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Session Start: Sat Nov 10 21:19:06 2001

* Klork opens the hospital door for her, waiting for HLM to go inside

* HappyLittleMoron heads in, sticking her hands in her pockets* Thanks..

* Klork follows, wrapping an arm around her

* Klork glances up as a very polite and nice lookin' nurse walks up to them

* HappyLittleMoron slips her arm around Klork's middle and looks up at the nurse

* The Nurse, oh, let's call her Greta, has a lemur tail peeking out the bottom of her skirt, but otherwise looks Japanese*

<Greta> <in japanese cuz I'm lazy <G>> Good Morning, Mr. Curric, it's been a while since you've visited us! You've grown quite a bit, I must say...

* Klork blinks, tilting his head to the side

* HappyLittleMoron blinkblinks a little, slipping her shades off, tilting her head as well

<Klork> <ij> The last time I was here I was still a have a really good memory, miss...

* Greta smiles politely* Your mother is the owner of this think we'd go without pictures of her children all over the office walls?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles very softly

* Klork sighs, then chuckles

<Klork> <ij> Well, this is my wife, Eloise...we just want to get a check up on her...cuz..she's well..kinda..*looks flustered*

* HappyLittleMoron grins, resting a hand on her tummy* <ij> ..pregnant...

* Greta smiles, bowing to HLM*<ij> It's a pleasure..if you will follow me, we will get you in right away..

* Greta leads them down the hall, writing a few things down on her clipboard* <ij> Eloise, have you eaten this morning and do you have any allergies?

<Greta> <ij> Any abilities that we should take into consideration before doing your checkup?

* HappyLittleMoron bows a lil' in return and nods* <ij> Thank you...*following* Ah...I've eaten...and allergies.

* Klork wraps an arm around HLM, walking down the hall with her

<HappyLittleMoron> <ij> I have quite a few...uhm...a healing factor...and corrosive blood...uh...I also have wings that are withdrawn into my body...

<Greta> <ij> We have to ask about abilities due to someone coming in with fire capabilites who was ticklish *smiles almost sheepishly* The doctor had no eyebrows for a while. *checks a few things off* Corrosive blood, ah, no needle work.

* Klork chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron nods and chuckles softly* <ij> I can imagine that would cause problems...

* Greta opens a door for them to a nice examination room, which isn't cold and stark, rather very niicely decorated, to be comfortable for the patients* <ij> Just a few..and one last question...when your wings are drawn into your body, would they show up on any sort of x-ray or ultra sound?

* Klork goes in, sitting on one of the big comfy chairs, patting the seat beside him for HLM

<HappyLittleMoron> <ij> Uhm...they might...*sits by Klork and grins sheepishly* ...I really don't know...I can draw them out though...

* Greta nods a little* <ij> Only if it doesn't hurt you, we don't want to make you uncomfortable here.

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* <ij> It does hurt, but only until they're all the way out...I don't mind it.

* Greta writes a few more things, nodding to her* <ij> All right, it *might* be a good idea. I'll leave you two, there's a television over here *opens the cupboard* Dr. Fuji will be in in fifteen minutes to see you.

* HappyLittleMoron nods* <ij> Thank you....

* Klork nods to Greta, picking up a remote as she leaves, immediately flipping through channels

<Klork> Maaan, it's all in Japanese..*winks to her*

* Klork mutters

<Klork> No football *pouts*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and pats his knee* What, you don't like Drunken Bussinessman?

* Klork thppppppts

* HappyLittleMoron nudges him lightly, with a grin* {{Not in public dear}}

* Dr. Fuji knocks at the door and then opens it, peering in* <ij> Good morning?

* Klork chuckles, then blinks, looking up, arm wrapped around her shoulders

<Klork> <ij> Good mornin'!

* HappyLittleMoron looks up and smiles shyly* <ij> Good morning..

<Dr. Fuji> Ah! Mr. Curric! So you've finally brought your wife here so we can take pictures ourselves!

* Dr Fuji smiles, coming in and closing the door*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, cheeks pinkening a lil'

<Dr Fuji> So you're here for a checkup on your baby..? I believe this is what Greta told me..

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yes...uhm...we think it's only one at the moment, anyway...

<Dr. Fuji> Well, we could take an ultrasound and find out *smiles*

<Dr Fuji> That is, if you aren't against it....We normally do ultrasounds because with so many different species we never know how far along the pregnancies are..

* Klork looks at HLM

<Klork> s'up to you, babe

<HappyLittleMoron> Oh...I have no problem with it...just...wouldn't it be a little early on to tell anything...? *tilts her head a lil'*

* Fuji digs into the drawer and pulls out a hospital robe for her* Well, either way we have to have you wear a hospital robe, heh! don't worry, these have backs.

<Fuji> you know how long your terms are?

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly* Alright...uhm...the last pregnancy last only about seven months before I went into labor...

<Fuji> *hands her the robe* All right, then no ultrasound will be necessary, but we will need to use a stethescope on your stomach to check for the baby's heartbeat

<Fuji> And I will have to ask you about your current dietary habits *gives a sheepish grin*

* Fuji glances at Klork* I expect you to help me with this one, I know you are probably keeping track of what she eats better than she is..

* HappyLittleMoron nods a little...taking the robe, and grinning a lil' lopsidedly* I..uhm...alright...

* Klork blinks, then chuckles

<Klork> Fruit.

<Fuji> Sweet fruit? Bitter fruit? Underripe fruit? Overripe fruit?

