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Session Start: Sun Feb 10 22:34:09 2002

* Logan ...checks his weapons? <G>*

* Syan yawns, rolling onto his back in his sleep..still in wolf form

* `Wing` helping shin to her feet, giving her a weapon Keir made for her so she can still use the staff to walk.. 5 silver claws for each hand... the nodachi strapped to his back so he can use it or the katana

* Nox streatches, sitting up and smirking a little, straitening her hair out*

* Syan slowly stands, taking a long elaborated stretch before looking around

<`Wing`> Ohayoo Minasan

<Shin> hope everyoen slept well..we should get moving

* Nox stands* Good morning...

<`Wing`> logan did you get a look at the map?

* Logan nods* Yeah...

* Syan shits to human form, running a hand through his hair

<Shin> good then we can get moving... keir has soem stuff packed fo us already i cant ask him to go with us...

* Nox blinks a lil' and smirks lightly*

* Syan glances over with a smirk

<Syan> so we can get goin' then..? Where to?

<Shin> the badguys where else?

<Syan> Yeah..but do we know where that is??

* Logan nods* Looks like tha castle's west o' here...

<Shin> yeah its on the map...

<Shin> its a bti of a walk but till give us time to plan...

<Syan> Ah um..oh..*looks sheepish* Let's get to it then?

* Syan nods

<Keir>*pulls down the ramp to the loft comign up with soem thigns in his arms

<Keir> i ifgured you woudl want cloaks to hide yoruselves durign your travels...

* Logan nods*

* Nox smiles, pulling her own on*

<Logan> Much appreciated, bub...

* Syan looks up

<Syan> Ah um, appreciated...but I'll be quite all right *smirks* Plan on moving incognito as is..

* `Wing` takes one and oen for shin

<`Wing`> domo Keir-kun

* Logan takes one with a nod of thanks, pulling it on*

<Keir> there are packs with soem supplies for a week worth fo travel.. and extra weapons if you need them.. smotly mroe aarows and a few knives

* Syan stretches, then shiFts to wolf form* {{Got anything I can carry like this?}}

<Keir>*grins * yesi do.. i made a kind of harnas.. thing so you oculd carry the extra ammunition

<Keir>.. if thats ok?

* Syan he can* {{Works for me..}}

<Keir>*waves* coem on downstairs then

* Syan follows him, lookin' like yer' typical domestic happy wolf ;)

* Logan prepares 'n stuff*

<Keir>*walsk over to a pileoof armor and such pullign otu the harnas and settin Syan up*

<Keir> there ya go

* Syan shifts, stretching, as if testing it's flexibility out* {{Hmm..I think Icould get used to this..thanks...!}}

<Keir> also swords fo daggers could be atached to it.. incae someoen is unabel to carry a weapon

<Keir> *scratches syan behind his ears* you remind me of my Brother's wold Koren...

<Syan> {{Sounds good to me...doesn't bother me one bit}} *almost seems to smirk..but it looks more or less like a pant*

* Syan leans his head into Keir's hand, tongue lolling, almost drooling* {{ohhhhh...niiiiiicee}

<Keir> *chuckles* very much like koren...

* Syan teeters,standing with that same smirk look* {{I could do that forever, buuut, I'm pretty sure we aughta get goin'..}}

<Shin> *picks up a necklase keir had given her days before.. a large red stone in the center, two stoens on each side, yellow, green, blue, black*

<Keir> *stops* ok then

* Nox arches a brow slightly, Logan examining the map, plotting a route*

<Keir> are any of you others mages?

<Nox> Ah...I can cast darkness and confusion into the minds of others...and fly...but that is all...

* Syan blinks, tilting his head to the side, still panting* {{Magic users ... mages..same thing? Um..I just shapeshift..}}

<Keir> *rumages hogh a small chest ahndding Nox a wrist band with red and balck stones in it*

<Keir> the clsoer you egt to hsi camp the more antimagic he uses... so these materia stones will help you cast more spells and such...

<Keir> Red is fire.. Black is shadow magics..

<Keir> Yellow light, Green healing or earth, Blue is water and wind

* Nox nods a little and bows slightly as she accepts* My thanks...

<Keir> i only wish i coudl go with you...

<Shin> you need to keep this area safe we might only eb abel to cast the return spell around here to get home.. but we appreciate your help

* Syan watches, tail wagging idely as he watches with his head tilted to the side

* Logan nods...*

<Keir> safe be your journy and victory to you all...

