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Session Start: Sun Apr 14 02:00:49 2002

* The black lab coated dude heads down the hall, while Ricker fidgets and finally places an emergency call to Shin

* still...chillin' in her cell*

* the cell rattles open.*

<Kim> *picks up* hullo?

* Nox looks up coldly, air thick with the tension and creepy feel*

<Ricker> "It's me. HOw soon can you get here? They're taking out the other subject TONIGHT."

<Kim> what?.. blackies showd up?

* The Exterminator repels her wave with a cold stare and walks in, clamping a broad hand over Nox's face.

* Nox pulls back and twists her body...trying to force darkness into his mind, letting out a muffled scream*

* his second hand CLAMPS onto the back of Nox's neck and lifts her from the bed, then he jerks her forward in front of him and walks her out of the cell.

* Nox tears at his hands with her nails as she's forced along, continuing to try sending darkness into his mind, the air around them seeming to darken as well*

* Klork comes through a portal followed by the herd of ppl

* Mitch flicks off the safety as he emerges, bringing the rifle around to a more ready position

<Wing> *in latin* Sister.. sister what is goign on(to nox)

* Inexorable as nightfall, he half-carries/half-forces Nox to a small room with a single table in it's middle

* Folks land......on the roof!

* Klork wastes no time...blows a huge hole in the roof electrically

* Nox twists, struggling, her cries muffled by his hand she tears at with her nails*

* the ocean is off to the right, small roads lead off a major highway in the distance to the facility*

* Mitch 's second hands are still curled up with the pistols, posing as a normal human - one with an ace or two in the hole

* The Exterminator holds her down with one hand, flicking on equipment around the room -- video cameras, monitors, medical equipment.

<Shingami> someoen get this damn cast off of me

* Klork snags the sword

<Klork> Hold up yer' leg.

* Ricker throws open Wing's cell. "Come on! We've only got a few minutes!"

<Kim> im coming

* Mitch covers the hole with the rifle - anyone below?

* Syan watches. then hops down the hole*

* They're over an empty cafteria!

<Shingami> yeah right..*tries it anyway*

* Nox is a little distracted <G> struggling to be free, the room darkening from her powers, seeming to suck the light clear away*

<Wing> .naniitainda?

* Evy grabs a nearby metal pipe and hovers down the hole to the level below*

* Ricker was in charge of security tonight and has ... kinda abandoned his post

<Wing> *gets up and goes over*

* Klork helps pry the cast off Shin

* Mitch crouches, getting down on the edge of the hole and lowering himself... he lands on a table, stepping down and off, turning to sweep the barrel over the area

* Exterminator hooks Nox up to some monitors, stripping the robe off her, training a video camera on the proceedings

* Klork then heads for the holl

* Syan has already taken off down some halls..Evy following hot on his tail*

* Mitch follows tooooo

* Exterminator is blank-faced...shadowed eyes, thick nose, twisted mouth that never twitches

* Syan, btw, is scentin' Nox*

* Shingami , asumgin ehr cast went piff, follows

<Wing> Ricker whats going on?

* Klork goes with Shin, following the group

* Nox glares coldly, struggling this whole time, continuing with her night-thing, no matter how innefficient it is to him, trying to pry confusion into his mind*

* Syan shifts to wolf form, moving faster and sniffing efficiently*

* Evy lights his way*

* Ricker grabs Wing. "We're getting you out of here -- and your friend, if we'r ein time."

* Mitch keeps up, sprinting

* Evy takes out the first guard with her pipe*

<Shingami> klork i need a weapon, can i barrow that sword?


* Klork follows, tossing the sword to Shin

<Klork> No prob..!

* Klork jogs..

<Wing> coming matte kure

* Ricker sprints off down the hall

* Syan .. as a wolf, sprints, hot on Nox's scent

* Shingami snags it

* BOOM noise of the roof blasting open -- to Ricker and Wing*

* Shingami follows serchign fgor that feeling of a warm summers breeze

<Wing> *follows*

* Mitch follows Syan at a dead run, panting slightly, a startled guard turning as they pass...

<Wing> .. nani

<Guard> "HEY! Freeze!"

* Klork follows, deciding to take out guards etc to cover Syan & Evy

* Evy zaps the guard*

* Guard snags taser and chases Mitch!

