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Session Start: Mon Feb 11 22:02:47 2002

* Syan trots along<G>*

* Theirry...elven dude with long blond hair, bright green eyes and leathers moves through the forest towards them...*

* Leila, his twin sister, much looking the same, follows*

* Syan pauses, sniffing the air* {{Hold up...I think we've got company..}}

* Logan furrows his brow, nodding*

* Shingami is humming 99 bottles of beer on the wall

* Syan turns, looking around, growling quietly*

<Wing> *hand shifts to the hild of his blade*

* Shingami stops lookin around

<Shingami> doko da?

* Nox lifts into the sky, kinda blending into the darkness as she does so*

* Theirry watches them, brows furrowed*

* Leila glances to him* ~~Are they the ones..?~~

* Syan shifts, staring right at there whereabouts, growling* {{Somewhere over there..}}

* Theirry nods* <vqw> I think so...

* Leila nods, jaw set* <vqw> Then lets'..

* Shingami clutches the red stone in the center of her necklese

<Wing>.. come out whoever you are...

* Theirry nods, stepping out into the open, holding his hands out in a sign of peace...*

<Shingami> *sweatdrop*{{ thank you Mr. Blunt}}

<Wing> {{nandemonai}}

<Shingami> an elf.. wny does it figure.... tell your friend to come out too

* Leila follows, brows furrowed as she does the same, weapons at her side and not at ready*

* Syan shifts, growling quietly*

<Theirry> We mean no harm...we carry a message of the ones ou seak...

* Shingami was guessing there were mroe then one

<Leila> *nods* And to warn you ...

<Wing>..*realxes a bit* what is your message?

* Syan shifts from side to side, still watching them, but has ceased his growling*

* Theirry nods...* Aye...*slowly reaches into his pouch and pulls out what's revieled to be a silver arrow, one of Diana's, once the silk is taken from it* This is...Diana Manashevitz's...she is one of your friends...?

* Leila glances to Thierry* They are no longer held captive at Teirnan's dwelling..

<Wing> doko da?

<Shingami> Where are they now

* Syan blinks, shifting again*

<Theirry> At the caves...

* Leila nods* They are safe..

<Shingami> How logn will it take to get there from here.. how do you have them and

<Wing> can we trust you?

* Leila sighs* We brought Diana's arrow of her free will. It's her sign to say that we are trust worthy. *frowns a bit* We are trying to save you a wasted and dangerous trip...

* Theirry nods* Aye...we can take you to them so long as you give us your word you won't betray our location...

* Syan shifts, looking up at them*

* Leila nods* We are trying to keep ourselves hidden from those under Teirnan's rule ... it's important that our location stay a secret..

<Shingami> were good with secrets

<Wing> dare da?

<Shingami> who are you two... thank yo ugian mr blunt...

<Wing> dozo...

<Leila> Leila, my first name is all that is important right now..

* Theirry nods* I'm Theirry...*turns the lead back into the forest..*

* Leila follows, motioning for the others to follow*

<Shingami> Nice to meetcha....

<Wing> .. neechan...*mutters soemthing earnign a punch in the arm* itai..

* Syan trots along, sniffing at the air*

<Shingami> kisama...well guys lets go...

* Logan goes with 'n stuff...*

<Syan> {{I was so lookin' forward to a fight...}}

<Nox> {{Perhaps some other time...}} *lands by him*

* Syan chuckles* {{Guess so...}}

<Shingami> {{ we mgiht have to fight out way out of here anyway... the badguy is still lookin for us and nwo them... }}

<Shingami> {{ least we dotn ahve to fight any orcs yet... }}

* Leila heads down a fresh path, eyes watchful, coming to a large clearing* We have to cross quickly ... this clearing has proved to be dangerous in the past.

<Logan> {{Yuck...Orcs...}}

* Theirry nods* We should go in small groups...

<Shingami> { if you think tey smell good dead wait till you smell em live..}} right

* Leila shifts* Theirry will take the first group ...I will take the second..

* Theirry nods, looking around watchfully*

<Shingami> Nox syan go with oen fo them.. the rest of us will go with Leila

* Syan shifts..then seems to nod, trotting over to Theirry to go with*

* Nox steps forward...running for it when Theirry motions to start and leads the way*

* Syan bolts, following, passing em' both..*

<Wing> ill go with them aswell

<Shingami> whatever niichan.. be careful

* Leila blinks, then nods* Hurry then...*looks at Shin & Logan* both of you go before me, I'll take up the rear ...

