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Session Start: Thu Feb 07 23:01:33 2002

* Klork groans, looking up .. just now coming too from the spell

* Diana slowly rises her head, clothing reduced to bloody rags, still chained to the wall...Dev in similar condition, though still out...*

* Teirnan smirks* So they finally awaken...

* Klork looks over, brows furrowed ... then looks up, squinting...still groggy* <w> Eh...where am I..?

<Teirnan> You've forgotten so quickly?

* Klork squints...his jaw clenching soon after

<Klork> <vqm> Shit..

* Teirnan smirks, lifting what looks like a whip made of barbed wire* Not happy to be here, hm?

* Klork blinks, glancing over at the other two, then back at him, brows furrowed* What, like you can blame me?

* Teirnan smirks as he walks over, lashing the whip thing out at him*

* Diana clenches her jaw, growling deep in her throat, eyes opened to slits*

* Klork grits his teeth, flinching when it slashes across his chest...but refusing to holler out*

* Teirnan smirks, lashing out with it again* You will break with time, you've lost your entire family.

* Klork grimaces again at another slash on his chest, glaring out at him* Liar..

<Teirnan> How would you know? *whipping again, lower this time*

* Klork winces, his stomach getting a nasty gash, swallowing hard* Because you would be gloating.

* Diana clenches her good fist, unable to move her right hand at all* He's far smarter than that, Teirnan...and you know it.

* Teirnan laughs* Ah...the whore speaks...*lashes out at Klork's stomach again* You know nothing of what's happening in the outside world...

* Klork takes in a shakey breath, pinching his eyes shut, refusing to let out anymore

* Klork 's body convulses at that, but still doesn't verbally react, clenching his fists

* Teirnan hmms...and picks up a poker from the fire, looking at the glowing end* Playing the strong, silent one, hm? *leisurely walks over to Klork, drawing the poker along his stomach...having noticed his reactions...*

* Klork sucks in, trying to move away from it, jaw clenching, face taut, still no verbal reaction

* Teirnan arches a brow, taking the poker away from his stomach, and swinging it around to ram the side of it into Diana's side, watching their reactions, Diana just turns her head, clenching her jaw*

* Klork glares, letting his eyes open to slits* Bastard...

<Teirnan> others pain, hmmm? *eyes him with a smirk, before smashing the poker into one of his knees with enough force to break bone*

* Klork chokes on a holler, so the sound is drowned before he can bite his lip, frame sinking as if to favor the knee, fists clenching

* Diana curses silently under her breath as Teirnan goes for the other knee...*

* Klork winces, his voice unable to react because of how choked his throat is, body shaking as he tries to keep himself upright

* Teirnan smirks, eyeing him, plotting* Hmmm...

* Teirnan puts the poker down, taking Klork's chin in his hands and looking into his eyes* Still feeling strong? *smirks*

* Klork looks up at him, his demeanor weakened, but he still manages a very cold glare

* Teirnan actually laughs and roughly lets go, turning to pick up a vial*

* Klork clenches his fists, sending out a shock down the wall and across the ground towards him

* Teirnan smirks as he mutters a spell under his breath, redirecting the lightning into Devnet, who stiffens against the wall* Worked well, didn't it.

* Klork blinkblinks, looking over...eyes wide...

<Klork> How the fuck...

* Teirnan laughs* Secret of the trade.

* Dev relaxes, gasping for breath, eyes confused as hell*

<Diana> <q> You son of a...*glares feircely at Teirnan*

* Klork furrows his brow, then glancing over at Dev, concentrating over his own throbbing pain on opening a portal to get him out of there...

* Teirnan laughs, tipping the vial onto a cloth, letting the liquid soak in, swabbing it over Klork's open wounds, the liquid should still like mad, he presses the cloth harder than he really needed to...the portal opening halfway at the most...great resistance to it*

* Klork chokes, then stiffens, teeth clenching as his body tries to get away from what he's putting on him

* Teirnan smirks, withdrawing once he's covered all of his wounds, the sting should remain just as potent* At least you need not worry for infection now.

