen to search for Diana and Kevley

<Revelyn> I can only imagine, m' lady...*circles Keelin and Devnet...Diana slipping in from one of the side entrances...into the shadows...*

<Mitch> .oO(...Jesus Christ, let Diana be all right...)

* Kevley follows her..the glint of his sword seen before he sinks into the shadows as well*

* Rislyn clears her throat

<Rislyn> You have the most polite manners of any Lord I have ever met? Doesn't he, luv?

* Rislyn elbows Mitch lightly, wide, greedy grin on her face

* Keelin watches him, jaw set, blood still sliding down from the corner of her mouth ..

<Rislyn> He muast have had a WONDERFUL mother!

<Mitch> "Oh, yeah. Regular king of the lands, he is."

* Mitch looks down at her with a cheerful grin... .oO(-huh?)

<Revelyn> Very well...*blinks a little and looks up at Rislyn, smirking lightly* I thank you, the woman who raised me is a wonderful woman. *green eyes glint slightly, refusing to raise to the bate*

<Rislyn> the woman who raised you isn't the same as your mother..? Too bad...

* Rislyn makes a slight pouty face

<Rislyn> Wished to have thanked her for doing something right.

* Rislyn sighs, shrugging and walking next to him, making herself visable to Kevley as she circles Devnet and Keelin

<Mitch> "Woman raised you to be generous, I hope..."

<Rislyn> As you see, they are only slightly injured. We had to use certain methods to apprehend them.

* Kevley furrows his brows...blinking a bit before glancing to Diana* <vqw> Why are they chained..?

<Diana> <vqw> They aren't really...this is a big act...

* Revelyn arches a brow and tilts Dev's chin up* What sort of methods..

* Rislyn smiles

* Kevley nods..watching..* <vqw> You think Dev can do a silence spell..? I can pin Revelyn down .. but .. not if he uses magic..

<Rislyn> That man had to be knocked unconcious, as you can see.

* Keelin growls, going to lunge at Rev for touching Dev

* Rislyn reaches out, actually taking Revelyn's fingers off Dev's face

<Rislyn> haven't paid for them yet, M'Lord..and like any good sale's woman, I cannot let you touch and perhaps..."lower the value" of my goods..

* Rev smirks, going to grip Keelin by her shirt* Now, Lady Keelin...

* Rislyn blinks, sword snapping out instantly, hovering over his wrist

<Rislyn> <vq> Release her...

* Keelin grits her teeth, eyes narrowed..

* Rislyn glares at him

* Rev smirks, letting her go* Of of my guards will give you your gol...*narrows his eyes*

* Kevley blinks,eyes narrowing*

<Rislyn> I do not sell my goods tainted..

* Keelin shoves him off, glare set in her eyes..

* Diana nods to Kevley, btw...*

<Mitch> "Love, remember the gold? The shiny happy gold? If I don't get to kill, YOU don't get to kill..." He looks at her with sad puppy eyes.

* Rislyn blinks...looking back at Mitch...then sighs, sword retracting

<Rislyn> Fine...I just do not like to be ripped off.

* Keelin 's eyes snap to Mitch again .. glare not leaving her face ...

* Rislyn 's eyes lock on Revelyn's in a challenge for him to try

<Mitch> He grins cheerfully, suddenly manically happy again. "We won't be! His mum brought him up right. Lord Revvy's a-okay!"

* Rev eyes the two of them, stalking around them* What is the price you wish?

* Diana clenches her jaw...*

* Rislyn smirks darkly

<Rislyn> I be given someone who can help me fight.

* Kevley just slowly shakes his head* <vqw> And what sort of shit is Mitch trying to pull..??

* Rislyn places her hand on her hip, the other going in a shrug

* Diana shakes her head slowly, voice a little strained* <vqw> I have no idea...

<Rislyn> I need someone that you do not care about when it comes to terms of life and death.

* Rev arches a brow* Then you shall have one of my slaves...*shrugs*

<Rislyn> Someone who will fight EXTRODINARILY well.. because our next target is a ....bit more difficult.

<Rislyn> No..I was thinking more along..a loan of a prisoner, M'Lord.. because I will bring him back in the same condition he left.

* Rislyn smiles darkly

<Rislyn> Right, luv? We need someone that is...expendable..but more than likely won't die.

* Rislyn looks over at Mitch, batting her eyelashes at him

* Rev arches a brow* A prisoner, hmm? We have some from the war, aye...

<Mitch> He snickers. "What good are they dead? They're fun while they bleed."

* Rislyn nods

<Rislyn> I need an exceptional warrior, though.. because this will be no easy task.

* Rislyn looks up at his throne, actually looking like she wants to go sit in it, walking up to it and tracing her fingers along the arm

* Rev smirks* What kind of a fool do you think I am? Of course they live...*shrugs* We have a few of high rank. Which would you prefer? *watches her with a smirk*

* Rislyn is trying to get attention away from Keelin and Dev long enough for them to loosen their bonds

<Rislyn> Depends on which you have, M'Lord?

* Rev steps up the stairs after her as Dev descreatly loostens his bonds, flute slipping out of his sleeve*

* Rislyn actually DOES sit on his thrown, sprawling ehrself out..looking like she's almost..TOO happy to be sitting in the seat of power...

* Keelin shifts, looking around to see if there are any more guards holding them there ..before sliding out of her own bonds under her cloak..

