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Session Start: Sat Dec 22 18:32:38 2001

* Kern opens the door for Rae..*

* Rae heads into her room, sitting on the bed and patting a spot beside her for him*

* Kern closes the door behind them, sitting by her, looking at her curiously*

<Kern> What did you want to talk about...?

* Rae sighs, chewing her lip* It's about Shin..

* Kern frowns slightly, resting an arm around her* know what's bothering her?

* Rae nods* I'm pretty sure..

* Kern furrows his brows* ...what is it...?

<Rae> I think she likes you...very similarly to how *I* like you...

* Kern blinks and cringes, sorta slumping his shoulders*

* Rae sighs shakily, putting a hand on his shoulder* ~~I think that Wing is hurt because his sister is hurt..~~

<Kern> <w> Yeah...gods......*sighs* ...what do I do...?

* Rae shakes her head, chewing her lip and pulling him close in a hug* Maybe we shouldn't cuddle and that when she's around..??

<Rae> I..I don't know what to do otherwise *chews at her lip* I know I don't want to let you go...selfish as it may sound..

* Kern wraps his arms around her* I don't want to leave you either...*traces a line down her cheek* I...guess we can try not cuddling when she's around...*sighs softly, shaking his head*

* Rae sighs shakily, curling close* I don't want to offend her..but I know she won't talk about it or admit it...

* Kern nods, holding her close and stroking her hair* True...but...she is her own person...we must respect that of her...

* Rae nods, tracing her fingers through his hair* ~yeah...I just wish there was something I could do...~

* Kern nods with a sigh, brows furrowwed* <w> I wish I could do something more too...I...just can't seem to think of anything...

* Rae nods, curling close to him and kissing his chin* ~same here..~

* Kern nods, gently running his fingers along her cheek*

* Rae tilts her head back lightly to look at him, eyes a soft grey as she traces her fingers over hishead and through his hair>

* Kern smiles softly, shivers running along his spine as she does so...stroking his fingers through her hair*

* Rae smiles up at him, leaning up to kiss him*

* Kern smiles, kissing back, pulling her close and running his hands along her back*


*Heh! Damn those horomones...we pick up when they're comin' outa the shower*


* Kern somehow manages to turn off the water...grabbing a towels for them both and gently wrapping hers around her*

* Rae smiles up at him, standing on tiptoe to kiss his chin*

* Kern smiles, ruffling her hair*

* Rae erks, chuckling as she dries off, wrapping herself in the towel when she's finished* Mm..hi...

* Kern smiles, slipping his towel around his hips*

* Rae grins, body shimmering once again before going normal as she steps out to her room to find some clothes

* Rae pulls on a long white silk skirt slit up the sides to her thighs, pulling her white stomach blouse on as well, putting her hair back in a loose braid*

* Kern smiles, getting back into his clothing, jeans and a sweatshirt, runninng a hand through his hair, gazing at her* Ravishing...

* Rae blinks, glancing back as her cheeks flush* Heh! Well..not hardly as much as you are *smiles, then looks a little dizzy*

* Kern blinks, frowning a little and reaching out to steady her* You alright..?

* Rae nods, brow furrowed as she slips on a pair of sandals* Yeah..that was strange...*furrows her brow*

* Kern furrows his brows* ...what was it?

* Rae chews her lip* My body tried to go into water form for some reason...*puts a hand to her brow, then feels her cheeks* Do I feel warm to you?

* Kern blinks, furrowing his brow and resting the back of hsi hand on her brow and cheeks...*

* Rae's skin feels cool to the touch* It's only does it on it's own if I'm ill or irregular...

<Rae> it did this when I was stabbed...tried to get the knife out by going to water form...

<Kern> ...your skin is cool...*furrows his brow a lil'*

* Rae sighs, shaking her head a bit* Lemme see if I can figure it out...*traces her hand over her head gently..moving down her neck & arms, bending over and going legs if scanning for anything wrong*

* Kern blinks a lil'...watching...*

* Rae traces her hands over her back and her stomach, pulling her hands away and pausing...brow furrowed* No...that cant' be right..*does it again inthe same order*

* Kern blinks* ...wha'...?

* Rae shakes her head...brow furrowed as she drops her hands to her sides* I'm feeling some sort of iregularity in my stomach...but I'm not ill--Ohhhh *blinks, eyes rounding*

* Kern blinks, reaching out to her, brows furrowing a little* ...ah...a...are you...

* Rae nods, blinking a few times, eyes immediately getting worried and looking up at him..*

* Kern swallows a lil', brows furrowed, lightly cupping her face in his hands* <w> ...with child...?

* Rae nods again, eyes going apologetic* ~I.if you don't want it..I-I'm sorry..!~ *whimpers, almost afraid*

* Kern shakes his head, stroking her cheek, brows furrowed* <w>'s alright...we can care for it together...*smiles gently* Worry not...

* Rae furrows her brow, relaxing visably..still confused as she reaches up timidly to caress his cheek* <w>'re not upset??

* Kern smiles softly* <w> No...from my is from both of us...*ruffles her hair gently* Children are matter how difficult they can be to raise...why would I be upset?

* Rae chews her lip and sighs shakily, wrapping her arms around him* ~my body conceived without permission...that's usually punishable by inprisnment where I come from...~

* Kern blinks, gently lifting her into his arms* <w> Some things you can't're not back where you're from...*brows furrow in concern* thing worries me...

* Rae blinks, twisting her mouth to the side as she curls close to him* ~..ah..I..what's that??~ *brows furrow as she watches him*

* Kern sits on her bed, cradling her close* <w> Erwyl..

* Rae grimaces, curling even closer* ~I can't heal as easily with child...oh gods...~

* Kern holds her close, kissing her brow* <w> I...I'll make sure you stay safe...there are many here who willl protect you...

* Rae nods, pinching her lips together* ~between all of our recent enemies..I don't know which to fear more..~

* Kern strokes her hair, nodding a little, brows furrowed* <w> I understand...

* Rae sighs, slowly getting up* Let's get something to eat..? dessert?

* Kern nods* Sure...

* Rae chews her lip* Let's not tell anybody for now?

<Kern> Alright...*strokes her hair* Anything for you...but...we'll have to decide when to let people know....

* Rae nods* least until Shin is more relaxed...

* Kern nods* Of course...

* Rae sighs shakily, smiling and taking his hand* shall we?

* Kern smiles, twining his fingers with hers and kissing the back of her hand, getting the door for her* After you, m'lady.

* Rae blushes...heading out with him, smiling*

Session Close: Sun Dec 23 02:52:24 2001

