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Session Start: Sat Apr 27 21:25:47 2002

* Diana's sleeping in her hospital room whenever Klork gets there <G>*

* Klork heads in, closing the door behind him and kneeling

<Klork> {{Di..?? Di...gods I need to speak to you...}}

* Diana hns...? a little and wakes up...* {{N..nani...?}} *sits up slowly with a slight grimace* {{Klork...? What's wrong??}}

* Klork furrows his brows, placing a hand on her arm..

<Klork> {{How much do you remember?}}

* Diana furrows her brows and shakes her head* {{Not...much...I know what I am...demo...that's it...why??}}

<Klork> {{You been reintroduced with your sword..?}}

<Diana> {{Hai...}}

<Klork> {{W...we need your help..desperately..}}

* Diana furrows her brows, going to weakly get up before grimacing* {{What...what happened?}}

* Klork tells her..brows furrowing....

<Klork> {{I'm here to introduce you with a few things..I can give you some of my memories of you .. enough to help you... }}

* Diana cringes and nods, taking a deep breath before letting it out slowly, softly* {{Alright...hai...}}

* Klork gently rests his hands to her brow..

<Klork> {{Ready...??}}

<Diana> {{Hai..}}

* Klork shares his memories with her...of the fight...of the ritual...anything important..

* Diana takes a shakey breath, shuddering violently at the sudden influx before nodding* {{Domo...}} *cringes as sh tries sitting up again* {{I need to heal quickly...and...that means...I either go vampire...oer succubus...}}

* Klork nods..

<Klork> {{If you go vampire, I can help bring you back..}}

* Diana nods* {{Hai...then...that it would be...}}

* Klork nods..

* Diana takes a deep breath and closes her eyes...paling even more...taking on that...goth look, shuddering lightly before opening her eyes to look at him again, smirking a bit as the fangs extend* weak...before we return...I need to Feed...

* Klork nods, looking around...handing her some clothes..

<Klork> I kinda nsagged these......put em' on..I'll take you somewhere to feed..

* Diana nods a little, slipping the clothing on* Domo...

* Klork shifts, then holds his arm out to her, opening a portal..

* Diana takes his arm and stands shakily*

* Klork helps her up...heading through the portal with her...there's a drunkard before them..about to die himself..

* Diana goes with him, then smirks a little* {{They always must be drunk, ne?}} *steps forward...for the drunkard...that...seductive air about her, taking the drunk to shadows before Feeding...trying to make it the least painful as she can*

* Klork watches...waits...rubbing at his upper arms

<Klork> {{easiest prey..}}

* Diana stands after a bit, making sure the body's hidden and whiping her lips, obviously much stronger now* {{Hai...very true...domo...}}

* Klork watches, opening a portal

<Klork> {{Feel better?}}

* Diana nods* {{In some respects, hai, in others, iie...demo that can wait for later, ne?}} *smiles a bit and steps through* {{Domo...}}

* Klork nods, following her..

Session Close: Sun Apr 28 03:05:38 2002