* Klork shudders, glaring* you can torment me longer? *sucks in his breath, grimacing a bit*

* Teirnan grins* Perhaps. *turns to look at Diana, smirking* Though, females are far more entertaining...she's another one who refuses to scream, however.

* Klork glances at Diana, brows furrowed, eyes wondering what he could have done to her..

* Diana glares at Teirnan* Nothing you could do to me will break me...*clenches her jaw as Teirnan runs a barbed blade down along her chest*

* Klork growls* Damnit...leave her alone!

* Teirnan looks over and smirks* And what will you do if I don't? *continues the shallow gash along her belly and over her thighs*

<Klork> I'll kill your ass when I get out of here.

* Diana just glares silently at Teirnan*

* Teirnan just laughs* Will you now? Even with the broken knees...? *grins wickedly as he begins to roughly paw at her, mockingly looking at Klork*

* Klork growls, eyes sparking* I don't need knees to kill you, ass hole.

* Teirnan laughs again, his own eyes sparkling* I'll simply have to rid you of more than just your knees then...

* Klork glares, jaw clenched...refusing to say any more

* Teirnan smirks, drawing away from Diana* Hmmm...perhaps later I will enjoy you again, my dear...*lifts up the barbed whip again, lashing out at her with it* For now, however...*grins again as he whips her, watching Klork's reactions*

* Klork glares, eyes glowing a brilliant blue, flickering to yellow each time he whips at her, hands sparking before he sends a quick ball of lightning at Teirnan*

* Teirnan falters as he redirects that at Dev again, seeming to grow weaker, growling and lashing out at Klork's face, before dissapearing*

* Klork 's head snaps to the side with the blow, pinching his eyes shut...the gash running across his cheekbone, coming dangerously close to his ey

<Klork> Shit..! Di, you ok?

* Diana gasps softly for breath, before looking up at him and nodding*

* Klork shakes his head, teeth clenched

<Klork> I can't move my damn legs..sting like a bitch..We gotta get outta here..

* Diana nods a little* Hai...*glances over at the unconsiouse Devnet before looking back at Klork* Any sign of Keelin...?

* Klork shakes his head, brows furrowing

<Klork> Nothing..god I hope she's ok..

* Diana nods, tilting her head back with a slight grimace* Hai...I as well...*takes a deep, shuddering breath*

* Klork swallows hard, trying to open another portal for Dev...* I want him safe tho first...*winces* He's getting the brunt of a lot of things..

* Diana nods with a grimace, closing her eyes and channeling strength to Klork through their link...the portal finally able open fully, thouggh hard to keep open, still a lot of resistance...*

* Klork continues to open in, aiming on getting Dev back to the asylum, struggling to keep it going enough to get him through* <q>c'monnn..c'mon.

* Dev finally dissapears through, Diana continuing to back Klork up*

* Klork closes it behind him, letting the portal go once he's safe...shuddering and sinking heavily as he takes deep breaths* Oh thank god...

* Diana nods, tilting her head back, clenching her teeth weakly* Hai.....

* Klork grimaces a bit* I wish I could pass way I'm gonna be able to sleep like this..

* Diana nods* I know the feeling...very well...

* Klork leans against the wall, swallowing

* Diana takes a deep breath and looks over at him, her voice showing her pain* We'll get out of here...he's got a block on letting things in here...but...Devnet is out, right...?

* Klork nods..

<Klork> I felt him leave ... it was hard to do..but I think Teirnan was getting weaker..point in case as to why he left.

* Diana nods* Hai...exactly... *clenches her jaw again and grimaces slightly*

* Klork sighs, leaning back* I just hope Myrae can heal him..

<Diana> Me, too...I'm sure she will...

