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Session Start: Thu Oct 04 21:29:00 2001

<Zack> ~Do you mind if I am with you? At least just for support?"

<DianaManashevitz> {{I..I don't mind...I'm a little overwwhelmed is all...}}

<Zack> ~Your feelings are my feelings..~

<DianaManashevitz> {{I...ah...don't know how to respond to that...}}

<Zack> ~It is more then what you think...that pendent you wear...I will have to explain it sometime.~

<DianaManashevitz> {{I would guess so...that and tell me what happened exactly...}}

<Zack> ~Whenever you want to talk, we can~

<DianaManashevitz> {{Ok...*chuckles very softly* Give me a few days to get my strength back up...}}

<Zack> ~Of course~

<Zack> ~Still wondering if I should tell everyone its me..~

<DianaManashevitz> {{I might ease some suspisions...}}

<Zack> ~But only you can feel it's me. My apperance has changed some.~

<DianaManashevitz> {{True...but the truth does have to come out eventually..}}

<Zack> ~Your right..~

Session Close: Thu Oct 04 22:33:11 2001

