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Session Start: Fri Mar 22 20:34:57 2002

* Rislyn steps through, blinking a little and looking at Diana, completely disoriented

* Mitch slides into existence and stumbles, getting his bearings - still not entirely used to portals at all, let alone plane-hopping

* DianaManashevitz looks around, they're in a small abandoned house...Dev looks up and smirks a little, waveling at 'em*

<Mitch> *by the way, if anyone happens to check... Mitch's got an aura! Dingy grey unappetizing thing.*

* DianaManashevitz blinkblinks, looking at Mitch

* Rislyn looks at Devnet, wondering where she recognizes him from .. then Ohs, remembeing

* Keelin is busily packing things up, wearing her leathers and cloak, quiver at her side and bow laying on the floor next to her bag

* Rislyn looks over at Keelin

* Mitch walks to the nearest window, looking out...

<Rislyn> Now why couldn't I have worn something like that..?

* Keelin glances up, then blinks a bit

* it's a small town, a dark aura seeming to be in the air*

<DianaManashevitz> I didn't have anything like that..

<Keelin> Ah .. you're here .. *smiles* Because I'd warrent you don't have any ..

* Rislyn shakes her head

<Mitch> .oO(This is... so... weird.)

<Rislyn> I had to borrow.. but I could have borrowed something like that.

* Keelin chuckles...shaking her head, reaching in before pulling out a leather chest guard and tossing it to her

<Keelin> It's all I have left over

* Rislyn blinks..looking at it..wondering how suspicious it would look if she wore that over the dress

<Keelin> Your cloak will cover .. *glances to Dev, hefting her bag over her shoulder* Are we ready..??

* Mitch turns his back on the window, feeling VERY uncomfortable about all that wide open space

* Dev nods, lifting hsi own bag* Aye...

* Rislyn blinks..but puts it down, ready to go

* Rislyn glances at Diana

<Rislyn> You alright, Diana?

* DianaManashevitz nods..* Heh...hai...*pulls the hood up over her hair* Bad memories of the last time I was here is all...

* Keelin picks up her bow, heading ove to the door and peering out..* Looks clear .. stay close ... I'll be on the horse to start ..*disappears out the door, outside is a small deserted village ... signs of a battle that happened weeks ago barely seen*

* Mitch nods slowly, rolling his shoulders against the weight he's wearing.

* Rislyn kinda arches a brow, not knowing about the past experiences there ... following her out

* DianaManashevitz and and Dev follow her..

* Mitch stays close, sticking by Diana, trying not to rubberneck... he glances up, and gasps at the utterly clear night sky, smog-free and unadorned by neon lights...

* Keelin hefts herself onto the horse, brow furrowing at Mitch ... barely recognizing him..* Why so much luggage..?

<Mitch> "-huh?" He glances at Keelin, then down at himself - whacks his own chest with a fist, winces, and shakes his hand out. "Got a vest on under this thing."

* Rislyn holds her hand down to her side, ready to bring her sword forth if she needs it

<Keelin> Ah .. do you need me to carry any of it .. you looke overloaded..

* DianaManashevitz nods, offering her help as well, Dev scouting ahead

* Keelin looks around ... eyes keen before nudging her horse towards the path out of town..

* Mitch doesn't actually appear all that loaded; rucksack over one shoulder, crossbow over the other, sword at side.

<Mitch> "Nah. I gotta get used to it anyway."

<Keelin> All right ... *furrows her brow .. seems loaded to her*

* Rislyn walks along ... her own eyes taking in the scenery.. brow furrowed

* Mitch returns to trying not to stare at the vast and empty and oh-so-unpolluted sky

<Mitch> "Where are we headed?"

Session Close: Fri Mar 22 21:45:02 2002
