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Session Start: Fri Dec 21 22:34:10 2001

* they re-appear in a dark bedroom...*

* Klork stares, eyes wide and glowing, hovered around her protectively

<Klork> ~what the hell...?!~

* HappyLittleMoron curls around her belly, looking around with wide, glowing is indeed Underhill...the elven lord standing at the doorway and chucklling darkly

* Klork glares, his eyes sparking as he pulls her close, very protectively..growling low in his throat

<Tiernan> *chuckles* Oh relax, cat-man...

<Klork> Damnit, leave us be...

<Tiernan> Not until I have what I need....*strides over, eyes sparkling coldly, a smaller, elven woman trailling behind him*

* Klork growls, putting himself in front of HLM

<Klork> I don't think so...they are part of us.

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', glaring at Tiernan over Klork's shoulder, hands folded over her belly

* Klork glares, eyes sparking as his claws extend..

* Tiernan unsheeths his sword* All things must change, sir...*slices at his face with the sword, bandaged himself* Stand aside and you and your lovely wife may survive.

* Klork grits his teeth, head snapping to the side with the blow..but he doesn't move or say anything

<Klork> I'm not moving...these are my children..and this is MY have NO RIGHT to her..

* HappyLittleMoron cringes, her own claws extending as the RedCap comes out, advancing on Klork

<Teirnan> You wish to leave them fatherless? I have no deesire to kill them.

<Klork> What do you want with them, damnit..

* Klork grits his teeth, slowly turning his head forward, the long slash going across his upper cheek and his nose, bleeding heavily

<Teirnan> Children are very rare among our kind. Yours are very powerful, with a touch of the Sidhe to them....they shall be raised among us...

<Klork> Like hell..!

<Teirnan> Well...we shall see what we can do to get you out of the way then...*motions to the Red Cap, who advances on Klork, talons extending from its hand and flashing out at him*

<HappyLittleMoron> NO...!

* Klork furrows his brow, leaning back, eyes wide

* RC slices at his chest, Teirnan making a circle around them to try grabbing HLM*

* Klork falters, falling back against HLM, his chest bleeding

<HappyLittleMoron> OHgods...stop!! *cries out as she catches Klork, but being pulled back by Teirnan* Please!! *gets pulled away, spinning and slicing at Teirnan, struggling to get free, to no avail as the Red Cap continues slicing at Klork..*

* Klork grits his teeth, staggering backwards to get away from the red cap, refusing to cry out as his eyes glow with electricity that snaps out at the red cap in defence...getting heavily damaged

* RC cries out, then giggles, slicing at him again until Teirnan orders it to stop*

* Klork staggers, half conscious, eyes glowing dimly as he's on his back, dizzy from bloodloss

* HappyLittleMoron 's now in the hands of the woman, struggling weakly trying to get to Klork and sobbing softly, as if fighting an internal barrier

* Teirnan smirks* Pitiful mortal...*goes over to HLM, resting his hands on her belly*

* Klork looks over, slowly..still not all there..electricity sparking from his eyes and riding down to the tips of his hair on the floor, splintering onto the floor swiftly towards Teirnan

* Teirnan yelps and growls, some of it penetrating his shields, turning and firing a bolt of elf-shot (that telekinetic thingie) at him*

* Klork grits his teeth, body spasming in reaction..only holding onto a thread of consciousness now..

* Teirnan mutters a few elven curses before starting in on the spell, glowing silver as he rests one hand on HLM's belly, the other on the woman's*

* HappyLittleMoron struggles against the bindings she was put in, starting to cry despite herself, feeling something happening...

* Klork growls inaudibly..too weak to let anything out, lifting his hands shakily and forming a ball of electricity...throwing it with all he has left at Teirnan, eyes sparking

* Teirnan's back arches, ripping his hands away from HLM and the woman, stumbling back and growling weakly at Klork*

* Cavelry arrives...*

* Klork almost smiles, eyes sparking dully before he passes out

* Al kneels by Klork as Kern attacks Teirnan with his blade...growling softly as he and the elven woman dissapear...Ray unbinding the sobbing HLM*

* Rae hurries over to Klork eyes wide* Oh gods...what happened?!

