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Session Start: Tue Mar 19 20:43:42 2002

* Rev comes into the dungeon thingie...looking as if he's been thinking a lot...heh...a few lovely purpleish bruses on his jaw and opposite cheekbone*

* Kev is half asleep..wrists still bruised and cut from the shackles*

* Rev crosses his arms over his chest, watching him pensively*

* Kevley furrows his brow, slowly looking up* Hnh...?

<Rev> Hello...

* Kev pops his neck to the side, grimacing* ..Hi .. *flexes his hands a little* What's with the bruises...?

* Rev shrugs* They're nothing. How are you feeling?

<Kev> Stiff .. bruised ... tired.... been better to say the least ... but I've also been worse.

* Rev nods* Aye...*trails off, watching him pensively again...*

* Kev blinks* What's with the look ...?

* Rev shakes his head* Nothing...thinking a bit...

* Kev nods, trying to get comfortable if at all possible*

* Rev furrows his brows* What is the human world like...?

* Kev blinks..then slowly shrugs* Humans .. a few mutants ... very vast and different..

<Rev> How so?

* Kevley shrugs* Large farm land ... island villages ... small towns.. mountains, forests...feilds..deserts..*shrugs* very different and much larger than here..

* Rev nods..* How did you get there...? *pauses* How did you meet my mother...?

* Kevley rolls his shoulders* A bard opened a portal, and I was tracking your father...I came through the portal to find him about to attack your mother...

* Rev nods a little* Where exactly is she?

* Kevley furrows his brow* Why ... ??

* Rev watches him coolly* Why should it matter? Where is she?

* Kevley furrows his brow again, leaning against the wall* Because she's my friend and I want to know why you need to know before I tell you anything.

* Rev straitens up* If she is really my mother, I have every right to know.

* Kevley watches him* If you intend to hurt her, I have every right to not tell you.

* Rev shakes his head* My intentions are really none of your bussiness...I'm asking nicely now. I will find out one way or anoother.

* Kevley shifts, shrugging* New York City. a city in the country of America. Continenant of North America.

* Rev nods* Is this a big city...?

* Kevley shrugs* Relatively.

<Rev> Where in the city is she?

* Kevley shrugs* I don't know the address ..

<Rev> What's the area like?

* Kevley shrugs again* Not in the middle of the city is all I could explain..there are several parts ....

* Rev nods, listeniing..*

* Kevley sighs* It is a safe house for mutants..there aren't many..

* Rev nods...* Who owns it...? Who is usually in it...?

* Kevley sighs* Your mother and another woman own the place. There are severalthat I do not even know that are in it.

<Rev> I see...and this other woman...what does she look like? What is her name?

<Kevley> Gods you ask a lot of questions .. Mrs. Happy I've heard her called...*shrugs* Wings .. black and red hair...hell, I've only seen her with sunglasses on..

* Rev nods, filing this away* Is there anyone else who stands out...?

* Kevley arches a brow* It's a mutant safehouse, Rev, EVERYBODY stands out.

* Rev shakes his head* Anyone in

* Kevley mutters* MY sister lives there...what else can I say .. ?

* Rev hhmms softly and nods a little...*

* Kevley tilts his head back* Anything else, Lord of the inquiries?

<Rev> What customs are there?

* Kevley blinks, arching his brows* Hell if I know ... *stares blankly*

* Rev blinks and shakes his head* Never mind...

* Kevley relaxes..finally glad he said something that didn't end with a question mark*

* Kevley goes to rub at his wrist..muttering when he can't...*

* Rev shakes his head a little* Tell me of yourself...

* Kevley groans* Our families have been at rivalry for years, shouldn't you know more of your worst enemies..?

<Kev> ..oO(My GOD, can't you be NORMAL and torture me or something?!)

* Rev arches a brow* I may be young...but I do know that different sides of the story hold different information. Or have you forgotten how half-bloods are usually treated?

* Kevley groans, leaning back* I'm sorry for that, but can't you do something other than ask so many damn questions..??

* Rev smirks* Would you rather I whipped you or something more along those lines?

* Kevley seriously seems to ponder that*

* Rev laughs*

<Kev> Quiet. I'm thinking of which would be worse.

* Rev smirks, leaning back to watch him, amused look on his face*

<Kev> I seriously cannot think of which WOULD be worse.

* Rev chuckles, then grins* Why's that?

<Kev> I hate questions. I've been under serious surgeries withouth numbig agents.. I don't recall them being more painful than this.

* Rev arches a brow, the grin not leaving his face* And that would be because...?

* Kevley narrows his eyes* Quit asking questions, damnit..

* Rev crosses his arms over his chest* Why?

* Kevley sputters* You're doing it again!!!

<Rev> Doing what? *deadpan*

* Kevley glares, refusing to answer to that*

* Rev matches the glare, calmly, smirking lightly*

* Kevley leans back, refusing to say any more*

* Revelyn just shakes his head with a smirk* Ah...thought a bit to hard, hm?

* Kev still refuses, finallyhaving caught on that he's still asking questions*

* Revelyn smirks and shakes his head* Enjoy your solitude...

* Kevley blinks, looking up..eyes still narrowed*

* Rev stands, watching him with a smirk before beginning to turn to go...*

* Kevley mutters, going about try to wriggle his hands free...small trickle of blood trailing down his arm with the attempt

* Rev arches a brow, having heard that* You'll only find yourself missing fingers if you continue that.

* Kevley grits his teeth, eyes narrowing* If you would let me down perhaps I wouldn't lose them.

* Rev looks over his shoulder at Kev* And why would I want to do that?

* Kevley mutters* God, your hospitality is absolutely charming.

* Rev smirks* You expect to be treated like royalty?

* Kevley's eyes narrow* I'm closer to it than you are.

* Kevley mutters* You do realize if you try to get to the asylum that my sister will only have your head.

* Rev turns to face him* I am the only son of Teirnan, lord of the Unseilegh Court...once I complete my training...I will be lord, oh chained one. And you were saying?

* Rev narrows his eyes* She is not friends with my mother then?

* Kevley snorts* As I am the heir to your opposing family.

<Kevley> She is, but she is less forgiving than I am.

* Rev smirks* Perhaps, we shall see... *within his eyes, however, there is something more than the drive for power he was raised to have, something pure and innocent, hurt and curiouse*

* Kev watches him silently, too dull in the wits to see past the drive for power*

* Rev shakes his head* Rest well. *smirks a little and turns to leave..*

* Kevley mutters, relaxing as best he can*

Session Close: Wed Mar 20 01:54:49 2002
