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Session Start: Sun Apr 14 20:55:59 2002

* Nox looks over to Syan once they're both in..*

* Syan follows, motioning her to have a seat..* <q> I didn't say anything about it last night ... but ... Is there anything we can do for it..?

* Nox sits down and sweeps her hair over her shoulder, inching the neckline of her dress down so the brand is visible between her shoulderblades, along with more bruises and electrical burns* <q> I...don't know...

* Syan grimaces, sitting behind her to examine it.. .. after a long while:* God .. <vqw> I don't know what to do for it on aside of .. burning it off..*grimaces* <q> No way in hell.

* Nox bows her head, trying to keep the tears away, he can hear them in her voice* <w> I do not know...

* Syan grimaces, gently wrapping his arms around her and tilting her back to lean against his chest* <vqw> I'm so sorry I wasn't there sooner..

* Nox leans back closing her eyes briefly, before opening them to look up at him* <vqw> I'm glad you came when you did...

* Syan nods, his own voice a little shakey .. he hasn't even bathed either so he's .. a little messed up* <vqw> Me too. I-I don't even want to think of what might've happened had I been minutes later.

* Nox nods a little, sighing shakily* <w> Me us not...? Perhaps...a soothing bath...?

* Syan nods after a while* <q> Yeah..that actually might be a good idea.

* Nox nods, lingering there for a moment more before gingerly slipping her dress up over her shoulders again and stands to draw the bath, hands shaking slightly*

* Syan furrows his brow, shrugging out of his clothes for a while before following her, worried look following when noting the shaking*

* Nox straightens, pulling towels down for them, pausing breifly before slipping the dress and undergarments off to join him*

* Syan furrows his brows, settling into the bath..motioning for her to sit with him* <q> You ok..? Besides the situation?

* Nox settles with him, wincing lightly at the burns and stuff, but getting comfortable, nodding a little* <q> Yes...I just...*sighs shakily* It keeps going through my head...

* Syan pulls her close, resting his chin on her shoulder as he gently goes about cleaning her* <q> You wanna talk about it..?

* Nox shrugs a little, closing her eyes and just enjoying being touched gently* <q> I do not know...when...when I was still being held by Cho...he set up an illusion of you and Iris being killed when I refused to share information about you two...I know it wasn't real...but...

* Syan grimaces, nodding a little as he continues* <q> The thought .. and the illusion hurt..

* Nox swallows* <w> Yes...exactly...

* Syan gently smoothes his hands through her hair to clean there..* <q> Iris and I escaped the first day ... god I wanted to stay to find you .. but .. I couldn't risk letting Iris getting caught again ..

* Nox swallows, tears slipping from her eyes* <vqw> Thank you so much for that...I do not think she would have survived otherwise...

* Syan nods* <q> She was scared .. I .. *shakes his head as he gently rinses her hair out* <q> I don't even want to think of that. They already did too much to her...

* Nox nods, sighing shakily* <w> We...we're all...alright now, though...

* Syan nods, running a hand raggedly through his own hair .. surprised when he runs into a few of his own cuts .. but chooses to ignore them...of course .. he looks a tad bruised otherwise* <q> Yeah .. that's what counts, right?

* Nox nods, opening her eyes to look up at him* <q> Exactly...*furrows her brows, reaching up to slip her hands gently through his hair* You're alright..?

* Syan nods a little* <q> I'm guessing the cuts are from when they knocked me out the first time..I'm ok .. *looks at his hands under the water* I think I ran way too much in wolf form yesterday ... my hands n' feet hurt

* Nox nods a little, brows furrowed* <q> Is there anyything I can do...?

* Syan shrugs, looking up at her through his bangs* <q> Just ... stay with me..? I .. I just .. missed you .. a lot..

* Nox slides her hands to his, bending her head to examine them, then nods, meeting his gaze* <w> I don't ever want to leave you...