<HappyLittleMoron> <w> Ohgods...Red Cap...*struggles away from Ray and Kern to kneel by Klork as well, one hand not leaving her belly*

* Rae blinks, not understanding that..but shimmers to her water form, putting her hands on Klork's stomach first, healing the wounds there..*

* HappyLittleMoron kneels by him, watching with wide, tearfilled eyes, Ray gently pulling her back as she sobs...

* Al looks around, brows furrowing, ready to re-open the portal whenever*

* Rae moves up to his chest, healing there...wavering slightly*

* Kern kneels by her, supporting her gently, feeling strangely drawn to the necklace she wearrs...reaching out to try offering energy to her*

* Rae shimmers slightly, placing one hand on his stomach one on his chest....*

* Klork groans brow furrowing..

* HappyLittleMoron watches, weakly leaning against Ray, pulling away at the groan* <vqw> Oh...ohlove...

* Rae blinks..then puts a hand on his face, healing the gash....solidifying before the scar is completely reaches from his cheek across his nose to the other cheek*

* Klork slowly sits up, brow furrowed...looking dizzy

<Klork> wh...?

<HappyLittleMoron> ..honey..! *swallows, tears flowing down her face as she wraps her arms around him, a sob ripping itself free*

* Klork blinks, then wraps his arms around her, pulling her close

<Klork> ~Mo?? I..what happened??!~

<Al> Ok...let's get outa here...*looks to Ray who nods slightly, before opening the portal again*

* Rae takes a few steps back, looking a bit dizzy*

* HappyLittleMoron just cries, unable to talk..

* Kern stands, resting his arms around Rae

* Klork furrows his brow, sitting up and pulling her close, lifting her into his arms...heading for the portal..still a bit dizzy*

* Ray goes with them, there to steady them, Kern with Myrae, lifting her into his arms first...Al, of course, last to go through*

* Rae leans against him, getting carried*

* portal opens in Klork's and HLM's room <G>*

* Klork goes with, grimacing a bit...holding his head as he goes in...keeping HLM close

* HappyLittleMoron stays right by him, tears having tapered off, one arm around him, her free hand over her tummy...y'know, everyone else heading through too...Kern carrying Rae

* Klork sits on his bed, obviously a bit weak, brow furrowing

<Klork> What happened back there..? *voice sounds scratched*

* HappyLittleMoron trembles sitting by him and shaking her head bewilderdly* <w> I...I...dunno...I...feel diffferent...*rubs her belly a lil', scared look in her eyes*

* Klork furrows his brows, eyes going wide as he scrambles to his knees, pressing his ear to her stomach

<Klork> ~oh god...please no..~ *forces a purr, eye wide*

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip, only two purrs coming from her belly this time...

* Klork blinks, eyes wide.

* Klork furrows his brow..concentrating...{{OH god..please say you're all there..?!}}

* HappyLittleMoron swallows...* {{*from the babies...there are only two there now...both the healthy ones...not so content anymore...almost confused*}}

* Klork whimpers, eyes lost as he looks up at Al, brow furrowed

<Klork> What happened..?! Why are there only two..?!

* Rae furrows her brow, looking lost..*

* HappyLittleMoron 's eyes widen, covering her face and breaking down again

* Al frowns, shaking her head a little* He...he...must have...transfered...the third one into that other woman...was probably trying for all three...gods I'm sorry...

* Klork shakes his head, brow furrowed still, eyes confused

* Kern furrows his brows, holding Rae close, shaking his head, confused*

<Klork> that's not good enough-I want my child BACK! *shakes his head* The weakest one..gods, what if it doesn't survive?????!

* HappyLittleMoron curls into herself, crying softly

<Ray> I don't know...I promise you, though, Klork...we'll do our damndest to get it back...just think positively? They cherish children...that little one will be taken care of...we'll do our best to get it back before it's born in that world...

* Klork furrows his brow

<Klork> What if it can't survive without the other two...?? *furrows his brow, sitting by HLM and pulling her close, his voice wavering*

* HappyLittleMoron leans into his embrace, sobbing

<Al> *brows furrow* We don't know that...we'll work on this 24/7...I'll get the Seleighe Sidhe to help us...there's a Bard nearby who can help too...

* Klork strokes his hands through her hair, body still shaky with how weak he feels..nodding

<Klork> I...*furrows his brow as he nods slowly* ~~thank you..~~

* Al nods, tugging Ray's sleeve* We have to go work on this's not a problem...take care, you guys...

