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Session Start: Thu Oct 25 20:56:59 2001

<Zack> *has been going through hours of the torture now, seeming to definatly get weaker every time now*

<Zack> ~Diana...are you there?~

* Diana cringes, wishing she could offer strength or something* {{Hai...trying to figure out if I can do anything...}}

<Zack> ~Zeus has it timed perfectly...I heal then get shocked again, so it won't kill me...but...its...its too much..~

<Diana> {{I'm here for you...if...if there's a way to tap into my energy without using either of our it...}}

<Zack> ~I don't know...there might be a wa-~ 6before he finishes, the next round of shocking comes in

* Diana cringes* <w> Great gods...

*the picture in her mind seems to be getting weak, probally beacause of Zack's weakness

<Zeus> *then walks into the room, standing near Zack*

* Diana swallows, hunched in the tree..*

<Zeus> "I hope you have learned your lesson Zack...what do you think?"

<Zack> *nods silently*

<Zeus> "Good, you will be taking back to your room, then meet me in the laboratory later." *he walks out as the harnesses release Zack*

<Zack> *gets up slowly, and is then escorted back to his room and into his bed

<Zack> ~Thank's over...~

* Diana sighs, stalking a trail* {{Hai...gods, Zack...what can I do to help you??}}

<Zack> ~Talk about something, try to help me take my mind off the pain...~

<Diana> {{Uhm...ok...ever think about getting a tattoo?}}

<Zack> *laughs slightly* ~Can't say I have Diana. Do you think I would look good with one?~

<Diana> {{*chuckles softly* Depends on where and what it is...I could give it to you if you ever do want one...}}

<Zack> ~You do tatoos huh?~

<Diana> {{'s one of my jobs...besides teaching Aikido and taking care of the Asylum with HLM...}}

<Zack> ~That's nice.~

<Diana> {{ you were to get a tattoo...what do you think you'd like it of..?}}

<Zack> ~I have no idea...what do you think would be good?~

<Diana> {{Hmm...I don't know...maybe a yinyang symbol...?}}

<Zack> ~A yingyang...hmmmm...~ *secretly plots in his head that a heart and Diana's name would be good too, although she can't hear that*

<Zack> ~If I ever get out of here...mabye we can figure that out...~

<Diana> {{Hai...we...just have to figure out how...}}

<Zeus> *then walks in* "Alright Zack, time to go to the lab."

<Zack> *nods, and follows Zeus to the lab*

* Diana sighs softly..*

* This Lab looks veyr familiar to the lab that was in the mountain. They strap Zack to a table

<Zeus> "Ok Zack, we are going to inject you with almost the same chemicals as before, but they are more powerful now, so they will make you better."

* Diana frowns..*

<Zack> *closes his eyes* ~God no...~

<Diana> {{I'm here for you Zack...}}

<Zack> *cringes as the sceintists begin hooking him up to the machines*

<Zack> ~No...I can't take it...Can't take it....~

<Diana> <w> Gods..

* Zack's back arches as the stuff enters him

<Zeus> *watches the monitors* "Keep it going...he's not there yet..."

<Zack> ~Diana...~

<Diana> {{What can I do...?}}

<Zack> ~I....hehehehe....Not good Diana...~

<Diana> {{I can tell...}} *swallows, trying to find guards or something to lead her to where he is..* {{If you need strength to fight, Zack..pleaes...take it...}}

<Mathiu> ~Time to say goodbye for now Diana.~ *he cuts off the link*

<Diana> NO!!!

<Zeus> "There...that is enough..He is out now."

*for some reason, she can still hear them, but that is it*

* Diana grips the locket, trying to get a lock on Zack/Mathiu any way she can..*

<Mathiu> *looks over at Zeus* "And you are?"

<Zeus> "I am Zeus..the creator of you in a sense."

<Mathiu> "And what the hell do you want?"

<Zeus> "I just wanted to meet you for aren't staying this time."

<Mathiu> "What the fuck are you talking about? I'll kill you myse-" *Zeus activates the regulator, shocking Zack

* Diana cringes..*

* but as the pain goes through them both, she can see that it is pushing Mathiu back down, and bringing Zack back*

* Diana swallows...watching..*

<Zeus> *stops shocking him now* "welcome back Zack..."

<Zack> *breathing hard* "....."

<Zeus> "Let us go test how much you have improved.."