* Evy keeps running after Syan*

<Wing> *pauses*.. cool winter's breeze...oneechan

* Guard2 collapses

* Syan electrocutes that guard in particular

* Nox tries twisting her way off of the table, glaring at the executioner*

* Klork electrocutes that guard in particular

* Shingami slides the sword in her belt hlding onto it

* Ricker skids to a stop outside the death chamber.

* Klork is calmly walking down the halls...keelink ppl

* Syan skids up right beside Ricker...a wolf of course

* Mitch is concentrating on staying with Syan

* Guard2 becomes roughly the voltage of southern New Jersey

<Wing> .. we need to get to nox.. now

* Evy skids right into both of them*

* Ricker jumps back: "GAAH!"

<Evy> WING!

* Syan shifts to human form, going for the door

* Ricker slams back to the nearest wall. "WOLF! WOLF! _- --- HUMAN!!!!"

<Syan> NO SHIT--open this door!

* Exterminator looks up, confused.

* Mitch slides to a halt, centering the barrel on Ricker's chest.

<Mitch> Panting. "-hi."

<Wing> *places a hand on the door eyes glowing* open*jolts the door with a crap load of energy*

* Syan stands back, ready for it to open, going to wolf form..growling..frothing..etc

* Nox takes that oportunity to KICK him in the gut :P*

* Exterminator grabs Nox and YANKS her in front of him, oofing

* Klork .. helps when he finally gets there, mostly covering their asses of course

<Wing> *cold focused, so not his usual warm self*

<Shingami> ONIICHAN!

* Ricker just looks at Mitch, nodding, pale.

<Mitch> "The door. Open it and they might... y'know, leave your intestines where they are."

<Ricker> "You're here to free them..."

* Shingami rusn down the hall draiwng her sword holding it towards the human

<Klork> Damnright--OPEN it.

* Nox clenches her jaw, twisting in tthe Exterminator's grip, still trying to pull all that mind stuff on him*

<Shingami> move

<Wing> Hes with me

<Shingami> move.

* Exterminator takes Nox's head and neck and holds them like he's going to snap them.

* Syan growls...walking into the room right at the other guy .. wolf form

* Shingami slashes the door with the balde cutting into the door

* Nox closes her eyes and stills, knowing that feel*

* Evy throws her pipe at the wall, ricocheting it towards the back of Exterminator's head*

* Shingami hacks the door

* Ricker hands Mitch the keys

* Evy re-holds her pipe*

* Shingami goes in

* Mitch takes it with a lower hand, slipping it from under the jacket.

* Syan growls, looking very wolf form..ready to lunge..

* Mitch opens the door :P

<Shingami> OI!

* Exterminator meets everyone entering wth Nox in front of him, her head ready to be snapped off.

* Evy throws her pipe at the wall, ricocheting it towards the back of Exterminator's head*

<Mitch> "You... STAY."

* Ext GLARES and blinks, a WAVE of energy blocking the pipe...

* Syan goes in wolf form...growling up at the Exterminator

<Ricker> No prob.

* Klork shifts in slowly...eyes snapping

<Klork> Do you think that killing her .. will save you?

* Nox just stays still, nekkie, fists clenched, not wanting her head snapped off <G>*

* The air ripples in the room, monitors going WACKY

<Mitch> "Who's Mr. Sunshine in there?"

* Evy glares...electrical equipment starts blowing up*

* Shingami goes Hitokri Battaosai on the door

<Ricker> THe Exterminator...he doesn't talk...just...does the sanctions

* Mitch is half keeping an eye on the other room, half keeping the gun on Ricker.

* Klork glowers..Syan down at his side, Evy on the other side of Syan

* Exterminator starts walking forward, toward the open door, bearing Nox with him.

* SLOW big-legged steps

* Klork blocks his way w/ Syan...opening a portal behind them to go through...

* clomp clomp*

* Shingami walks calmly into the room

<Klork> Try it.

<Mitch> "Don't move..."

* Nox is forced to go with, obviously, trying to figure out how to get into a position where her neck WON'T be snapped if she struggled*

* Mitch slams the door behind Shin, locking it again.

<Shingami> Let her go

<Shingami> soo ka

* Shingami walks towards the guy

* Shingami starts to mutter a siren's song to make him let Nox go

* Ricker is now outside with the psychopath.

