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Session Start: Sun Feb 10 22:28:26 2002

* Diana streatches a lil'*

* Klork groans quietly, still asleep...both legs casted

* Diana looks over, brows furrowing as she heads over and brushes hair from his brow*

* Klork furrows his brows, his pain numbed for now, but still sleeps silently

* Diana hehs a little and pulls the blanket up around his shoulders, kinda looking around for something to do with herself...her own painkillers wearing off*

* Aiden glances up, brows furrowing* Are you feeling well enough to be standing, M'lady?

* Diana smiles slightly and nods* Hai...can't take lying down for very long without being unconsiouse...

* Aiden nods* How is your pain?

<Diana> Ah...returning...I'll be alright've done so much for us as it is...

* Aiden smiles, handing her a small bottle* will do away with any infection the injuries might have given you..

* Diana nods, smiling in return* Thank you you have any questions...??

* Aiden shrugs, brows furrowing* How do you know of Keelin and Devnet?

<Diana> I am a good freind of Curric...and Klork's...I accompanied them when they helped us rescue Brenna...Klork and HLM's daughter...I was a vampyre then, though...

* Aiden nods, scratching his chin* I recall this from what Keelin and Devnet have told me...Are all who were under Teirnan safe now?

* Diana nods* I...know Devnet is...I don't know where Keelin is however....

* Aiden frowns* I hope she has her safety...

<Diana> I as well...*sits down with a slightly pained sigh*

* Aiden nods, deciding to change the subject to something lighter for a change* I see you two found my silks..

* Diana blushes and nods* Ah...hai...there are a few shredded bed-sheets as well...did not know whose house we dropped in on...our apologies...

* Aiden chuckles* My home is always welcome. Sheets are not a bother to me...but, I have some clothes you two should weare that is much ... more durable than silk to go over your clothes

<Diana> Oh..? *smiles* That would be wonderful...our old clothing was more or less destroyed in that dungeon...

* Aiden nods* I have some thick cloaks for you ... tunics etc...are you more comfortable in a dress or more flexible clothing?

* Diana chuckles softly* The more flexible the better...I've never been fond of dresses...except on very few occations...

* Aiden chuckles* Very well then..I will return in a few short moments..

* Diana nods* Domo...

* Klork furrows his brow in his sleep, on the verge of waking, seeming to be concentrating on something

* Diana looks over, going over to sit at his side...*

<Klork> {{Mo..?? Mo........are you there...???}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{H...hon...???}}

<Klork> {{Mo...! I'm..I'm ok...Are you ok???}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Oh gods...Klork..? I'm ok...I've been so worried...! Wh...where are you??}}

<Klork> {{Some cave ... I think ... lots of elves..good ones tho ... I think my legs are casted ...knees are broken..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Oh no...gads...I...Keelin and Devnet are here with me...they're safe...I...there's a group down there, looking for you...he...broke your knees...??}}

<Klork> {{Oh good...I...yeah ... they're set now .. some guy named Aiden I think is helping us...}}

*in channel interruption*

* Klork blinkblinks, almost sitting up fully as that surprises him to wake, then yelps slighty, sinking as he rests a hand over his abdomen* ow...ow..

* Diana winces and reaches over to steady him*

* Klork furrows his brow* I..was talking to Mo'.....{{Mo?? MO???!}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{H...honey...? Is that really you...??}}

* Diana nods a little, brows furrowing with worry...*

<Klork> {{Why wouldn't it be-oww...gyah...I think I just opened my stitches...yeah...its me!}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Ok...I...we have a new enemy...he's messing with my guy who had Aria in Brazil...he got her back and killed one of the people who saved her the first time...}}

* Klork grimaces, nodding outwardly, his clothes bleeding a bit where the stitches came open* {{I see ... ok...agh..I might have to let you go for a minute...}}

* Klork blinks, brows furrowing* {{Weird...maybe not? Owwww...}} di..?? I..agh...stitches are open..