<Shin> arigato... lets go

* Syan sneezes

<`Wing`> bless you

<Syan> {{A'right, lesgo! Sorry...somebody's hair was in my nose...}}

* Nox chuckles softly, stroking Syan's fur before heading out w/ Logan 'n the rest*

* Syan trots alongside Nox

* `Wing` follows closly to logan, always at his sisters side

<Syan> *trottrottrot*

* Logan...ladeeda...leads the way down the trail...*

<Shin>.. anyone got an idea for a plan?

* Syan looks up at Nox, then over at Shin* {{Do we know where in the castle they're being kept?}}

<Shin> my asumption is the dungon

* Logan nods* I'd think so, too...

<`Wing`> itll be a bit more of a challange to get past hsi minions and any other defences to get to the others...

<Shin> then actualy getting there..

<Nox> Aye...

* Syan nods sorta, still trotting....

<Shin> when we se it then maybe we can make a plan... sneekign in is a better idea then stroming in... stromign out might be what we need to do...

<Syan> {{True enough..}}

<Shin> if all we ahve to face is orcs and the badguy.. thatll be good...otherwise were fucked...

<Logan> Hn...makes me wish we knew more about what we're up against...

* Syan trots ahead of the ground, eyes searching* {{Amen to that...}}

<Shin> a very highly skilled mage, an armey of stinkey smelly bitey things and magic...if he ahs a beholder im gunna freak

<Syan> {{A Behowhadda?}}

<`Wing`> they have beholders here?

<Shin> doubt it but im still hopin

<`Wing`> a beholder is a flaoting magical creature covered in eyes

* Nox blinks, arching a brow*

<`Wing`> it sees in alldirections, casts spells everywhere and in general a big pain in the rear

<Logan> *smirks* Jus' gotta poke it in' all its nasty eyes...

<Shin> but msotly form its main eye... its huge tesize of a 30' TV screne... adn it floats

<Shin> and they drool...

<Syan> {{...Out of their eyes...?}}

* Logan blinks* ...drool? Wha...they cry er somethin'?

<Shin> they do ahve a mouth

<Syan> {{Ooooohhh}}

<Shin>.. the only oalce to really egt them without them seein ya is under them or in thie rmouth....

<Logan> Ah...sheeze...

<Nox> Sounds...pleasant...

<Syan> {{Quite...}}

<Shin> they are generaly nasty things... though im sure thier all dead...

<Syan> {{Gyah, givin' me goosebumps here ... justmakes me wanna hop with joy to fight this guy...}}

<Shin> oh if you think thats bad what about a

<`Wing`> Neechan...

<Shin> eh?

<`Wing`> stop

<Shin>.. oh ok fine...

* Syan shakes off, snorting* {{Dude, our world's bad enough'..don't hafta throw in any more..}}

* Logan smirks and nods*

<Shin> least its nto bouncign beebles

* `Wing` shivers

<`Wing`> dont remind me of those

* Syan tilts his head back at the two

<Syan> {{A'right..nuff's enough...}

<Shin> waht theyr cute fluffy bounde and say beeble....true they multiply like tribbles but..

<Shin> theyr so cute!

<`Wing`> maybe we should ahve elft you with Keir....

<Nox> ...tribbles...?

<Shin> hidoii...

* Syan shudders at the word cute, trotting along

<`Wing`> little fluffy ball shaped creatures that split appart to from two seperate creatures every hour or so

* Nox blinks and arching her brows* And the world is not overrun with them...? I do not believe I've ever seen one....

<`Wing`> they are ficticous creatures

<`Wing`> they dont really exsist

<Nox> Oohh! *smiles sligtly, a little sheeppishly* I see...

<Shin> bebbles do!.. or did...

<Nox> Ah...when...?

<Shin>. befre the thrid age of man... i think they still exsist in a few oter planes of exsistance mosre the likely ravenloft if its still aorund

* Nox looks lost at that* ...ah...

<Shin>... its a logn and strange strange story

<Nox> I see...

* Syan ...trots..ladedadeda...

<Shin> what i wudltn give for a portal right about now..

<Logan> Eh...yer anuther one who likes tha easy way, 'eh?

<Syan> {{*chuckles* Ain't we all?}}

<Shin>.. i also glare at the microwave to make it cook faster

<Logan> Somehow...I ain't suprised...don't work too good...

Session Close: Sun Feb 10 23:50:39 2002