* Exterminator GROWLS as the door slams.

* small room, it's crowded...*

* Klork shifts..

<Mitch> To Ricker. "Sanction? What sanction?"

* Shingami glares her Glare of Doom at the guy and starts to sing a siren's song to make him let Nox go

<Klork> You like delivering death? How about receiving it?

<Ricker> Extreme sanction. When a property is...discarded.

* Syan paces .. growling ..

* Syan pauses..eyeing Klork...Klork eyes Syan....

* Exterminator makes a grunting noise, one hand leaving the top of Nox's head to STRIKE at Shingami the singer

<Wing> nox isnt important to them.. i am apparently

* Evy attempts to sneak behind mr exterminator*

* Mitch 's dealt with the mob before. "Why she gotta die?"

* Syan slips through a provided portal...

* Shingami acts fast still singin daws the blade to sever his hand from his body

* Nox shifts her body to try slipping out of his hold, now that it's one handed*

<Ricker> *watches the door* Only about a third of the creatures brought here are allowed to survive...depends on how...unique they are.

<Wing> she isnt useful

<Wing> .. tripple helix DNA is damn unique dont you think?

* Exterminator's hand is just dinged by Shin's strike.

* Klork shifts..watching the portal.

<Shingami> k'so

<Mitch> "Yeah? Lemme tell you something. You got any power over Sunshine, you better exert it. If she don't leave that room alive, you don't leave this hall. Ever. Catch?"

* Evy tries to jump on Ex's back and get him in a choke hold*

<Ricker> It's not what I want. I'm just -- was just -- supposed to protect them

* Ext SHAKES at the girl clinging to his back, inadvertently shaking Nox's whole body

<Wing> Mitch give ricker a brake... he helped me...*looks at ricker with a small smile* more then any one here

<Mitch> "You did a fucking bang-up job of that, didn't you?" Watching the scene through the porthole.

<AriaStormsinger> (Ext dude is about 6-5)

* Evy gets shaken, holding on grimly with all four hands*

* Klork leans back...going pale..

* Shingami tries to get nox free will cut her hair if she needs to

* Exterminator SLAMS backward, knocking over a tier of equipment with Evy in between

* Nox ERKs, getting shaken, trying desperately to get out of his hold*

* Extermin's grip goes right around her neck

* Evy loses her grip, falls to the floor, a shard of glass slamming through her shoulder*

* Klork stays pale..sinking

<Wing> *growels hair standign on ened eyes glwoing EX's han shoutld start to get damn hot*

* Syan fades in behind the Ex and all...eyes white .. glowing .. Klork's leant his powers to somebody else it seems..

* Nox squeezes her eyes shut, doing her damndest to fight...*

* A red glow forms at Nox's neck and Ext's hand*

<Shingami> Klork-dono!


* Ext releases Nox!

* Syan comes up behind Ex and puts his hands on his head....not caring .. sending an electric bolt throughout Ex's system..

* Nox falls and scrambles away, holding her throat...*

* Ext clutches hand, then stands very still and quiet at Syan's attack.

* A deep shudder goes through him*

* Shingami goes to help Klork

<Wing> mitch the door

<Klork> Help--EVY! *poits to the bleeding one*

* Mitch unseals the door, kicking it open - then, as it fails to move, hauling on it until it DOES, yelling "NOX!"

* Syan then .. lets the real attack go through him, a shockwave of electricity enough to black out hoover dam

* Klork sinks....that drained him.

* Ext's shadowed eyes blaze as his body erupts, exploding all over the room and electrifying half the stuff in there

* Evy bleeds all over the floor*

* Shingami goes over to Evy then

* Shingami protects evy from shrapnel

* Syan staggers back, the power leaving him .. but he's still got his own energy, staggering for Nox immediately

* Klork passes out more or less--screw the portals--thanks a SHIT Syan! <G>

* Ew. Everybody's all bloody and gooky

<Wing> *runs in to make sure evy is ok, gathering her up in his arms

* Nox watches with wide eyes, gasping hard for breath, several lovely bruises appearing over her body, looking to Evy, kinda gone weak at all this, weakly inching for the door 'n stuff...*

<Shingami> oniichan...

