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Session Start: Sat Apr 13 22:57:50 2002

* `Wing straightens up suddenly.. and disterbingly.. calm

<`Wing> The unitedstates government can Bite me!

<Doc> They will.

<HappyLittleMoron> *Nox...uh...sits in her cell some more, seeming to meditate*

<`Wing> so be it...

<`Wing> shigashi... this may eb the first time since i was born that i have ever wished to cause distrunction and death jsut as the Demon once did... it would surve the aragent people of this facility and the united states right... humanity needs to get its head out of its ass and it starts here in Great Grand ol America

* Doc straightens. "Is that so...? You may want to rethink that before the final evaluations...You have two days."

<`Wing> I do not take kindly to beign ABDUCTED from my own HOME and SOLD like a piece of labratory equipment to be poked proded sampled scanned and volated!

<Doc> It's not your choice. You're a threat to society.

<`Wing> I jsut try to live my own god damned fucking simple life! the fact that people fear what i am and what i can do is the threat

<Doc> What would you have them do instead?

<`Wing> the fear what they dotn knwo or think the do they thirst for dominance and will have it at the destruction of a life

<`Wing> Leave me the HELL ALONE!

* `Wing pounds his fist in the the nearest wall leaving a dent

* Nox blinks and looks up, slowly rising to her feet*

* Doc stands up hastily. "Mr. Yuy, this is for your own good..."

* Doc backs to the door...Ricker watching...

<`Wing> URUSEI!!!!

<`Wing> My won good? My won good you speak to me as if i were a child

<`Wing> My own good would be returned to my mundane life with thsoe i care for to work 9 to 5 and get my paychek on friday sand take my family bowlong from tiem to time

<Doc> Your family?

<`Wing> woudl you deny any normal human the right to live ? this land of the free for all man kind is a joke! its for only thsoe who benifit the government only thsoe who are sueful as tools or sheep

<Doc> Freedom must be protected. This is protection for the millions, not the few...


<`Wing> this si for the power of the few to flece the many!

<`Wing> at the expence of good peoples lives!

* Nox furrows her brows, resting her hand against the wall as she listens silently*

<Doc> You have no choice. Be wise, Yuy. Calm down and find out how to work with us, not against us.

<`Wing> I dotn want to work with you or agsint you I wanto to be left aloen to live as i choose!

* `Wing starts with a growel eventualy into an outraged yell /scream and kicks at the moniter thing driving his bare foot into the thing, starts bleeding, jsut goes on a general rampage destorying the little inanimate thigns in his room but not once gettign clsoer to the humans

* Doc flees, mid-protest that he can't have that choice...

* Nox cringes in sympathy*

* Ricker lets him go and starts out too, then turns back in the doorway, watching.

* Computer monitor gets SMASHED...Wing gets cut along his arm*

* `Wing falls to his knees poundign his fsits on the floor, tears and blood flowing freely

<`Wing> why... why...why cant i just live?

* Ricker bends forward, arm extended, then catches himself

* Nox closes her eyes, wrinkling her brows, mouthing words in Latin*

<`Wing> *whimper* Okasan... taskete...

<Ricker> <q> "I'll get some...bandages...damn..."

<`Wing> taskete...

<`Wing> (mother help...... help)

* Ricker eyes the burned skin at Wing's shoulders, where the robe's dropped a little, and the brand...

* Ricker leaves the cell...

* Doc stands, panting...

* Nox sighs softly and sits on her cot, looking around for the millionth time as she does so*

* `Wing beats his blodded fists agint the floor a few times before slumpign forward body wracked by silent sobs poor boi's a mess

* Two FBI agents, one called Ricker, open up Nox's cell.

* Nox looks up, her eyes darker than the darkest night imaginable, giving off that creepy vibe she's so good at*

* The agents reel a little, but press on. Ricker: "Time to go." *steps forward*

* Nox fixes her gaze on Ricker, intensifying the feel for him* Where?

* Ricker puts an arm up, shielding himself. OtherAgent brandishes a taser and steps forward. "Knock it off!"

* Nox looks to the other agent, letting it flow free, her voice embodying that calmness* If you are too cowardly to face the night, you are not worth obeying.

* Ricker stumbles forward, getting behind Nox to try and grab her arms.

* Nox side steps him, eyes growing darker, slipping from his grip, and facing both of them*

* OtherAgent lunges forward with the taser at her, from her left

* Ricker sees this and snatches a small gun at his side

* Nox quietly watches them, just barely avoiding the taser, the room darkening for them*

* Ricker's gun hits her with a stun needle...