* Klork nods, curling around HLM, tears coming to his own eyes...shirt still shredded in the front

* Rae furrows her brow, motioning for Ker to go to the door so they can be left alone

* Kern nods, heading out with Rae*

* HappyLittleMoron curls close to Klork, crying softly, hand still over her belly, whispering "Ohgods" softly under her breath

* Klork pulls her close, brow furrowing

* Klork whimpers, hating to hear her like this, just holding her close, resting his hand with hers

<Klork> ~~we'll get it back..I swear to you..~~

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, choking on a sob, looking up at him with teary, sad eyes* <vqw> I...I know...I...*breaks down again*

* Klork furrows his brow, tilting her head up gently with his finger under her chin...

<Klork> ~~I mean that...~~ *furrows his brow as he kisses her brow gently* ~~I won't let him live when I see him next..~~

* HappyLittleMoron takes a deep breath, opening her teary eyes and nodding a little, gazing up at him, brows wrrinkled with pain...anger...a whole ton of fear...

* Klork rests his brow to hers, wiping some of her tears away...

<Klork> ~I love you..and I love our children...I will do everything in my power to get our childback..and to keep you safe..~

* HappyLittleMoron sniffles a lil', gazing at him* <vqw> I love you, too...and...them...I...I thank you...I...I' better to protect them and you...felt so helpless...

* Klork smiles, kissing her gently

<Klork> ~You did what you could, Mo'..believe me when I say that?

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little, kissing back, eyes teary* <w> O...ok...just as you did your best...I...I...get the feeling...we need to learn a bit more magic...

* Klork nods, brow furrowed as he sighs shakily

<Klork> ~quite a bit more..I have a feeling We'll be learning a bit more from Ray & Al..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods, swallowing and curling close* <w> Yeah...gods...I...I've never been so my entire life...

* Klork nods, pulling her close...

<Klork> ~I'm just glad they showed...I was afraid I couldn't stay awake ...and that that blow wouldn't do anything..~

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* <w> Me too...*wraps her arms and wings around him* I just don't understand it...

* Klork leans back with her, just keeping himself close to her

<Klork> ~~I dont either...~~

* HappyLittleMoron presses close against him, holding on tight, weakly

* Klork lays down with her, just pulling her close

* Klork 's whole body is he hasn't quite replenished all the blood that was lost...sighing shakily

* HappyLittleMoron swallows, looking up at him, brows furrowed* <w> Are you ok....? Gods...didn't even think to ask...*reaches up to carress his jaw, eyes still scared*

* Klork nods, smiling very slightly

<Klork> ~yeah..just weak..ergh..*rubs at his nose* damn sword ... this is still sore for some reason...

* HappyLittleMoron bites her lip a lil'* <w> Oh man...ow...*strokes his cheek* Hope it wasn't're nose is to cute to be broken...*smiles half-heartedly*

* Klork chuckles, very quietly

<Klork> ~it's healed...I can tell that..just..*rubs at the small scar, not seeing it* bruised maybe?~

* HappyLittleMoron reaches up, gently moving his fingers aside* <w> You've got a lil' scar...

* Klork blinks, looking cross eyed..

<Klork> <w>agh..can't see it..trace it??

* HappyLittleMoron blinks, chuckling weakly at the look before gently tracing his scar...

* Klork sighs

<Klork> <w>right across my nose..damn..guy's got a mean aim..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, gently kissing his chin* <w> Yeah...but...*grins feebly* You're still the most gorgeouse man I've ever seen...

* Klork chuckles quietly, kissing her brow

<Klork> ~and you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen~

* HappyLittleMoron blushes slightly* <w> you...

* Klork chuckles, purring genuinely....a soothing sound when it's not forced

* HappyLittleMoron smiles, nuzzling close, the purr relaxing her somewhat, resting her warm wings around him...

* Klork wraps his arms around her, slowly drifting as he purrs, just stayin close

* HappyLittleMoron slowly drifts off, pressed close

* Klork sleeps...curled close...sword still on the floor as he sleeps..purring quietly and soothingly

* HappyLittleMoron sighs softly, curled up, breathing softly, wings wrapped around them both, belly purring softly in response

Session Close: Sat Dec 22 01:49:37 2001