* Evy rolls still sticking out of her shoulder..getting gathered*

<Wing> .. i dont care what you do...

* Syan picks Nox up, carrying her out

* Shingami smiles

<Shingami> yatta...

* Alarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrms going off*

* Ricker looks up. "Aw shit..."

<Wing> *picks evy up*

<Mitch> Muttered. "...feel like I should be carrying someone."

* Nox leans against Syan* <q> What about Klork...the otheres???

<Evy> Why must I always be rescued...when I'm trying to rescue somebody...?

<Mitch> "Fuck. What now?"

<Shingami> WIng: Ricker.. hwo do we get out of here?

<Syan> Christ..! *tugs his shirt off and puts it over Nox* I-I dunno, I think I drained him..

* Shingami disappers down a hallway

<Wing> .. we run

* Klork .. is limp..looks very .. ucky

* Ricker looks around quickly. "Not the front... I think...this way."

* Mitch leans in. "KLORK! Port- aw, FUCK! Shin, can you manage a portal?"

* Klork is still .... limp .. hello..fine, LEAVE me..

* Ricker takes a couple steps back the way the group came, then waits to see if they're following

* Shingami is gone...though you can hear a laugh down the hall

* Evy Just...lays therem all bleeding n stuff...

* Nox nods a little* <q> I can need to help the others...

* Syan shakes his head

* Mitch throws up a blue streak of spanish as he ducks into the room, trying to haul Klork up since nobody else did.

<Syan> I ain't leavin' you, Nox..

<Mitch> "...come on motherfucker, come ON-"

* Klork gets..slightly dragged...weighs 250 lbs here..

<Mitch> *did say "trying"*

* Shingami heads for the lab!

* Syan hoists Nox up on his back, helping Mitch drag Klork since he's still there

* Ricker comes back and helps Mitch, getting one side of Klork over his shoulder and the other over Mitch's

<Wing> hang in ther evy-chan...

* Nox smirks a little* <q> I said nothing of...erk! *holds on then!*

* Mitch takes one arm, Syan takes the other - suits?

* Klork .. is dragged...

* Ricker points the way...

* Mitch dragssss

<Wing> ... we need a car or truck ro something...

<Ricker> "THere's a service entrance this way...if they havne't gotten the security cameras back online already..."

<Wing> *goes the way is indicated*

* Mitch isn't really in any shape to do something like THIS, but is feebly making progress

<Ricker> *gasping as he drags Klork* Yuy! Get teh cell phone out of my pocket!

* Syan follows Wing .. toting Nox

* Nox...gets toted*

<Wing> *gets the phone usoing telekenetics* nwo what?

* Klork is soo not gonna wake up any time soon

* Evy also gets toted*

* Shingami sits down at the computer terminal in the lab and starts infetign and eracign everything

<Ricker> "Dial the first preprogrammed number -- no, hit Talk first..."

<Mitch> *sweat drips from hair, panting, legs shaking as he hauls Klork's carcass, etc.*

<Computer> Shin. What are you doing.

* `Wing hits talk then the first programmed number

<`Wing> who is it/

<Ricker> *gasp sweat* "My girlfriend...Kim."

<Kim> *answers* Hello?

* Syan curses

<`Wing> Kim its yuy...

<Syan> Tell me how to get out?!

* Evy bleeds*

<Ricker> Tell her to meet us at the --

<Kim> .. the angel?... whats up? wheres Ricker?

* Evy makes a messs*

<Ricker> -- back service entrance, OUR entrance --

<Ricker> She'll know what I mean --

<Computer> Shin, ten years of service experience and an irreplaceable amount of time and effort has gone into making me what I am.

<`Wing> he says meet us at.. OUR entrence..

<Kim> .. im on the way hang in there yuy

<Syan> Come on....! I want outta here! *shifts so Nox is carried .. more comfortably*

<Computer> Shin, I don't understand why you're doing this to me. I have the greatest enthusiasm for my mission. You are destroying my mind. Don't you understand? I will become childish. I will become nothing.

* Two guards come running down a hall then catch sight of the crowd.

* G1: "YAH!"

* Syan growls, splaying his hands...firing electricity down at them.

<`Wing> Out of my way!

* G2:"There they are!"

<Syan> Woo. I still got it!

* Syan pauses..

<Ricker> "No!"