* Mitch quietly shifts around, the sack falling open at his waist...

* Rislyn looks up at him, look just about as power-drunk and seductive as she can get

<Rislyn> I just want..someone with POWER...who HAS to work for me, M'Lord..

* Rev smirks* We can work on that...

* Rislyn looks up at him from his chair, fingers still tracing the arms

* Keelin reaches behind her, knocking out the guard holding her...then looks to make certain there are no other guards before she slides her dagger down to her finger tips

<Rislyn> <q> Goood...because I like strong..warriors..

* Rev crosses his arms, an amused look on his face*

* Kevley blinks ...watching..*

* Mitch settles his hand in a natural movement into the sack, wrapping around the butt of the AK-47, wrapped in several silk shirts, as his hidden hands quietly ease the hammer back on the revolver...

* Dev knocks out the guards on either side of him as well, bringing his flute to his mouth to freeze close all the doors of the throan room*

* Keelin slides back to the doors as well .. slipping a sword from one of the standing armor statues through the handles of the door .. then locks them

* Rislyn smiles up at him

<Rislyn> And..I like winning..

* Rislyn hops up, sword appearing from under her palm, standing on his throne as she glares down at him

* Rev spins and glares, starting to chant a spell...getting choked off as Dev steals his voice*

* Keelin glides back over eyeing Revelyn...pausing...then clocks Mitch

<Keelin> Don't you EVER slap me again!!

* Mitch slips the loop of the crossbow from his shoulder, and simply tosses it aside, bringing the sack up and whipping it away from the form of the AK

* Rislyn wraps her arms around his neck, her sword blade resting against his throat

<Rislyn> *hisses* Move again, and you'll lose more than your voice...

* Diana steps out of the shadows, Rev growling inaudably and glaring at Ris*

<Rislyn> You can come out now, I'm not killing him!

* Kevley follows* Ris....don't--Ah..ok..

* Mitch whips around, stumbling back and spitting blood... he pushes himself back to his feet, shaking his head. "-Christ, I had to make it real!"

* Rislyn chuckles a little

<Keelin> not THAT real! I can very well look injured without your help!

<Rislyn> Told you she was gonna kill you, Mitch.

* Keelin wipes her face off, glaring..

* Dev continues with the spell*

<Rislyn> Diana..feel free to start the questions now, if you'd like... I will keep him here.

<Mitch> "It's not like I hit you that hard..." He raises his voice to the remaining guards. "All right, you primitive screwheads, listen up!"

<Mitch> "This... is my BOOMSTICK!"

* Rislyn 's eyes move directly to Kevley, relief flooding her eyes to see him safe

* Diana comes up to the group, looking up at Rev, nodding a little, kinda in shock*

<Kevley> Revelyn .. You aren't leaving .. I told you before of your mother .. show your respects for her. *motions to DIana*

* Mitch tongues the cut on the inside of his mouth... .oO(Fuck, man...)

* Rev outright stares at Diana, mouthing words, but obviously not saying anything*

* Rislyn erks, then looks at Dev

* Dev changes the song*

* Keelin rubs at her knuckles, giving a relieved look to Kevley if anything before glancing up to Revelyn* You mouth one spell and it goes back up ..

<Rislyn> Uhm, he can't answer her without a voice..should just make it a truth spell or whatever..?

* Dev now does a nulling Rev nods...*

<Rislyn> Mitch...?

* Rislyn looks over at him

<Mitch> "Yeah?" *keeping the rifle trained on the remaining guards*

<Rislyn> Don't ever call me love again, and I'll spare you the torture, too. Deal?

* Diana stands by Rislyn* <q> Revelyn...I do not know what they told you about me...I do not kkkknow what you believe...I know nothing of you...demo...I'm sure they told you lies....and from the way you stare...they told you I died...

* Kevley clears his throat* Guys .. think we can save the small talk for later...?? *furrows his brow, watching Rev & Di*

<Mitch> "Oh hell yes."

<Mitch> He nods at Kevley's voice, sparing a glance at the tableau by the throne.

* Rislyn shoots a glare at Kevley, face saying, "Why the HELL did I save you again?" before she just looks back to the mother-son duo

* Diana nods a little, Rev shaking his head a bit as Dev opens a portal back to the human world*

<Diana> <w> Revelyn is coming with us.

* Keelin blinks..

<Keelin> What..?? Why??

* Rislyn blinkblinks, surprised enough to release him

<Rislyn> He..what?

* Kevley blinks..shifting gladly towards the portal ..*

* Diana gives them both looks, taking the shocked young man's hand in her own* <w> Because I said so.

* Keelin blinks ..

* Kevley nods..going into the portal* Works for me..

* Dev hoooolds the portal...*

* Rislyn sighs, then just shakes her head, walking and going into the portal without even looking at Kevley, heading up the stairs to her room again the instant she gets back

<Mitch> .oO(First Sparky, now this. What is this obsession these people have with surrounding themselves with maniacs?)

* Keelin shifts .. sighing shakily .. waiting for others to go in

* Mitch backs up to the portal, still watching the room, waiting for the others to kick on through.

* Keelin sighs..going in..

* Diana leads Rev through, Dev last..*

* Mitch ducks through behind them

Session Close: Sat Mar 23 19:27:20 2002