<Zeus> *unstraps Zack and leads him to the training room, which is fixed now*

<Zeus> "Alright Zack, I have increased the difficulty, but you shouldn't have a problem.."

<Zack> *nods, then turns to the targets, looking them over.*

<Zack> ~Diana...I am gonna try something...~

<Diana> {{Alright..}}

<Zack> ~Pray...and if I don't make it...I...I love you Diana...~

* Diana swallows* {{I will...I..I love you, too..}}

* Diana won't go into that "..only as a friend" thing, though ;-P*

<Zack> *closes his eyes, and the area around him starts to turn a crimson red

<Zeus> *just watches in amazement

<Zack> *brings his hands together, squeezing tightly in front of his chest, the crimson aura gathering there

* Diana furrows her brows, swallowing a lil'..*

<Zack> ~God help me...~ *he then turns around, and blasts Zeus with the crimson energy, a large explosion flowing out everywhere, but not bright, but like blood

* Diana's eyes widen*

* The lockets energy is fluxuating like a mad house*

* Diana holds the locket in her hand, praying like mad...mind racing*

* her trace on Zack seems to be jumping everywhere, like he is still alive, but he can't be found. It is unsure

* Diana rests a hand on the bark of the tree she's standing in...blinking*

* suddenly, the locket stops glowing. just stops*

* Diana stares...sitting suddenly on the limb, sending her mind out to try finding him that way* {{Zack?!}}

* but after that, she still suddenly gets a picture of Zack, but no location she can figure out, but on the island. he is horribly injured, and slowly floating in one direction

* Diana gasps, leaping into another tree for lack of knowlege to do with herself, trying to get a fix on him..* {{Zack...Zack...hold on...take...take some of my energy...can you hear me???}} *sends out energy to him..*

<Zeus> *up agaisnt a crumbled wall, an arm and leg missing* ~Kumi...go get Zack...he escaped...~

* out of no where you suddenly see a blur hit Zack, and he goes down hard*

<Diana> No!!

<Kumi> "You thought you would get away from us? Well, now it is time to die Zack."

<Zack> *gets up from the ground slowly, a bloody mess

<Zack> "You...won't hurt...them anymore..."

<Kumi> "You are pathetic...why not just, LET ME PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERY!" *a blur goes at Zack again, and zack is on the ground once more

<Kumi> *stands over Zack's unmoving body, laughing

<Zack> ~Just enough to finish him and me off....~

<Diana> {{Z...Zack...}}

<Zack> ~He...can't live...~

<Diana> {{Then finish so I can find you...}}

<Zack> ~If I let this blast's for both of us...I don't have the concentration...for a secluded blast..~

<Diana> {{I..Z...Zack...}}

<Zack> ~Yes Diana?~

<Kumi> *picks up Zack's body, placing a hand on his chest

<Diana> {{ what you must...I...I'll never forget you...}}

<Zack> ~Guess I will see you in the other life..hope to 'meet' you there..~

<Zack> *slowly raises his hand also as Kumi does too

* Diana chokes back a sob, falling to her knees on the limb*

* they both let out a blast, the energy catostrophical, leveling out a quarter of the jungle*

* the locket opens up, and Zack's picture is glowing, but it falls out, and floats down lightly to the ground*

* Diana swallows, snatching at the pic before leaping down o pick it up off the ground with a trembling hand..*

* before she can get it, the wind gets ahold of it, floating it slwly away

* Diana watches it...taking a few steps in its direection, tears coming to her eyes*

* Diana follows it*

* As she follows it, she begins to feel the leftover energy from the blast, like she is getting close to it, and even from this far away, the energy is very strong*

* Diana blinks, furrowing her brows a lil', dashing through the forest*

* the energy almost gets too much to bear as she comes into the zone where the blast occured

* Diana shudders...looking around*

* The picture keeps moving, like its going to the center

* Diana follows...*

* the picture flies into the very center, where a crimson circle of energy flows all around. She is unable to see whats inside

* Diana slows down...narrowing her eyes as she looks at the energy, brows furrowed..*

*the picture made it through*

* Diana hesitently moves forward, reaching a hand out to touch the energy...and step through..*

* it seems like nothing, but the warm feeling she used to get from Zack

* Diana steps through the barrier, shivering a lil' as she looks around...*

<Diana> <w> Zack...?

Session Close: Thu Oct 25 23:55:22 2001