* Klork nods, taking deep breaths to keep himself from breaking down..pain ..well..everywhere

* Diana closes her eyes, brows furrowing, reaching out to him mentally* {{Do you know what the astral plane is?}}

* Klork glances up, brow furrwed in pain* {{Yeah ... why?}}

* Diana opens her eyes, her jaw clenched* {{I know how to access it...I can teach you how to escape there...level of it...for at least a little while to escape the pain...something I learned to do over the years...}}

* Klork nods, closing his eyes..* {{I'm willing to learn..}}

* Diana nods a little, closing her eyes again, opening their link*

* Klork leans back, tappin' in

* Diana's image, bathed in a gown of mixed golds and silvers should appear to him when hiss eyes are closed, auraed in elemental colors and purples* {{This is my astral self...}} *holds out a hand* {{Take my hand...relax as best you can...}}

* Klork nods, his own image somewhat silvery and aurad in an electric blue* {{Will do...}} *reaches out, shakily taking it*

* Diana's fingers curl around his, a slight tingling sensation to them, both warm and cool at the same time* {{Concentrate on a setting that relaxes you most...}}

* Klork nods, closing his eyes....after a while is in a candle lit room...images of HLM and Brenna around him

* Diana closes her eyes, concentraiting on that as well...their nebulouse surroundings fade, to be replaced with the room...'cept w/out HLM...strangely, Brenna's there...*

* Klork looks around, brows furrowing...* {{Weird...heh...waitasec...Brenna..?}}

* Brenna runs over to him and holds her arms up...she's auraed with a mix of his blue and a soft green* {{Daddie...! I missed you...!!}}

* Diana blinkblinks and smiles softly* {{*to Klork only* She must be sleeping back home...}}

* Klork grins, picking her up and holding her close* {{*to Diana* Must be...*both* Hey beautiful! How're you doing?}}

* Brenna curls close with a soft purr* {{I}}

* Diana smiles softly and sits down*

* Klork smiles, purring quietly, sitting down by Diana* {{Very good now...I missed you too..}}

* Brenna nuzzles him, purring softly* {{Where have you an' da others been...?}}

* Klork stokes her back gently, purring still* {{Fightin' th' bad guy ... we'll be home soon tho..}}

* Brenna nods a little, looking up at up with big blue eyes* {{Mama's sad...she misses you too...}}

* Klork smiles sadly, kissing her brow* {{Tell her I'm ok..and that we'll be home soon, ok?}}

* Brenna nods and reaches up to rest her small hands on his cheeks tilting her head* {{ you, daddie...}}

* Klork smiles, kissing her fingertips* {{I love you too, Brenna..}}

* Brenna purrs softly and curls close to him, almost radiating her happiness to be there with him and Auntie Di...a strong undercurrent of power there, too, muted due to her being so young*

* Klork smiles, sitting cross-legged, holding her close, letting his purr grow, gently running his hands over her back comfortingly*

* Diana smiles as she watches them, curling her legs underneath herself, reaching over to smooth Brenna's hair back*

* Klork smiles, just holding his daughter, looking up at Diana..face saying that he wants more than anything to actually be there

<Brenna> {{I drew pictures for you both...Iris helped...we pwactice, Auntie Di...mama and Auntie Nox makes sure we do...}}

* Klork smiles, looking down at her* {{I can't wait to see them..}}

* Diana smiles softly, squeezing Klork's shoulder before looking back to Brenna* {{Good'll be ready for the first practice test when I get home, hm?}}

* Klork chuckles quietly

* Brenna smiles up at Klork* {{I give you it as soon as you come home...}} *she then looks to Diana and nods a lil'*

* Klork smiles* {{I look forward to it...}}

* Brenna smiles, curling up to him, purr still in her chest*

* Klork curls up with her in his arms, smile never leaving his face

* Diana leans back, brushing curls from her eyes, watching them with a soft grin*

* Brenna grins as she cuddles him, all warm 'n comfy*

* Diana blinks a little and closes her eyes, feeling a slight pull back to her body, trying to stay there...*

* Klork purrs, holding her close, glancing at Diana* {{*to Diana only* What is it..??}}

* Klork shifts, purr still remaining, holding his daughter as he watches Diana with concern

