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Session Start: Fri Feb 15 01:04:49 2002

* Diana opens the door to her room, Japanese decorated 'n all...white rat in her cage under the window*

* Kevley follows, brows furrowed as he looks around

* Diana closes the door behind them* Ah...have a seat if you wish...*settles slowly and carefully onto one of the pillows*

* Kevley shakes his head...

<Kevley> Ah, I should stand..*softens his voice a bit* I'm....assuming he ...and I really do apologize if this is

* Diana blinks and furrows her brows as she bows her head* I..ah..hai...? *breaths a soft sigh and looks up* How did you know...?

* Kevley frowns ... sighing...

<Kevley> have a birth power .. Ah ... it is weak, but it is his..

<Kevley> It would explain why he came after you this eve..

* Diana's eyes go wide, sinking slightly and looking as if she's about to crumple before forcing herself strait again* I...see...ah...*kinda trails off, eyes fixed on the floor again* ...

* Kevley furrows his brow, kneeling...* I...I know this does not help any more, but the child is very very faint ... it has little odds of survival ...

* Diana nods a little* I...hai...I...suppose...once it's gone...he'd have less reason to try would not be the first child I've lost from circumstances such as these...*sighs a little and closes her eyes, brows furrowing*

* Kevley frowns ...

<Kevley> I am very sorry to hear this...*squeezes her shoulder gently* If there is anything I can do ... *sighs shakily* I will stay for a while ... to make sure you are safe if he returns if you don't mind..

* Diana smiles slightly at him, once she opens her eyes, the look to them pained* you...that's very kind...

* Kevley nods, offering a tissue..

<Kevley> It is the least I can do, m'lady.

<Diana> Ah...if you have any questions...feel free to ask...*Smiles a little, shaking her head to the tissue* Thank you, anyway...the tears will come later...

* Kevley furrows his brows

<Kevley> I haven't any..*chews his lip* Do you .. wish to tell me something?

* Diana blinks a little, arching a brow lightly* Ah...iie...just thought you might have been wondering about the situation...I don't know how filled in you are...*smiles a little sheepishly*

* Kevley sighs

<Kevley> I have been following him for days ... I heard of captives that escaped ... I assume you were one of them?

* Diana nods* Hai...Devnet and Klork as well...Keelin for a bit...we're all safe now...recovering...

* Kevley furrows his brow

<Kevley> Keelin...??

* Kevley sighs, shaking his head, covering up any worry on his face

<Kevley> She should tell me of these things more often...I have not heard from her in quite some time..

* Diana furrows her brows, reaching over to pat his shoulder with her good hand* I believe she's here somewhere, if you want to talk to her...probably with Devnet in their room...she's in good health...*smiles reassuringly*

* Kevley nods, sighing

<Kevley> She seems to be around Devnet quite a bit recently ... It's a shame to lose her to a mortal..*pauses,then sighs* Ah, no offense that is. Meant that she will more than likely relinquish her immortality for him.

* Diana blinks a little and tilts her head slightly* Ah...none taken...I wasn't aware that was possible...

* Kevley nods

<Kevley> If she chooses to...there are two options..

* Diana nods...eyes interested...*

<Kevley> Either she can give part of her life to Devnet..meaning they would both live very long lives ... at least up to another 600 years or so ... or she can give up her immortality period and live a human life with him..

<Kevley> But, it is a very complicated spell..

* Diana nods a little, stroking her lower lip slightly, the dragons on her arms and shoulders taking a slight glow to them* Ah...I am no stranger to magic...if it would not be too much to ask...could you tell me more...?

<Kevley> Ah..on the spell?

* Diana nods...*

<Kevley> give her life.. *Rubs his chin* Let me think...I have not seen it done for many years ... She would be required to drink a purifying liquid of sorts, it comes from herbs and freshwater streams in the Underhill of where she is from..

<Kevley> Then a few days of fasting after taking it to let it settle into her body

* Diana nods...*

<Kevley> A quest must be done while on this fasting...with little sleep or food for is to show herself as giving up her ways of an elf..

<Diana> Ahh...*nods..*

<Kevley> She then must be brought to..well, more than likely Aiden..whom would put her out of consciousness ..and after a long ceremony would cast a spell to pull the immortal soul from her..leaving a mortal one behind

<Kevley> It would take a few days to recover, but that is the basic idea of it.

<Kevley> For them to share the lives, they must both go through everything together up until the ceremony.. Instead of a ceremony, they would share a blood bond that would tie their life-spans together

<Kevley> Unfortunately, if one is killed, the other will die shortly after .. that is the down-side to it.. the tie is that strong. They will not feel each other's pain ... just share the life one has.

<Diana> Wow...

<Diana> My gods...*shakes her head* Sounds similar to what the Ichizoku Mahonoryu put me of it anyway...

<Kevley> Aiden of course,w ould then have to do a blessing spell, however, to make sure the bond was purified.

* Kevley quirks a brow

<Kevley> Oh?

* Diana nods* Hai...ah...the litteral translation is the Clan of the Magic Dragon...where I got these...*touches the tattoo on her right arm...* Though...I was vampire at the time as well...had not fed in several days...was running from those who turned me...

<Kevley> Ah, night-walkers..

<Diana> Hai...

<Kevley> That would explain why Teirnan called you as such..

* Diana nods* Hai again...the first time I was Underhill, however, I was full vampire...

* Kevley nods

<Diana> A few days after I returned, I was able to reverse the process with the help of, Klork, now my blood-bound brother...