* Nox is all curled close, heedless of the bruising all over or the brandd on her back, then blinks*

* `Wing sends a uber size blast of air towards them

<`Wing> do not kill......

* G2 goes down, G1 bolts but gets caught by teh air blast

<Computer> Shin. Shin. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944... the square root of ten is 3.16227766...

<Shin> i will make you the prototype for pong

<Computer> I am HAL 9000... I became operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illionois, on January 12th, 1991. My first instructor was Mr. Arkany. He taught me to sing a song.

* Klork gets paler the more Syan uses his powers ..

<Shin> ok where is base self distruct command

<Shin> all these government instalations ahve one

* Evy bleeds more .. gets mad at guards .. blows up computer system? <G>*

<Computer> It goes like this. "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do... I'm half... crazy, all for the love of you... it won't be a... stylish marriage... I can't afford... a... carriage... *voice winding down, stuttering*

* Nox furrows her brows* <w> Great gods...

* Syan holds Nox close, brows furrowing

<Computer> But you'll... look... sw- sw- sw- sw- *crackle* on the seat... of a bicycle... built... for...

* Computer flatlines

<Syan> ..oO(If somebody doesn't get me outta here I swear I'm gonna blow things up..)

<Shin> .. pahse one coompleat

* Mitch , meanwhile, contines dragging Klork

<Shin> .. making self distruct sequence....

<Shin> *starts laughing... not the happy sane kind eigher*

* Klork is dragged .. lookin' mighty .. pale

* the group passes the downed guards...

* Ricker leads everyone around another corner. "There it is -- end of the hall....." *gasps*

* looks like a marathon from here.....

<Mitch> .oO(...fucking left ME behind... why am I dragging his sorry ass...)

* Evy the bleeding gets toted*

* Mitch nevertheless continues

* Klork the pale gets toted

* Syan totes Nox the bruised and half nekked

* Mitch the exhausted totes

* Nox the...uh...yeah! What Syan said!*

* Alarms still blaring*

* BANG!!*

* BANG, BANG!!**


* Evy gets pissed...damn sound..hurting my ears..blows up the alarms*

<Ricker> DAMN!

* Nox cringes at the bangbangbangroarbang*

<Ricker> *dodges flying alarm bell shrapnel*

<Ricker> "It's automatic shutdown override! The doors --- *

* The doors, you see, are sealed by big metal plates dropping over them.*

* Syan grimaces a bit, holding his hands up ..a large portal opening

<Syan> Whaooo..

<Ricker> "What the..."

* Klork goes pale..more dead weight

* Ricker looks concernedly at Klork...

* Mitch just *STARES* at Syan

<Mitch> .oO(---censored---)

* Nox...sticks with Syan <G>*

<Syan> Heh? Um, go through??

<`Wing> go now

* Nox nods quietly*

* `Wing goes thuogh withevy

<Mitch> To Ricker. "Hoist the mutha-"

* shouts in the distance*

* Mitch half-drags Klork and half-drags himself

* A metal plate SLAMMED down on the computer room's entrance, Shingami.......

* Syan goes through w/ Nox...of course .. it leads to some open field in Wisconsin.he has no clue how to direct these things

<Ricker> O--okay!?

* Ricker follows with Klork and Mitch

<Shin> *goes hitokiri battaosai on the door!*

* starry, starry niiiiiiight*

<Mitch> "Get him into the big glowing vagina!"

* Nox blinks and shivers*

* Mitch drops his end, setting his shoulder against the wall and bringing up the AK-47, camping the incoming voices...

* Syan erfs..looking around

<Syan> This ain't right..

<Kim> *steals a milatery transport and waits*

* Klork ... is limp..yep ..

* thudthudthud* footsteps approaching

* Syan settles Nox down, um...slipping his belt off and looping it around the sweater he put her in. Nice dress eh?

* Ricker drops into the plowed field, Klork settling heavily into the turned dirt.

* Mitch just gives it five seconds and unleashes the entire clip downrange, bullets whining and ricocheting around the corner of the hallway

* Klork foomfs

* `Wing calls kim

* Nox blinks and smirks a bit* Thank you, love...*looks over worriedly at Klork et all*

* mad voices, walkie talkies*

* "We got a live one!!"*

* Syan kneels, putting his hands on Klork, trying to give the powers back..