* Syan nods, his eyes never really parting her gaze* <q> Me neither .. I was scared to death .. ..I don't ever want to feel like that again..

* Nox nods, brows wrinkling and leaning in close to him* <w> Nor I...I...I was so afraid...

* Syan traces his fingers down her jaw gently .. * <q> Stay with me..?

<Nox> <w> Alwayys...*manages a soft smile*

* Syan smirks...kissing her gently, wrapping his arms around her to pull her close*

* Nox slips her arrms around him, returning the kiss and pressing close*

* Syan smiles into the kiss, gently tracing his fingers over her back, just content to have her close to him*

* Nox mms softly, just holding close to him*

* Nox pulls back a little, gazing up at him* <vqw> I love you, my wolf..

* Syan, after a while, just leans back as he holds her, he's too comfortable to want to start washing himself down .. figures he'll do it later* <q> I love you too, my midnight rose..*grins a bit, smoothing her hair back*

* Nox smiles softly, going about gently washing him down from where she is, figuring he'll feel better once really clean*

* Syan mms, closing his eyes and leaning to her touch ... looks so much like a very happy pup at the moment*

* Nox smiles softly as she works*

* Syan smiles, eyes opening a little to look up at her*

* Nox smiles at him, reaching up to gently trace his cheek with her fingertips*

* Syan smirks* <q> You're know that.?

* Nox smiles softly, slightly sadly* <q> Even with the cuts? are hansome...

* Syan furrows his brow, watching her quietly, tracing his fingers over her cheek..neck, and down her sides* <q> Every part of you is beautiful, Nox..because it is you ..

* Nox shivers slightly, smiling a little bit tears in her eyes* <vqw> Thank you...

* Syan smiles, eyes just in awe of everything that is her* <q> No, Nox..thank you...

* Nox swallows a little, cupping his face gently in her hands and just...kissing him...all the emotion runnning through her, taht she can't express in that kiss, making the envirnment like that of a warm spring night where you can feel the love in the air*

* Syan smiles, had he a tail it'd be wagging, wrapping his arms snugly but not to tightly around her, just taking in everything and enjoying her*

* Nox stays there with him, curled close, losing herself within his essence*

* Syan leans back against the tub, just holding her snugly ... he pulls back from the kiss after a long while...eyes watching her with that undoubted loyalty to her*

* Nox leans back with him, gazing up at him with loyaty to to protect him..*

* Syan smiles..shifting a bit as he watches her* <q> Nox .. ?

<Nox> <q> Yes...?

* Syan traces his fingers over er arm, lacing his hand with hers once there* <q> Will you be mine..?

* Nox bites her lip a little, twining her fingers with his in return, eyes not leaving his* <w> I will...

* Syan smiles, tilting his head to lean in .. kissing her gently..*

* Nox smiles, returning the kiss*

* Syan shivers a little, just holding her close as he kisses her .. he's warm to the touch, and completely content*

* Nox mms a little, stroking her fingers through his hair, feeling worry well up for him, knowing Iris has been sick...annd that both of them have been in close contact with her..*

* Syan gently pulls back, just resting his brow to hers* <q> You look worried....

* Nox gazes up at him, resting her fingertips against his jaw* <q> A...bit of a feel warm...

* Syan furrows his brows..then sighs..sheepish look overcoming his face* <q> I might be getting ill .. just too exhausted to tell really ..

* Nox nods* <w> really need to rest...

* Syan pouts a little* <q> What about you..?

* Nox chuckles softly* <w> I will be with you...

* Syan smirks, shaking his head* <q> No, I meant are you feeling any ill? We've both been stickin' close to the squirt..

<Nox> <q> Ah! the hurts...and...exhaustion...*trails off and smirks sheepishly* I don't know...

* Syan chuckles* <q> Then maybe some rest for us both, huh?