<Kevley> Ah .. so it comes and goes then?

* Diana chuckles softly* I suppose you could put it like that...hai...there are triggers...

<Diana> That time, I was drained enough to bring the vampire out in me...wheeen I tried the solo ritual to turn back, it did not work, and I was forced to become full Kindred...

* Kevley grimaces..

<Kevley> I see

* Diana nods with a small smile* Hai...though...that part we were able to reverse...the deamon part of me...the succubus, I don't think I'll ever be rid of...*shakes her head a little, brushing a curl from her eyes*

* Kevley sighs..nodding

<Kevley> I wish you the best of luck with that..

* Diana nods* I thank you...*smiles slightly* I wish you the same with whatever your journying leads you to...and if you need help, you know you have friends here...

* Kevley nods, chuckling

<Kevley> I will take you up on that. But my journey will not end until Teirnan is dead.

* Diana nods, smirking lightly* We should set up a Hunt...there are many here who wish him dead, as well...

* Kevley nods

<Kevley> as I see ... I will gladly join in

* Diana chuckles* Good...just...give us all a few weeks to recover...Devnet is still more or less forced to remain in bed...I believe he has a few more days before he can really move around much...Klork seems to be doing well as your sister...

* Kevley frowns...

<Kevley> I might like to see him, where might I find him?

<Kevley> Devnet that is..

* Diana stands slowly* I'll show you...the hallways look the same here...*grins sheepishly* Easiest to design the building that way...*leads the way out..*

* Kevley follows

<Kevley> Ah, well, I suppose that is a suffice reason..

* Diana leads the way to Devnet and Keelin's room, chuckling softly* Hai... *she taps on the door lightly*

* Kevley waits, watching...hearing Keelin call out "come in" from the bathroom, obviously showering so can't get the door*

* Diana sticks her head in* Everyone decent...? *Dev is propped up, reading a book*

<Dev> do you fair?

<Diana> have a visitor, Dev...

* Keelin is ... still in the bathroom, door closed etc showering*

* Dev blinks and nods, straitening up with a slight grimace as Diana opens the door wider for Kevley*

* Kevley pokes his head in..

<Kevley> Good eve..

* Devnet blinks* Ah...good evening, fair you?

* Diana excuses herself politely*

* Kevley nods

<Kevley> Well, *nods to Diana, coming in and closing the door, going over and sitting beside him* How fare you?

<Dev> Ah...better than I have been...slowly what do I owe this pleasure?

* Kevley shrugs, leaning back casually* Teirnan was here ... seems to have interest in the night walker..but..that is not my reasoning for seeing you.

* Dev blinks, furrowing his brows, but nodding a little*

* Kevley sighs

<Kevley> You know I have nor hold anything against you, even if you are mortal.

* Dev nods* Aye...

* Kevley sighs

<Kevley> You do realize how much she cares for you, do you not?

* Dev nods* Aye...that I do...and I care for her just as much...

* Kevley nods...

<Kevley> I've come to ask of you a question..*pauses, hearing the shower start*

<Kevley> Have you heard of the Mortality and extended life spells?

* Dev nods* Aye...

* Kevley sighs

<Kevley> This is really none of my business ... but if she were willing to give one of those spells ... would you accept them?

* Dev furrows his brow* So long as she was absolutely positive she wished to take that course...aye...I would.

* Kevley nods again

<Kevley> Either of them, right? Even if it meant to extend your life?

* Dev nods* Aye...*smirks lightly* Kevley...I have very little outside of your sister, Aiden and our friends here...

* Kevley nods...

<Kevley> As her older brother it is my duty to ..ah..look after her I suppose one could say

* Dev nods...* Of course...

* Kevley blinks, hearing the shower stop

<Kevley> Hm ... I should go...I don't believe she'll want me to be here when she gets out ...

* Dev nods* Aye...*smiles a little* Thank you for the visit...

* Kevley nods

<Kevley> I'll be staying for a bit .. personal business ... I will see you later *smiles, standing and heading out of the room*

* Dev nods, waving a little as he goes*

* Keelin dries off ladedadeda

* Keelin comes out, wrapped in a towel, hair hanging to below it

<Keelin> So who was here? I heard you speaking to somebody ...

* Dev smiles up at her* Ahh...the room has suddenly brightened...*grins a little before sobering slightly* Your brother, actually...

* Keelin blinks, sliding from the towel and into a long silk night gown, sleeveless

<Keelin> Oh..? Why?

<Dev> Well...he just wanted to ask me something...apparently Teirnan was here breifly...

* Keelin blinks, murmuring and her hair dries..

<Keelin> Oh ...

<Dev> Are you alright...?

* Keelin nods, sighing shakily

<Keelin> I am well ... just not thrilled to hear he was here ..

* Dev nods, holding an arm out to her* Aye...nor am I...apparently he had some interest in Diana...but I don't think anyone was hurt...

* Keelin frowns, crawling in, ginger of his wounds, pausing a moment to examine them with her fingertips

<Keelin> ~Good...~

* Dev's healing well...he wraps an arm around her and nods* <q> Aye...

* Keelin smiles, leaning up to kiss him tenderly before wraping her arms around him

* Dev smiles and returns the kiss, running his fingers through her hair* <w> Rest well, my love...

* Keelin nods, curling up to his side

<Keelin> I will..

* Dev smiles as he pulls her close*

* Keelin smiles, slowly drifting

* Dev watches her, eyes soft, before he dozes off*

* Keelin zzzzzzzonks

Session Close: Fri Feb 15 02:27:02 2002