* Diana cringes* I'll get Aiden...

<HappyLittleMoron> {{Oh hon...}}

* Diana goes off to do so...*

* Aiden looks up* What is it?

<Diana> Klork's opened his stitches...

* Aiden grimaces, going over to re-stitch them personally* Easy now...

* Klork winces* {{Ghh..}}

<HappyLittleMoron> {{It'll be ok, love...}}

* Aiden stitches him up as quickly and efficiently as possible, then re-wraps him* No more sudden move ments...

* Diana...holds one of Klork's hands in her good hand <G> here's hopin' he doesn't break THAT too ;)*

<Klork> {{Agh...god that hurt....}} *squeezes Di's hand gently* Thanks...

* Diana nods* Hai...I know how it feels...

* Klork nods

<Klork> <q> Iknow ....

* Klork winces, face going pained* {{Mo..??! MO!?}}

<Diana> Nani...??

* Aiden frowns* He's being torn from a mental converastion by some outside force ..

<Diana> Oh no...the conversation with his wife...*frowns* Can you trace the outside force...?

* Aiden shakes his head* It's far too distant....I believe it is gone now, however...*rests a hand on Klork's brow, murmuring a spell...Klork relaxes and falls asleep* Too much stress for him at this moment..

* Diana nods with a sigh, furrowing her brow...* Shimatta...

* Aiden looks up* I have the clothing for you both ... and some news ..

* Diana blinks* Ah...domo...what news...?

* Aiden murmurs quietly, a mirror looking image casting against the wall of the cave* Scouts told me of a group of mortals, for the most part, heading towards Teirnan's castle..*shows the image of the group walking* Do you know of them?

* Diana blinks!* I...hai! *furrows her brows* Great gods...they must be searching for us...

* Aiden nods* What would you have me do? I cannot send many, but they should be warned that they themselves could be captured if they are discovered

<Diana> They should know Klork and I are alright...and be warned of capture...*chews her lip, brows wrinkling* I wish I could tell them myself...

* Aiden sighs* There is time yet for them to reach the castle...I could send scouts, but I do not know if your friends would find them credible or not..

* Diana nods a little and furrows her brows* I can try contacting them mind to would take a lot but...

* Aiden frowns* I would prefer not. Had i know Klork was, I would have stopped it earlier. Teirnan searches for mental traces to find us. Is there something one of my scouts could give them to make them reliable and trustworthy?

* Diana furrows her brows and summons one of her silver arrows* They should recognize this...tell them to say it's from Diana Manashevitz...?

* Aiden nods, calling out for a scout* *taking the arrow* I will send two scouts together...Theirry! Leila!

* Theirry comes in, his long blond hair held back with leather thong*

* Leila follows, looking much the same, green eyes inquiring*

<Theirry> Aye, Master Aiden...?

* Aiden holds out the arrow* Go to the group you told me of...tell them that Diana Manashevitz gave this to you .. and that she and the others are safe..

* Theirry nods with a slight bow, tucking the arrow away after wrapping it*

* Leila nods, bowing slightly* We will do our best, master aiden..

* Theirry nods, looking to his sister* Off we go...

* Leila nods, heading out*

* Theirry goes with...*

* Diana rests a hand over her belly* I...think I will lie down, actually...

* Aiden looks up at Diana* THey will deliver the message, and lead them here if need be..*nods, standing* I'll get you some proper blanket coverings

<Diana> Domo...

* Aiden returns with about 5 blankets* Here...he has only one on him...I will add two more and give you the remaining three..*hands her the remaining three*

* Diana nods* Thank you again...*smiles a lil' and lies down with a slight grimace*

* Aiden nods, resting the blankets over her and Klork* Rest well, and call if anything is needed

<Diana> Of course...

* Aiden smiles* Rest..*grins, heading off*

* Diana nods off after a while...*

Session Close: Mon Feb 11 00:45:02 2002