* Nox cringes and sinks down, trying to pull the needle out*

* Ricker backs away, wide-eyed...

* The Other Agent zaps Nox anyway

* right at the shoulder...

* Nox stiffens, back arching etc, the dark effects leaving, just the creepy feeling remaining*

<Ricker> "C'mon."

* Nox looks up at him through her hair, and asks again in that soft, terrifyingly calm voice* Where?

* Ricker gives her a nervous look, and helps the other agent cuff her forearms again

* Nox watches them, the feeling intesifying again*

* The two drag Nox down some hallways, hurrying more than usual, and bakc to the original operating room she was in.

* They dump her on a big table with straps on it, and she gets slid into a big cylinder...

* Nox furrows her brow lightly, looking around the cylinder...*

<TechKim> *sits down at her terminal* Begining palaminary scan

* Nox examines the area, that feeling never leaving her*

<Kim> *fingers dancing over the controls as lights and thign sstart going over Nox*

* Nox kinda watches bewilderdly*

* Doc takes notes...

* Nox is...more or less just like a normal human woman...brain's a bit different due to being what she is, tho*

<Kim> she seems so human... palimanary scans compleat moving to phase two... DNA mock up model compleat, double helix with mutant gene detected... electrical data spectrum in the low range wave lengths..

* Doc nods impatiently. "The usual. Are we almost done iwth scanning?"

* He's got a golf date.*

<Kim> jsut need pnysical samples now sir...

<Doc> Good. *triggers the table to come out, meets Nox's eyes*

<Kim> (( shes still just as intrestign as the other one..))

<Kim> (( but she doesnt ahve that 'your kickign a puppy' look in her eyes like the other ))

* Nox looks at the Doc, the vibes hitting him full force*

* Doc squints at her. "Keep it up... I'm happy to meet hte quota with your kind of mutant."

<Nox> Quota, hm?

<Kim> (( unfeeling highschool chemistry teacher))

<Doc> Every research agency has its quota...of how many subjects it's allowed to keep active, and how many must be sanctioned to keep costs down, and studied post-mortem.

* Nox smirks slightly* I see...and you would sooner look at me after I died, rather than keep me alive. My body's will learn nothing.

<Kim> ...she is right sir.. mostly

<Doc> Better than having a creature on the premesis whose greatest power, apparently, is depressing everyone around her.

<Doc> She's worse than my wife...

* Nox smirks, looking up to the ceiling again* Thank you.

<Kim> ... *flatly* yes sir

<Doc> I don't make the rules, Wilsson. *gives the techie a look*

<Doc> Don't worry, you get over it after the first two years. It's like being a veterinarian. You have to make choices.

<Kim> i know sir... secondary annalysis compleat .. anlization of subject 321 compleat...initating primary ID protocalls now

* Nox shakes her head a little*

<Kim> *has the machene place a small silver medalion between nox's shoulder, its branding her with an ID bardoce and "property of the USA homeland security

* Docs and techies get physical samples, blood, spinal tap, etc.

* Nox cringes, muscles tensing at the burning and all that other stuff, ggasping very softly*

<Kim> .. examination compleat

<Nox> ...and US the monsters...

* Doc sighs and tosses his gloves in the radioactive waste container...pulls his glasses off. "Can you take care of clean-up, Wilsson? I'll be back this afternoon."

* ignores Nox*

<Kim> *flinches a bit at that* yes sir

<Kim> *turns the stuff off and approches nox* Ricker give me a hand would you?

* Ricker leaves his post at the door and comes with...

<Kim> *carefuly removes the bonds aorund nox's feet first*

* Nox shakes her head and looks up to Kim, watching her, back kinda arched to keep contact from it*

<Kim> im goign to relece your arms.. please dont sturggle you might hurt yrouself..*reaches over to unbuckel her arms*

<Kim> *quietly* i dont want ot drug you like we did the other one

* Nox nods a little, slowly sitting up, rubbing her wrists a little* Other one?

<Kim> subject 320... the angel.

* Nox furrows her brows* Ah...does this angel have a name? *meets her eyes, gentling the vibes a little* Or is he or she simply an object as well?

<Kim> im supposed to think of you as subjects.. all i knwo is his name is Yuy

* Ricker nudges Kim. "C'mon. Lotsa cameras." <q>

* Nox nods a bit, not breaking her gaze from Kim's eyes* But do you?

<Kim> coem on were takign you abck to your cell...*puts a robe over nox's shoulders closign it for her.. whispers* im sorry

* Nox cringes lightly, tying the robe shut and nodding a bit* *in Latin, knowing the odds are Kim wouldn't understand* If you were truely would not be doing this...