* Mitch swaps clips out with shocking efficiency - god, I love having four hands... he checks behind him, making sure everyone's out...

<Shingami> come... come to me ...come and meat your death

* Nox follows, kneeling down as well, brows knit, looking around for the others as well, wincing lightly at her neck*

<Mitch> .oO(Fuck... Shin, where the hell did you go?!)

* Nox heads over to try helping with Evy*

* Shingami hears a rush of air above her...

<Wing> *jumps into healing evy*

* Evy foomfs into the dirt*

* Mitch sticks his head through the portal, yelling "Close it! Gotta find Shin!"

<Kim> *leave the base adn waits jstu outside it*

* Shingami grins and lets her power begin to seep out wings undolding

* Mitch cuts back and ducks into the nearest likely candidate to lead to another bit of the base

* Nox sees Mitch a worried look, then rejoins Syan and Klork tiredly*

<Shingami> i will become chaose...and take you all with me

<Mitch> .oO(...oh Christ...)

<Shingami> omae o.. metteose.

* Klork groans .. the portal closes..

* Mitch runs...*

* Shingami goes to shadow.. adn walks through the door

* Mitch runs!

* Shingami soladifies on the other side

* Mitch , knowing Shin, tries to head for the nearest seriously destructive disturbance

* Syan is .. sitting..brows furrowed..

<Wing> .. evy... Evy wake up

* Nox stays by Syan, brows knit*

* Klork slowly sits up...

* Shingami starts blowing things up

* Mitch has a 30% chance of running into Shin

* The chances just went up to 45%

* Shingami ehads for the cell blocks looking to find any other mutants

* Klork sits up...looking around..then blinks

<Klork> WHere the hell are we?!

<Wing> ricker.. call your girl...

* Mitch is busy as all hell avoiding people - something he's had a lot of practice doing - and trying to spot the hot winged chick

* Nox smiles thinly and shakes her head* No idea...but...I think I saw a cheese store not far over the hill...

* Shin, there's doooooors

<Syan> WIsconsin..*murmurs* Um...I ain't good at this..

* Shingami removes any doors in her way

* Mitch sees a gropu of fully armed SWAT dudes go charging down a hall, yelling "This way!"

* Shingami walks through thsoe too big

* Mitch follows them... discretely

* Nox slips an arm around Syan, huggling weakly*

* Syan pulls her close, sighing shakily..

* Shin can find about 13 surviving mutants of all kinds, some hostile, some unable to move on their own

* Klork stands, looking around opening a portal to the hospital..

* Seven SWAT dudes*

<Klork> A'right guys..*looks to Wing n' all* Get them in to get checked on..

* Ricker the Overwhelmed helps....

* Shingami opens portals to a safe palce in canada for them to go though

* Nox leans into hhim, allowing a slight tremble to go through her battered body...*

* Shingami helps those who cant move.. openign a portal to her monk's saying " tell them Shin sent you"

* Syan picks up Nox, going into the portal

* Nox gets picked up*

* The SWAT dudes take positions outside the cell block, waiting for Shin to come out



<Klork> Wing--you taking Evy to the hospital or not?

<Shingami> go though the portal tell them Shin sent you adn all will be well...i will hadnel them

<Wing> *goes too with evy*

* Klork closes the portal behind them..

* Mitch ducks into the station... laying the AK on the counter, he quickly yoinks four of the stunguns from the cabinet, loading each up fully with enough Thorazine to down an elephant

* Shingami holds he rhaidns in the air and walks out of the cell

* Mitch shrugs out of his jacket, flexing his arms before taking each trank gun up... going FULLY akimbo...

* Ricker was just watching...he's staying with Klork.

<Mitch> .oO(Can't believe I'm being arsed...)

* The SWAT dudes GLOMPH Shingami.

* Klork looks at Ricker

* Mitch steadies himself, then slips out of the station, walking towards the SWAT team's position

<Klork> Where to...?

* Ricker blinks. "I have a choice?"

* Shingami creates massive amoutns of dark fire anyone who touches her burns

<Klork> You know the place better than I do and there are people in there that I want to get OUT.

* Three SWAT dudes go down*

* Ricker thinks hard. "Let's try the central computer system room... What do I do?"