* Syan tugs the plug from the tub, slowly standing with her ..snagging a towel and gently toweling her off*

* Nox nods, standing with him and smileing softly...returning the favor*

* Syan gathers her in his arms once they're dry, toting her out of the bathroom to the bed*

* Nox slides her arms around his shoulders, watching him and kissinnng his cheek*

* Syan smiles, settling her on the bed before sliding in next to her*

* Nox curls up to him* <w> Great gods, love...I've missed this...

* Syan mmhmms, tucking the blankets around them and just holding her close..* <q> So've I..

* Nox smiles gently, cuddling close, resting her head lightly on his shoulder*

* Syan smiles, kissing her gently before relaxing...just happy to have her there*

* Nox kisses back, nuzzling gently, content to be with him*

* Syan grins..slowly drifting off as he holds her..

* Nox smiles softly, starting to doze...feeling her throat close, and awakens again...deciding just to watch him for a while*

* Syan hrnhs...still half awake..looking down at her* <q> Wha'srong.?

* Nox watches him a bit* <q> Ah...nothing...a bit of insomnia...

* Syan furrows his brows* <q> Your sure..??

* Nox nods with a feint smile* <q> Yes...

* Syan nods...brows staying furrowed as he watches her .. goin' by nothing but worry .. just holding her close*

* Nox sighs softly, curling close*

* Syan smiles after a while..holding her as he watches her*

* Nox smiles softly*

* Syan chews his lip* <q> You're sure it's just insomnia?

* Nox furrows her brows lightly, going to say something before sighing softly* <q> Well...I...whenever I try...falling asleep...*takes a shaky breath* I...I...*touches her neck* I feel the fingers closing...

* Syan grimaces .. scooting a bit so they're eye level..gently tracing his fingers over the spot* <q> Like ... because of memory..? Or does your throat have damage that's causing it..?

<Nox> <q> The memory...I'm just...bruised...and...there's that buzzing...*sits up a little annd turns so he can see the cut in the back of her neck* They put something in my neck to block telepathy...

* Syan blinkblinks* <q> I..I could try to get it I don't want to do so if you dont want me to..*sits up on his elbow*

* Nox looks up at him* <q> I...actually do want the thing out...

* Syan chews his lip.then nods, sitting up and turning on a desk lamp* Yeah .. um, lemme get ...*makes a face* A knife..gahh..

* Nox nods a bit, closing her eyes and taaking a deep breath*

* Syan pulls on a pair of boxers .. heading into the bathroom to pull out a razor .. this entire idea making him look sickly..*

* honestlly not looking any better, sitting up, nude in bed, blankets fallen to her waist, head bowed, hair tucked over one shoulder, neck bare*

* Syan settles behind her, swallowing as he looks for the scar ..*

<Syan> <q> You may want to hold onto something..or bite onto something

* Nox nods, gripping the sheets with her hands, making sure her fingernails won't dig into her palms*

* Syan takes a deep breath .. trying to figure how he'll do this .. before gently slitting and pushing to get it out*

* Nox gets the sheets in a deathgrip, trying her best to stay relaxed, tears falling form her eyes*

* Syan .. pops it out?*

* Nox sees no reason why not! <G> gets snagged breifly and stuff*

* Syan gets it out...crushes it between his finger tips, then places a piece of gauze over, taping it with medical tape..

<Syan> <q> Gyah..*puts the razor away* Got it..

* Nox gasps softly, a trail of blood down her back*

* Syan wipes it off with the remaining gauze..brows furrowed* <q> I'm sorry.

* Nox takes a moment to find her voice* <q> It's alright...thank you...

* Syan pulls her close, sighing shakily*

* Nox curls close, sighing with relief* {{We can talk this way now...}}

* Syan smiles, laying back down after putting the stuff away, pulling her close* {{Mmhmm..much better..}}

* Nox smiles, curled close*

* Syan mms, ginger of her neck as he holds her..

Session Close: Mon Apr 15 00:49:01 2002


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