<Wing> *follows as silently and swiftly as he can*

* Logan nods*

* Theirry ducks down, along with the others when they get to the other side*

* Leila waits for Shingami to go*

* Shingami starts across keepign low still limping soem tryign to ignroe the bayne

* Leila follows, bow & arrow at ready, pretty much going across backwards*

* Shingami gets caught on soemthing... webbing?

* Leila blinks, turning, brows furrowed* ~What are you caught on??~

<Shingami> soem kinda spider web.. i cant get loose

* Leila frowns, kneeling, taking out a dagger and trying to cut the webbing*

* Theirry frowns, coverring them...*

<WIng> {{ oneechan get out of there!... i can feel soemthing coming}}

* Leila continues with the cutting, slowly trying to get her loose*

* Shingami blinks lookgin around...hearing soemthing moving fast

<Shingami> {{ many legs,.. lots of them... }}

* Theirry frowns, cocking an arrow, looking for the spidie*

* sounds of armor clanking.. about 10 orcs and...*

<Shingami> Driders...

* Leila frowns, slicing through the webbing* ...What?

<Shingami> (half dark elf half spiders, sepll sielders and web spinners with a venomous bite)

* Shingami knels down calling some fire to brun the webbing

* Logan unsheeths his claws*

<Shingami> driders we need to go now...

<Orc> There they are!! Attack!!

* Leila nods, slicing her free* Come on..! *picks her up*

<Shingami> {{ sy you wanted your fight..}}

<Shingami> (10 orcs and about 3 driders)

* Theirry lets arrows fly at the Orc, Logan attacking whatever baddy's closest...*

* Syan blinks, running out towards them, blending in well due to his color, attacking the first Orc he gets to, teeth glinting in the moonlight*

* orc closest to Logan gets ripepad appart, another managing to do some damage noth much... two go after the wolf and learn fast to regret it*

* Syan bites, gnaws, rips...etc <G>*

* Drider starts casting a darkness spell that will poison whoever it hits... aimign it at Logan*

* Leila carries Shin over to the other side by Wing, letting arrows fly at the Driders'*

* Shingami summns a fire spell airing it at the drider.... and effectivly torching it all to hell... though now we ahve a flaiming drider thats flalign about*

* Logan growls and spins, his healing fffactor doing its damndest to fight it, Nox trying to cast confusion into the Drider's mind..*

* two hits, hittign one orc rather then a drider who casts a blindingly bright light into the air*

* Nox just casts that spell at whatever baddies she comes across then <G>*

* Syan shifts back, squintng before tackling one of the Driders (If there are any left)*

* drider gets the upper hand cuttign a large gash in syan*

* Theirry lets arrows fly at it, clenching his jaw*

* Syan yelps, rolling to the side scrambling to get away*

* Nox turns her attention to the drider, seeming to glow with darkness, cursing it in a terrifyingly soothing voice as Theirry continues to fire at it...creeping forward to snag arrows from bodies to keep his supply up*

* Drider squeels a sickign soudnand goes down...

* Leila continues firing arrows at any other baddies*

<Wing> *rusn out with hsi naginta bits one and bolts of lightign go out at the rest of the orcs .. all thats elft is a flaimgin carcus of a drider now*

<Shingami> ....that was fun

* Syan whimpers, curled on his side*

* Nox lands, kneeling by Syan* Syan??? *brows furrow* Oh

* Leila stands* Are all well?

* Logan's lying in the clearing, out like a light*

<Wing> *hefts logan up* syan is hit

<Shingami> Bring sy over here...

* Theirry furrows his brow, heading over to Syan, nodding to Logan for someone to look at him...gooing about bandaging him* We'll take you all to the caves...

* Leila frowns...* I do not know how to heal wolves...

* Syan shifts, seeming to grimace* {{Gotta get outta this form...}}

<Shingami> i do...

<Shingami> the sonner were back the sooner i can hela him up

* Shingami gets up limping over to him

* Nox nods a little*

<Shingami> then ill fix ya up now

* Logan's hefted, btw...heavy dude <G>*

* Leila nods* We're close to the caves now, if we move quickly, we will be there within a few moments

* Theirry nods, kneeling to lift Syan* Come...better to heal somewhere safe...