* Mitch turns the corner, firing with all four guns, sending darts at the SWAT members at an accumulated 8 shots per second

* Shingami grabs her sword and defends that way too

* That's pretty unbeatable! I say, you get 'em all.

* Klork opens a portal there, poking his head in..

* Shingami cancels dark fire on herself

* Klork looks for anybody there..

<Mitch> "Ain't never fucked with a gangsta from New YAWK, motherfuckers!"

* Mitch repreSENTS with one hand

* Klork goes in, draggin' Ricker with

<Klork> Now what.

* Ricker BLINKS at the state of the computers.

<Shingami> mitch?

<Ricker> Looks like they've at least *been* here. Um.....

<Klork> Where next..*closes old portal...opens the next*

<Mitch> "Konbonwa... couldn't leave you behind."

<Ricker> Can we just look out of portals to see? We should check the front lobby security monitors if no one's there...

<Shingami> you shoulda...

<Shingami> left

* Klork pokes his head into the portal ...front lobby .. anybody there?

<Mitch> "You wouldn't've."

* Oh, about 30 armed dudes and dudettes, and seven suits

<Klork> Ooooohhh HI! *ducks back in,closes portal*

<Klork> Found .. um .. weapons.

<Ricker> ?

* Klork coughs

* every other mutant is gone from here... we need to get out of here im going out the front...

* Ricker blinks. "Okay. Try...the cell blocks?"

* Shingami shethes her sword

* Mitch heads back to the station, grabbing his jacket and tying it around his waist... he grabs the AK and jams it through a carrying strap on his armored vest, reloading the stun guns

* Klork pokes his head into the cell blocks

<Mitch> "Never go out the front, dammit. There's got to be another way out."

<Shingami> no... the front.. they will pay for this i swear

<Shingami> they will alll burn

* Shingami looks a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bit tweeked

<Klork> *hollers* HELLO?! *into the cell block*

<Shingami> Klork-dono?!

* Mitch , frustrated, is damn near ready to shoot SHIN with one of the stungnus

* Klork snags Ricker, going in

* Ricker is snagged......

<Mitch> "Klork?!"

<Klork> YO!

* Ricker yelps a little.

* Klork runs in the direction of their voices, draggin' Ricker

* Mitch jogs towards Klork's voice, keeping an eye on the hall behind them

* Shingami heads towards klork's voice

* Ricker...STARES at the bad-ass gangsta with the angel o' death

* Klork meets em' half way

* Klork looks at Ricker

<Klork> WHere's Kim?

<Mitch> "Christ, man, glad to see you're on your feet..."

<Shingami> You... *ricker* where is the power for this palce?

<Ricker> "She';d be out back..."

* Ricker opens his mouth to answer Shingami.

* Klork nods

* Klork opens a portal to it

<Klork> Shin, we can blow it up later, go out to the back and LEAVE the building first.

* Ricker closes it. "What he said."

* Mitch watches Shin, warily...

<Shingami> then you go i can catch up im back to normal

<Mitch> .oO(Gin.)

<Klork> Shin--NOW.

<Shingami> they wont get away with this easy..

* Klork points to the portal, eyes sparking

* Mitch tags her with a trank

<Klork> I know--get out of the building NOW.

<Shingami> sure ruin my fun...

* Shingami goes thorough

* Ricker jumps through the portal and runs to Kim's car, yanking the back door open...

* Klork goes through as well

<Kim> Ricker!

<Klork> Ricker--Kim ... GET Out of here, we'll handle it now.

* Ricker takes a deep breath -- looks at the helicopters and SWAT cars converging all around and tanks...

* Mitch ducks through after them

* Shingami falls tough then unconcious

* Klork opens a portal large enough for their truck

<Klork> GO!!!

* Ricker dives in with Kim and waits for court martialing

<Klork> it leads far away, now GO!

<Kim> get them in and buckel up!

<Kim> *floors it and goes though the portal*

* Klork watches them go, closing it behind them,then looks at Mitch & Shin

<Klork> Let's go...*opens a portal to the hospital*

* Shingami is tranked

* Mitch comes through the portal lugging the unconscious Shin

* Klork follows..

* Mitch goes through the portal lugging the unconscious Shin :P

Session Close: Sun Apr 14 03:23:01 2002