<Diana> {{*to Klork only* Don't know how much longer we can stay here for this at least...seomthing's pulling at me...doing something to my body...}}

* Brenna purrs softly, seemingly obliviouse as Diana shifts slightly, clenching her hands, concentrating on staying there*

* Klork makes a face, still holding her...gently getting up and carrying her towards her bed..* {{We have to go now...sleep well, angel?}}

* Brenna awws softly and nods* {{I too...}} *smiles up at him* {{I tell mama you ok...I pwomis...}}

* Klork smiles* {{Good..g'nite angel...}} *settles her down..stepping back*

* Brenna purrs softly as she nuzzles into her blankie, falling asleep with a sweet smile on her face*

* Klork shifts back, glancing at Di, sighing quietly* {{So we go now I guess..}}

* Diana nods, standing, almost doubled over* {{Hai...but...we can return later...}}

* Klork nods, furrowing his brow* {{All do we go back..?}}

* Diana takes a deep breath...and in a sudden flash, they're back in their bodies, one of the prison guards is having some fun, of the painful and phallic variety, with Diana's body*

* Klork blinks, grimacing at the pain that comes back to him, shifting and snapping electricity out at him in reaction

* Guard jerks back away from her, falling and scrambling out of the room, she herself cringing and squeezing her eyes shut, looking away*

* Klork grimaces, looking up at her, his entire half of his face coated with blood down to his collar from the cheek gash* ~~God we have to get out of here...~~

* Diana clenches her jaw and nods with a shakey breath, blood running down her legs...joining the rest that was there already* <vqw> Gods...hai...

* Klork furrows his brow* <q> I can try another portal for you...

<Diana> <q> I'm not leaving without you, brother...worse has been done...if we leave, we leave together...

* Klork sighs shakily, sinking a bit..* <q> I can't open a portal that big, unfortunately...

* Diana nods a little with a shakey sigh, refusing to let the tears just under the surface fall* <w> We need to figure something out...p...preferably before he finds out Dev is gone...

* Klork nods, shifting, looking around for anything that might help ...* <w> You see any keys...anything that could help us jar free from these chains?

* Diana looks around, focusing on the table of torture impliments across the room* <w> That table he gets his toys from is the only thing I see that might help...

* Klork nods, squinting...flexing his hands a bit so they look like they're grasping at air, concentrating on opening a portal to transport one of the cooled metal rods*  {{If we could just get ONE of our shackles free..}}

* Diana nods...closing her eyes and concentraiting on offering power...*

* Klork grits his teeth, the portal opening just enough to get the rod through..moments later it's in his hand

<Klork> {{Bingo..}}

* Diana opens her eyes* {{Good...}}

* Klork starts twisting the rod into her shackle, eyes determined as he tries to snap it....

* shackle slowly bends...eventually snapping*

* Klork smirks, slowly bringing the rod over so she can take it...seeing he's pretty limited

* Diana gasps softly, reaching to take the rod...getting rid of the other shackle and falling to the ground, eyes widening as the pain washes over her, strangling her whimper as she stands and goes to work on his*

* Klork grits his teeth, knowing his knees are gonna be in a shit load of pain when he hits..snapping and dangling when one is freed

* Diana works at the other one, completely left-handed since her right hand is mangled horribly, reaching to catch him once the shackle eventually breaks*

* Klork twists himself so he falls sideways, her help softening the fall, grimacing as the wave of pain hits him, choking on any sounds

<Klork> {{ least get out of here..somewhere...ANYWHERE to rest..! or..god at least bandage ourselves...I'm..trying on a portal..}}

* Diana nods* {{}} *offers more power again, on her knees by him...*

* Klork opens a portal that seems to overlap around them..his only thoughts on bandaging n' resting..they end up in some sort of small bedroom...relatively abandoned..*

* Diana blinkblinks, looking around a little confusedly, jaw clenched*

* Klork furrows his brow..shifting* {{This ... is ... um..where are we?}}

<Diana> {{...I have no idea...}} *gently helps him over to the bed...looking around...walking with a slight limp, shoulders tight*

* Klork sits, grabbing some cloth and ripping at it...getting it into strips..* <q> C'mon..lemme see your hand..