* Shingami closes ehr eyes the green stone glowing the pain in teh wound leaving and bleedign stopping

* Syan ...oh I lost where he was dangit.*

<Shingami> i can finish in the caves

* Theirry....leads the way to the caves then!*

<Wing> *grunts... strong but glad its not too far away*

* Leila follows up in the lead, getting them tooo the caves!*

* Theirry leads the way deeply into the caves and stuff* Master Aidan???

* Leila hollers in* Aiden! We're back!

* Aiden blinks, looking up..then heads in, latern in hand* Ah.! Are you all well? Any problems getting here?

<Theirry> Some orcs...driders....besides that, no...

<Shingami> did i forget to mention i hate spiders and orcs?....

<Wing> ... no neesan...

* Logan is still out, dead weight*

<Wing> *puts logan down for a moment*

* Aiden shifts* Bring them in....we have people who can treat them...

* Nox nods, delicate brows furrowed with worry*

* Klork furrows his brow, glancing over at the entrance, then glances at Diana..* Do Ihear what I think I hear..?

<DianaManashevitz> Hai...I think so...shall I look? *smirks a little and stands...*

* Klork nods, propped on his elbows, laying down

<Wing> *picks logan up again following Aiden* haihai

* Aiden leads them all in further*

<Shingami> are you sure they are here?

* DianaManashevitz heads out with a nod...her right hand completely covered in a cast...other bandages showing past the edges of her clothing, looking pained..

* Leila steps aside, disappearing into the caves*

* DianaManashevitz blinks a little and smirks lightly, leaning against one of the doorways, resting her left hand on her belly, grimacing lightly* Konbonwa, all...

<Shingami> .. Diana?

* Theirry helps out 'n stuff...*

<DianaManashevitz> Hai..

* Syan whimpers, on the verge of passing out

* Shingami linps over and gives her a hig hug, ebst she can

* Klork calls out

* DianaManashevitz winces a little, hugging back lightly

<Klork> I don't hear any victory cheers, ain't you guys here?!

<Shingami> will talk in a bit need to fix up syan... and if you worry me liek that ever again im ductapign ou to the floor

* Theirry gets Syan to the healers*

* DianaManashevitz laughs

<DianaManashevitz> Hai! They're here, Klork!!

* Syan gets taken to the healers <G>*

<Klork> Woohoo!!

<Klork> Ow...

<Wing> *takes Logan to the healers aswell*

* DianaManashevitz snickers

<Klork> *muttered, further back, not seen, only heard* Damn stitches..

* DianaManashevitz snickers

* Logan gets taken*

<Shingami> baka..*walks in* what happend to you get hit by a bus?

* DianaManashevitz follows, limping slightly..

<Shingami> then stop moving...

<Wing> Theirry do you know any way to cure a bayne?

* Klork blinks, looking up...

<Klork> Hey man ... I got both of my knees broken here ..not like I CAN move ..

* Theirry nods* Aye...why?

<Wing> my oneechan has been hit with a bayne, a wound yay big (8 inches) and been that way for nai 9 or so days

* Theirry frowns* I see...hmm...we have herbs here...and I know a counter spell...

* DianaManashevitz sits down slowly, wincing slightly as she does so

<Wing> *nods* good... i dont knwo how to cure it without my usual abilities

* Shingami moves to sit by klork takin ehr sweet tiem in sittign down, hand to her side... the green stone glowign again going, free hand on his forehead to ease the pain*

* Aiden goes back to aid Syan ..etc*

<Shingami> better?

* Klork furrows his brow, noddin

<Klork> yeah .. was pretty drugged up...but the stitches don't hurt any more..

* Theirry nods...going about blending the herbs stuffs*

<Shingami> Materia stone... like in FF7... only different

<Shingami> i cant summon iffrit or shiva or the choko/mog... would be cool though

* Klork nods

<Klork> thanks....I appreciate it ...

<Klork> can't wait to get these healed tho...god..hurts..

<Shingami> I might be abel to do more... but dont get your hopes up

<Theirry> I have these ready...

* Klork nods

<Klork> with all the's hoping..