<Kim> .. *sad amused chuckel*.. first japanese.. nwo latin... i knew i shouldn't have taken french...

* Nox chuckles softly, dryly*

<Kim> take her back will you Ricker?

<Kim> *checks the scheduel to see if the two subjects are aloud any time together that evening*

* Nox folds her hands in front of her*

* Ricker hesitates, then puts on the cuffs so it's in front of her

<Kim> ...(( i need a better job))

* Nox lets the vibes get creepier as he does so*

* Ricker just looks stressed and tense.

* other FBI dude comes over and is more rough, and the two walk her out. "Behave," the other dude warns.

<Nox> *cold, calm, hypnotic voice, just going along with the roughness* I would not dream of doing otherwise.

<Kim> *goes abtou filing the information*

* Ricker shivers and walks her along.

* Nox watches the surroundings as she goes*

* Halls! White and industrial and gov't approved

<Nox> *quiet, calm, hypnotic voice* You need to find yourself a new interior designer.

* Ricker snorts a little.

* Nox smirks lightly as she pads a long, dark eyes taking everything in* You enjoy your work?

<OtherAgent> "That doesn't matter."

<OA> "Save it for the psych exam."

<Nox> *vibe keeps going, along with the tone of voice* Of course it does. *smirks slowly*

* Ricker bites his lip.

* Nox looks to Ricker, having caught that* I see he agrees with me.

<OA> Enough mind games. *jerks his chin to Ricker* Open the cell.

* Ricker complies...

* Nox smiles slowly to OA* One cannot playy mind games with the mindless.

<OA> shoves Nox into her cell. "Waste of a set of boobs."

* Nox smirks* And I'm sure you envy them. Lingerie does not look as good on you, I'm sure.

* Nox got shoved in, btw*

* Door gets slammed!*

* Nox smirks, then cries out in Latin, pretty sure HE'D understand <wouldn't he?>* Wing?! Can you hear me?!

* `Wing blinks and turns to reply to the wall

<`Wing> Nox i can hear you

<Nox> Are you alright? I heard...screaming...

<`Wing> alive.

<`Wing> How do you fair?

<Nox> I have...been better. I assume they did the tests and such on you as well?

<`Wing> *snorts* a correct asumption

<Nox> Who...ARE they? English is not my native tongue...and a lot of the words on the screen made no sense to me...

* `Wing uses the blanket to fashon kind of a loin cloth thingy and a belt so he can ware the robe liek a kimono... uses the rest to bind his wounds

<`Wing> they are with the government of this country. they want to study us to find otu hwo we work so they can use us and what they find as wepaons agsint other mutants

<`Wing> and humans

<`Wing> (( I WILL maintain some dignaty))

<Nox> Oh no...

<`Wing> thsu far they dotn know alot abtou teh others but i have a wil eb a long tim ebefor i see the sun again

<Nox> Heh...I as well...I get the sense they intend to rid themselves of me once they finish with whatever they are doing...we need a way out.

<`Wing> there may be a way but i am unsure of it at the moment. answer as few questions as you can and be vegue.. they have a machene that knows when you lie so tell them somethign that is true but that will not help them.. adn when n doubt glare

<Nox> Of course...they are not at ease around me to begin with, so, that will be no problem...

* Ricker nods, smirking to himself, listening in.

<`Wing> and they hardly understand you anyway

<`Wing> to them latin is a dead language

<`Wing> however maybe this... Ricker.. is smarter then your average human...

* `Wing stomach grumbles loud

<Nox> I least I hope not many have taken it in...what did she call it...High School? Yes...

<`Wing> urusai..

<`Wing> when they were about 13 to 18 years old

<Nox> Ah...*sighs a bit, trying telepathy, getting that buzz again, I'm sure, and shaking her head again*

<`Wing> sending doesnt work

<`Wing> its the thigns the put in our necks

<Nox> I know...are we the only ones they have?

<`Wing> i believe so... i can.. barely feel your sister of the dark... however it is a fiant breeze in my soul that connects us...

<`Wing> they will come...

<Nox> is the same with the night well as the Green Man and child of colors...<Green man= Kernunose, child of colors=Iris, other one I'd think is obviouse <G>>

<Nox> I hope so..

<`Wing> I prey the Shadow comes... though i do believe it will burn beneath shadow's feury.

<`Wing> and if the Dragon is summoned... this injustice will be a scorch mark on this pands memory

* `Wing chuckels

<Nox> One can only pray...I am sure the lightening and thunder are seaking their targets as well as the wolf hunts in my relm...