* Diana comes over and nods, sitting by him and offering her's a complete mess...bone sticking through the skin in some places*

* Klork grimaces...looking up at her and offering some cloth for her to bite down on* <q> I'm gonna set it best I may want this..

* Diana nods* Domo...*takes the cloth, putting it between her teeth and turning her face away*

* Klork goes about re-setting the bones in her hand, finishing as swiftly as he can w/out errors, then wrapping it firmly with the cloth

* Diana strangles the sudden scream that rises in her throat, gasping hard for breath as the tears spill over, taking the cloth from her teeth with her good hand* I..tai...*catches her breath* Domo...let me take care of your legs...? We can address the cuts and burns after the bones are taken care of...

* Klork nods, gently wiping her face, swallowing hard* <q> yeah...god this is gonna hurt...*puts some cloth in his own mouth, giving her some strips*

* Diana nods* Hai...I'll go as quickly as I can...*smiles wryly, and sets his, then the other and wrapping them as quickly and effeciently as she can..*

* Klork nods, then grimaces, body quivering with each set but refuses to shout anything outwardly, eyes watering a bit* <q> Holy of whatever cares that fuckin' hurt..

* Diana nods with a sympathetic cringe, reaching up to brush hair from his brow* <q> Hai...I believe it...*takes a shakey breath, leaning back to examine his cuts and burns...* I wonder if there's anything around here I could use to clean you up...

* Klork sighs shakily, looking down at her, then shrugs* <q> No clue .. you can look .. heh .. you can walk *smiles painfully* Sheets are good for bandages tho...

* Diana smirks a lil' and nods, standing slowly, resting her left hand on her lower belly, before grimacing at the cuts there and hastily removing it* <q> Hai...get shredding, then...I'll look...*winks and smiles wryly before she starts her search of the room...*

* Klork nods, shredding at the sheets slowly, using that as a way to let loose of a lot of the pain he's feeling

* Diana looks around for anything she can use to clean up their wounds, water, whatever...also trying to figure out where the hell they are...*

* Klork gets a pile of shredded sheats ready, gritting his teeth, looking up* <q> Anything???

* Diana takes over the washing bowl thing she found, carrying it one handedly* Just this...

* Klork nods, sitting up slowly

<Klork> Works ... god I hope nobody's offended by our rippin' everything up..

<Diana> Me, too...I have no idea whose place it is...*sits by him, wincing slightly* Lean back for me...? Just wanna get you cleaned up and bandaged...*

* Klork nods, leaning back, removing his shredded shirt sticks somewhat to the wounds, making him suck in his breath before he gets it off

* Diana winces in sympathy, then sets into work as gently and quickly as she can, cleaning, bandaging, etcetc*

* Klork grimaces as she finishes, slowly, very slowly, sitting up..

<Klork> <q> A'right..*sighs shakily* Your turn...I'll go as quick as I can..k?

* Diana nods a little, stripping down so he can work on her, lots 'n lotsa bruises among the whipping cuts, blade cuts and burns...of course, evidences of the fun had by Teirnan before Klork woke up and the guard*

* Klork sighs shakily, going about cleaning her gently, frown crossing his face at what they did, wrapping her soon after she's cleaned* ~~There .. ~~

* Diana holds back the tears as she nods again, pulling the rags back on* <vqw> Thanks...

* Klork sighs shakily with a small nod* <q> What say we explore tomorrow after we rest?? *pullls himself onto the bed fully, laying down under the few covers left and opening a spot for her* Body heat might be a good idea with all the blood we've lost..

* Diana nods, slipping into her spot gingerly* <q> will help...heh...sleep well...?

* Klork nods, pulling the covers over them both, already half asleep* <q> will do .. see you when we wake..

<Diana> <w> Hai... *zonks, completely exhausted*

* Klork zonks as well, same reasons

Session Close: Fri Feb 08 03:24:01 2002