* Logan's a rough case, healing factor fighting with the healers <G>*

<Wing> {{ oneechan....}}

<Shingami> ill eb back.. hang in ther eBig kitty...*gets back up*

* Klork nods

<Wing> .. i think he can heal hismelf.. *meanign logan*

* Klork leans back, closing his eyes...drifting..

* Shingami limps over to where her bro is

* Syan comes out a bit later in human form, middle bandaged up, the bandages already kinda bloodied* Wha'd Imiss?

* Theirry looks up at Shin* I believe I can help you...

* Nox comes with him...having not left his side*

* Syan smiles, wrapping an arm around her*

<Shingami> fun...

<Shingami> what do you want me to do?

* Nox stays close to him, smiling up at him*

* Theirry comes over to her* Show me this wound...?

* Shingami takes off her outer shirts til only her usual tank top liftign it out of the way to show the even mro eangry and infested wound on her side all red, yellow and balck pustulating its .. eeew

* Theirry winces* Ah...perhaps you should lie down while I do this...

<Shingami> na im fine ill jsut.. ack!.. Wing!

* Theirry arches a brow lightly*

<Wing> *scooper her up* kitte..*lays her down*

* Aiden furrows his brow* Let me know when you want to return home .. I'll start working on a portal large enough if you'd like ..

<Shingami> really?.. thad be cool.. though wait till logans up an about .. not too long though

* DianaManashevitz nods...

* Aiden nods* I'll be resting then..

<Theirry> Thank you...*gently puts the herbal paste on the wound, starting to chant the spell*

* Shingami flinches... finger tangled in her tousled braid just deals with it....bayne slowly receding... slowly

* Theirry continues working against the bayne, brows knitting with concentration*

* bayne soon leaves, the curse part anyway, leaving only the physical markings of poison thats fading but infection still there*

* Theirry sighs a little, getting the disinfectant, gently applying it* How do you feel, m'lady?

* Aiden checks on Logan*

<Shingami> itai...

* Logan's still out, getting better visibly though*

<Wing> she hurts...

<Shingami> thank you

<WIng> mr blunt i know i know... im gogin to see hwo diana and klork are

<Wing> *does just that*

* Klork is snoozing..but moveable

<Shingami> it still hurts.. but nto as bad... thank you

* Theirry nods* As can be expected...*nods to Wing before looking back to Shin* Alright...*gently wraps her injury, handing her a bottle* This should help fight the infection...*smiles charmingly at her*

<Shingami> aa.. thanks...Theirry... ano.. can i ask you a favor

<Theirry> Aye?

<Shingami> in a village, there is a yong elf gren hair a black smith and materia maker named Keir... hes alone and jsut a kid.. do you think.. you and your prople might be able to take him in.. he is a great craftsmen but ... he shoudltn be alone

* Aiden shifts* I don't see why we cannot..

* Theirry nods, looking up at Aiden* Aye...what Master Aiden said..

* Shingami wighs relaxing for the first tiem in days...

<Shingami> arigato guzaimasu...

* Aiden nods*

* Theirry blinks a little and nods*

<Shingami> it means.. thank you very much...

<Shingami> i think he means to go back

<Shingami> i suppose we are then Aiden... thank you for your help... i seem to be doign that a lot lately...

* Aiden leans back* Are we ready..?

* Syan shifts, blinking, as if just coming too as he stands there*

<Syan> Ready..? fer'wha? Dinner?

<Shingami> i think he means to go back

* Aiden nods*

<Shingami> i suppose we are then Aiden... thank you for your help... i seem to be doign that a lot lately...

<Shingami> arigato guzaimasu...

* Aiden nods*

<Diana> That would be wonderful...*sighs and shrinks back, grimacing lightly

* Aiden nods, concentrating & pulling out his flute creating a portal back to the living room of the asylum

* Diana uhm...helps Klork? <G> Nox helping Syan...and Logan's just ouut still*

<Klork> *Leila drags Logan through ? <G>>

* Logan gets dragged <G>*

* Klork gets helped through...

<Wing> *carries Klork though carefuly*

* Shingami egts to her feet

<Shingami> lets hope if we see noen another again.. its on more peaceful terms

* Theirry nods with a smile* safe.

* Aiden nods*

* Aiden watches them go..waiting*

<Shingami> you too...*bows slightly going though*

* Syan goes through*

Session Close: Mon Feb 11 23:51:59 2002