<`Wing> im sure your beloveds fangs will find many a throat

* Nox manages a soft chuckle* I am yours's fury will destroy all that threaten...

<`Wing> hell hath no feury as my Tenshi's

<Nox> Very true...

<`Wing> believe me ... i know...

<`Wing> (( please be safe Belovid. i am sorry i am not with you right now where i should be))

<Nox> I believe you...

* `Wing looks around his cell

<`Wing> maybe i shouldnt have redecorated

* Nox settles on her cot carefully, doing much the same* You were hurt badly...? *pauses* White does get tiresome, tho...

<`Wing> its a psychological attack.. no clothign dehumanizes, alogn with lack of contact.. the white is to dull our sences, to amek them non exsistant.. they are trying to erace who we are to make us.. placid

<`Wing> moldable.. easy to manipulate untill our use wares out then... we die

<`Wing> white hell

<Nox> Just as all slave traders...

<`Wing> its a good way to make a soldier aswell.. erace everything they are and repalce with new programing.

<`Wing> the perfect soldier is one who is easy to control and who does nto care abtou caulsties, themselves, anythign else but the mission and following orders.

<Nox> Aye...I remember those from the distant past trying to do that to the Green Man...the former to the Night and Color Child...

<Nox> Aye..

<`Wing> i hate to be pecimistic but i doubt the would do that to you.... myself though. i would make them a wonderous soldier.

<`Wing> and they coudl make many more of me if the wished they ahve what they need to do so... baka yaro!

<Nox> They will simply kill me, if anything...*sighs softly* My friend, we must know this...

<`Wing> ive never wished to kill before...but i feel its song calling to me

<`Wing> this is unforgivable... hwo many ahve they doen this to.. how many more...

<Nox> My friend...hold to what is truely will never break if you are able to do that...take it from someone who knows...

<`Wing> *in japanese* i knwo you understand this.. do you ehr me? land of justice land of the free you will not make a prisoner of me and flee from true justice.

* Nox blinks and quiets, listening and thinking she should learn Japanese, if not just to fit in <G>*

<`Wing> *in latin* as to you stay as you are... dakara.. if they choose to worship your tempel the wrong way i will kill them.<im sure you can understand that >

<Nox> they have of yet...I thank you...

<`Wing> light needs to protect darkness.. one cannot be without the other.. ne?

<Nox> Very true...*smirks a little* In a way, I suppose we are brother sister as well, are we not?

<Shin> * woke up a bit ago though seems still asleep, in deep concentration .. her soul reachign out to her true mother*

<`Wing> yes..

<Shin> {{ Mother... mother please hear me}}

* Nox sighs softly, leans back, grimaces and decides to lay on her belly instead*

* `Wing sits in the midle of the floor in a medatative position amongst the mess he made

<Shingami> {{ Okasan... onagai kite yo! i really need you to be listining now}}

<Shingami> {{ i need you to talk to Diana.. a woman who can hear our voice, who can use wing and i as a link to you. i need to let her know im ok.. but need help please mother...woudl you abandon me now?}}

* Shingami feels a familure mind, in druggy happyness

<Shingami> yatta!{[ Diana!!}}

<Diana> {{*groggy* Nani kore...?}}

<Shingami> {{ diana can you hear me its shin.. Shingami }}

<Shingami> {{ you ahve no idea hwo good it is to hear you}}

<Diana> {{'re right...I don't...who?}} *no memory <G>*

<Shingami> {{ diana.. this is important please listen carefuly... i need you to find a way to contact HLM Happy Little Moron, tell her that Shin is ok and to go to Maxwell church. can you do that for me?}}

<Diana> {{Ah...hai...she's right here...}}

<Shingami> {{ tell her to go there please.. Maxwell Church}}

<Diana> {{Ne...Shin...she's bedridden until she can have her children...she almost lost them not long aggo..}}

<Shingami> {{ k'so... anyone else you can reach... i cant talk to anyone else but those connected to mother}}

<Shingami> (( i could try... ooh that woudl hurt if i tried to contact klork im nto the air elemental))

* Shingami contemplates reachign beyond her bounds.. and is comforted slightly by the touch of three familure brotherly minds

<Diana> {{Hai...II'm talking to Mitch...passed the word on...}}

<Shingami> {{ thank you.. rest..}}

<Diana> {{ safe....? Domo...}}

<Shingami> {{ workign on it}}

* Nox continues to...meditate, whatever...*

Session Close: Sun Apr 14 02:00:53 2002
