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Session Start: Mon Mar 18 00:12:59 2002

<Mondo_Gecko> Hey

* Diana looks up from her book, looking like she's been crying* Konbonwa, Mondo..


<Mondo_Gecko> whats the latest about me?

<Mondo_Gecko> apperently there's some interesting news floating around

<Mondo_Gecko> apperently I'm doing all sorts of things I don't even know about

<Diana> and Cala are together...hai...? I'm alright about that... *furrows her brows, looking up at him, eyes narrowing at the tone*

<Mondo_Gecko> ...

<Mondo_Gecko> heh...I'm not with Cala

<Mondo_Gecko> Mitch just hates me.

<Mondo_Gecko> and he's trying to make my life miserable

* Diana blinks* ...I somehow doubt that...why do you say it?

* Mondo_Gecko is shaking a little if she looks close enough

<Mondo_Gecko> because he's been on my fucking case ever since I came back

* Diana blinks and stands slowly, heading over to rest her hand on his shoulder* Relax...sit down...tell me about it...?

* Mondo_Gecko looks up..

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* kay

* Mondo_Gecko sighs and goes and sits on her bed

* Diana sits by him, moving slowly and carefully*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..where should I start?

<Diana> The beginning...

<Mondo_Gecko> the beginning of what?

* Mondo_Gecko rubs his face

<Diana> Your...troubles with Mitch...? All of this...?

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> well it started when he walks into the kitchen and I offered my hand..and he looked at me like I was diseased..he wouldn't touched me

* Diana blinks a little and nods slowly..*

<Mondo_Gecko> ..and it went from there

<Mondo_Gecko> little smart ass comments here and there

<Mondo_Gecko> thinking he has one up on me

<Mondo_Gecko> rolling his eyes and shit

<Mondo_Gecko> I can't stand people like that..people who are so self rigtious

* Diana furrows her brows a little* I don't think he's been doing this on purpose, to be honest...he's used to being very solitary...very mundane...if anything he's got the self-esteem problem...

<Mondo_Gecko> he can kiss my ass

* Mondo_Gecko snorts

<Mondo_Gecko> no one beleives me

<Mondo_Gecko> I don't expect them to

<Mondo_Gecko> he thinks he's better than me because he's more "normal"

<Mondo_Gecko> because he can hide his "disfigurement"

* Diana shakes her head* It sounds to me like your assuming things...

<Mondo_Gecko> So why did that little sneek come and lie to you?

<Mondo_Gecko> to make you feel crappy ..and he was right there comfort you? ..I know guys like that

* Diana blinks...* Iie...

<Mondo_Gecko> so?

<Diana> He felt I should know...he honestly thinks you two are together...

<Mondo_Gecko> why did he say that?

<Diana> In fact...I've been alone since I got home...

* Mondo_Gecko blinks

<Mondo_Gecko>'ve just been sitting up here alone?

* Diana nods* Hai...reading...thinking...

* Mondo_Gecko frowns

<Mondo_Gecko> ...why don't you come downstairs?

* Diana shrugs, flexing and unflexing her hand* Don't feel like being around a lot of people...

<Mondo_Gecko> want me to go?

* Diana shakes her head* can stay if you want...I don't mind the company at all...*smiles a little* I have the feeling a few things need to be straightened out, ne...?

* Mondo_Gecko shrugs a little

<Mondo_Gecko> what I wanna know is why does he feel he has to come and tell you something that to which there is no basis of fact

* Diana shakes her head* I don't know...I've been up here for the past several two may look like you're together and are not really...I haven't even met her to know what she's like, so...*shrugs*

<Diana> Mitch knows I still care deeply about you...he just wanted me to know what he thought was going on...

<Mondo_Gecko> ..

<Mondo_Gecko> yea but it's not going on

<Mondo_Gecko> what the hell was going through his head?

<Mondo_Gecko> he doesn't even have a fact..he has an oppinion

<Mondo_Gecko> and he knew that oppinion would hurt your feelings

* Diana sighs a little and leans back* He thought it was true...

<Mondo_Gecko> well just because he thinks it's true doesn't give him the right to go around talking about it

<Mondo_Gecko> Firstly no matter if it's true or if it's not he doesn't have the right to go running around and telling people

<Mondo_Gecko> because that's gossiping..and that's fucking low

<Mondo_Gecko> secondly he doesn't have the right to go telling someone who he says his his friend something if he doesn't have cold hard facts to back it up

* Diana looks at him, crossing her arms lightly and shifting a little with a slight wince* People gossip, Mondo...that's life...

* Diana sighs a little*

<Mondo_Gecko> especially if that would hurt someone's feelings

<Mondo_Gecko> know I'm right

<Mondo_Gecko> you just don't want to admit it because he comes across as a freaking saint to you

<Mondo_Gecko> and I'm the perfect satan

<Diana> What was he supposed to do, ne? Mondo...I KNOW he's not a saint. He's doing his best just to figure out how to get along here! And no you're NOT!

<Mondo_Gecko> he was supposed to keep his fucking mouth shut because it's none of his fucking business *voice cracks with emotion*

* Diana clenches her jaw* He's not perfect. He's a person. People talk. He was trying to do what was right!

<Diana> He honestly believed you two were together, and he HAD to have some reason for it!

<Diana> And if you two WERE in fact together I would honestly have heard it from a friend than from just seeing it!

<Mondo_Gecko> .oO( how could I have ever trusted her?)

* Diana clenches her jaw and looks down, hands clenched hard on her arms*

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* I've fucked up your night enough

<Mondo_Gecko> *w* sorry....I'll see you later ok

* Diana sighs a little* Oyasumi, Mondo...

* Mondo_Gecko gets up and stalks out, his tail swishing

* Diana shakes her head and rams her fist through the wall...*

Session Close: Mon Mar 18 03:07:19 2002

3-17-02 (main room)