<Fuji> These things change with pregnancies.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* Ah...sweet fruit...that's what I've been craving...

<HappyLittleMoron> Regular fruit...*ponders where she can change? <G>*

* Fuji fills the sinks up with warm water, letting the stethescope sit above the steam to warm it up*

<Fuji> All right, I will go write this down..and go get you a file started. I should be back in about five minutes. This will give you a chance to change. *heads out*

* Klork chuckles

* HappyLittleMoron nods a lil', hehing and changing quickly* ...much different from American doctors

* Klork nods

<Klork> Much...hey, looks more like a t'shirt to me *points to her robe* Heh! buttons on the stomach too..nift' *grins lopsidedly*

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles, sitting back by him* Yeah, very fasionable <G>

* Klork chuckles quietly

* Fuji walks in about five minutes later, carrying a meduim bowl of fresh sweet fruits, eyes closed* Every one decent?

* HappyLittleMoron nods* Yes..

* Fuji hands her the bowl* Compliments of the hospital.

<Klork> oooh...watermelon..

* Klork snags a piece before he can get his hand smacked

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and accepts* Thank you..hey!

* `Klork grins sheepishly

<`Klork> While you may have eaten, IIII haven't...

* Fuji just chuckles* Ok, a few questions..

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly, then turns to Fuji..

<Fuji> Have you experienced any sort of morning sickness or all-day sickness as the case may be? *picks up the stethescope to check the temperature*

<HappyLittleMoron> Not

<Fuji> Ok...*writes that down* Expect this within a week to two weeks...but remember don't not eat anything and don't over-stuff yourself.

* HappyLittleMoron nods...* Alright..

<Fuji> These will add to your sickness and could possible harm the bab

* HappyLittleMoron nods...listening with interest

* Fuji finds the stethescope temperature to his liking, then pats the comfortable exam table* Mind having a seat, Mrs. Curric?

* HappyLittleMoron gets up and hops up on the table* Not at all..

<Fuji> I'm going to ask you to unbutton one of the buttons on your gown close to your abdomen so I can listen for a heart beat. Whichever one is comfortable for you.

* HappyLittleMoron blinks and nods, doing so, one right below the belly button..

<Fuji> Thank you..*sets the warm stethescope to her tummy and listens*

<Fuji> hmm...sounds healthy to me..*readjusts to listen from another perspective* Sounds good here too...*pulls the stethescope out of his ears and up to her ears* Here..want to listen?

<Fuji> Most mothers don't get to hear the heartbeat the way we do until the ultrasound..

* HappyLittleMoron blinks* I...uhm...sure...*smiles*

* Fuji moves the stethescope over to where the heartbeat can be heard the loudest*

<Fuji> ~right there..~

* HappyLittleMoron listens, her eyes widening, smile brightening* <w>

* Fuji holds out one end of the stethescope to Klork* Want to listen?

* Klork is already there <G>

* Klork smirks, purring quietly once he hears it

* HappyLittleMoron grins at him, awed..

* Klork smirks over at her

* Fuji pulls the stethescope back slowly* I know you said something about it possibly only being one, and the nurse wrote that down...if it does happen to be twins, morning sickness could hit you VERY's always a little worse with twins

* Klork props himself against the exam table, listening best he can

* HappyLittleMoron nods, brows furrowing a little* ...when can we find out if it is twins...?

<Fuji> Probably about four weeks from now, if you could come back in then we will make sure to have plenty of fruit stocked for you.

* Klork chuckles

* Fuji grins* If this isn't a problem..and we can continue to check up on you once every month if you can get here...

* Klork smirks, opening a portal

<Klork> Oh no problem there...

* Fuji grins* Good, because your coverage is completely taken care of by your mother...same with your wife *smiles to HLM*

* Klork blinks, closingthe portal

* HappyLittleMoron chuckles softly and nods..* We can do that...*blinks a lil'*

* Fuji pulls a clean sheet of paper,writing* Now, for your own information, the early signs of a twin pregnancy are as following, and I'll write them down for you to keep..

* HappyLittleMoron nods, tilting her head to watch..

<Fuji> Faster rate of weight gain...size of abdoment and increased itching on its surface...a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis...varicose veins..greater tendency to retain water...and increased fatigue

* Fuji tears off the list from his clipboard and hands it to her*

* HappyLittleMoron nods, taking the list and looking it over* Thank you..

<Fuji> But for now you're baby seems to be doing just fine..or babies *shrugs, smiling* this we will find out in a few are carrying along as normal.

* Klork looks up, brow furrowed

<Klork> So..that's it?

<Fuji> Pretty much, there's not much we can do at this point..

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and nods a little, breathing a soft sigh of relief...

<Fuji> I will leave so you can change again, just set the robe on the bed and Greta will clean it up after you go. You are free to take the bowl of fruit with you, we have plenty of bowls. And I'll see you in about a month *smiles, bowing before leaving*

* HappyLittleMoron smiles and changes again..laying the robe neatly on the bed

* Klork chuckles, holding her bowl of fruit

<Klork> shall we go home then? I think we have some news for everybody *winks*

* HappyLittleMoron nods and grins, blushing a lil'* Yeah...*snags a lil' piece of fruit and munches with a return wink*

* Klork opens the door for her

<HappyLittleMoron> Thanks, love...*heads out..*

* Klork follows, leading her to the car

<HappyLittleMoron> I can't wait for a month to pass...the suspense alone..

* Klork chuckles

<Klork> amen to that!

Session Close: Sat Nov 10 23:34:36 2001
