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Session Start: Wed Mar 20 20:31:54 2002

* Keelin presses through to the other side, back into their town where Aiden is located. Things seem to have rebuilt

* Dev puts the flute carefully away, looking around* Things seem better...

<Keelin> Much .. how many years have past here..?

* Dev shakes his head* I don't know...*stops a passer by...asks...then blinks when the answere of 19 years is given*

* Keelin blinks ...

<Keelin> I may not even be recognized here any more ...

* Keelin sighs, shaking her head

<Keelin> None the less..lets find Aiden..

* Dev nods* Aye...heh...I hope he still lives in the same house...

* Keelin nods..brows furrowing as she looks around

<Keelin> I as well .. come..*heads in his direction*

* Dev does as well, shrugging lightly and going with her*

* Keelin comes to his home, knocking lightly on the door

* Dev stands just behind her..*

* Aiden opens the door .. hasn't really aged any being an elf and all..then blinks* Well, I was wondering when you might return..! Come in..!

* Dev smirks lightly, motioning for Kee to go first* Good to see you again, Master...

* Keelin heads in, removing her cloak..

* Aiden smirks, closing the door after they're both in* Good to see you as well, staying in the human world I assume..?

* Dev nods* Aye...

<Dev> *removes his cloak as well* How have things been here?

* Aiden motions for them to sit*'ve a lot to catch up on ..

* Keelin sits down, brows furrowing

* Dev nods, sitting by Keelinn*

* Aiden leans back, folding his hands on his lap* Where should I start...?

* Dev leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees* Perhaps from when we left?

* Aiden shrugs* Well .. things have slowly been restoring .. but of course, we have Teirnan's followers that still put up fights here and there..

* Dev nods, frowning lightly*

<Aiden> There are also rumors of another ruler taking Teirnan's place .. a supposed only son. The dark is keeping things very secretive..

* Dev blinks* ...oh? *arches a brow* Any discriptions...?

* Aiden shrugs* Small rumors of a tall man with red hair .. not looking much like Teirnan at all...

* Dev blinks more and sits back, arching his brows* How old...?

<Aiden> Approximately 19..

* Keelin is leant back...listening to all of this

* Dev shakes his head* there anything else...?

* Aiden sighs* There have been bands of our army going out to take down any uprisals...but I do not know whom was in them..

* Dev sighs a little* Ahh...any word from Kevley at all...?

* Aiden blinks* I was unaware that he had returned ..

* Keelin rubs at her temples...sighing shakily..

* Dev rubs her back gently and sighs* Aye...he returned to wrap up some bussiness...was supposed to return yesterday...

* Aiden mulls this over, brows arched* Perhaps he was a part of the raid on that abandoned village..

* Dev furrows his brow* What happened there...?

* Aiden shakes his head* We lost .. but there was some magic struggle ... from the description it sounded much like Kevley's sort.

<Dev> I...see...

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> Where is this village ..?

<Aiden> A few miles south of here...

* Dev nods, standing and pulling his cloak on*

* Keelin stands* Do you have any horses we might borrow ...?

* Aiden nods* I have one, don't abuse it.*smiles* He's around back..

* Dev chuckles softly* Of course not...

* Keelin smiles, pulling her cloak on again

<Keelin> Thank you Aiden..

<Dev> Aye...thank you, Master..

* Aiden nods* Take some food too, and be well..

* Dev nods* Thank you again..

* Aiden hands them each a pouch of food* Here .. *nods* be well.

* Keelin takes it, hugging him lightly before going out the door .. going to the horse

<Dev> Aye...we will...*shakes his hand in farewell and heads out after Keelin*

* Keelin leads the horse out, pulling her hood down as she removes the saddle

<Keelin> We cannot both fit on the saddle..*smirks*

* Dev nods* We can take turns riding and scouting...

* Keelin chuckles, tossing the saddle aside

<Keelin> I meant that we can fit on the horse without the saddle, Devnet...

<Dev> AH! *chuckles sheepishly* Sorry...

<Dev> You ride front..*smiles*

* Keelin chuckles..

* Keelin hops on easily, holding a hand out for him

* Dev hops on behind her*

* Dev reaches around, taking reins 'n stuff..*

* Keelin chuckles* Always have to be in control I see..*winks, readying her quiver and arrows in case of attacks*

* Dev chuckles* Me? Of course not...I simply take any excuse I can to put my arms around you...*winks and prods the horse forward*

* Keelin chuckles, resting her head on his shoulder

* Dev smiles as he steers the horse towards the villiage*

* Keelin goes with apparently <G>

<Keelin> I suppose that is as good an excuse as any.

* Dev chuckles softly*

* horse trots up to the woods outside the villiage...*

* Keelin watches, brows furrowing..

<Keelin> <q> He was here ...

* Dev nods* <q> You can sense him..

* Keelin nods ... sighing shakily* But he's not here any more ... *pauses, brows furrowing..then points* That way ..

* Dev nods, stearing the horse that way, keeping an eye out for threats*

* Keelin watches as well, brows furrowed..

* Dev shakes his head, brows furrowed at the blood puddles and stuff here and there*

* Keelin grits her teeth..* A physical battle might've been won by us here .. but a magic battle was lost..

* Dev nods, brows furrowing lightly* Aye...I can feel it a little now...the other feels...familiar as well...

* Keelin nods ...

<Keelin> Keep going ...

* Dev does so...*

* Keelin watches..directing as they go..

* Dev guides the horse and stuff...*

* Keelin freezes..* {{ .. There's ... I sense...Teirnan..?? That's impossible..}}

* Dev blinkblinks, holding the horse steady, and narrowing his eyes* {{A bit of him...hold the reins...? I will try to clarify with music..}}

* Keelin nods, taking them, steering out of the clearing

* Dev takes out his flute and starts the seaking song...*

* it basically seperates the different essences...Rev's coming to light...a mix of Teirnan's, Diana's and of course his own*

* Keelin stares..blinking..

<Keelin> Diana...?? How does she fit into this ...?

* Dev slowly shakes his head, bringing the flute down* No idea...

<Keelin> Where does this lead ... ?? *looks down the path warily*

* Dev furrows his brow, bringing the flute to his lps again, blinking when he finds the answere* ...the castle we were held...

* Keelin grits her teeth..

<Keelin> <q> So help me..that bastard ...

* Dev nods, narrowing his eyes* <q> Shall we try getting there?

* Keelin nods...jaw set

* Dev nods, putting the flute away and taking the reins again*

* Keelin murmurs a protection spell as they go..eyes watchful

* Dev guides the horse that way...a distinct feel of darkness and power falling over them as they get closer*

* Keelin shudders, closing her eyes to keep the spell up

<Dev> <q> Perhaps we should come back with backup...

* Keelin nods...

<Keelin> <q> We'll stay in the abandoned village .. I don't think they'll return there for a while ..

* Dev nods* <q> Aye...*turns the horse*

* Keelin & arrow at ready..

* something moves in the bushes...a scout*

* Keelin brings it taught, immediately firing at the scout

* Scout drops with a short cry, silenced by a spell by Dev*

* Keelin relaxes a little, still watchful..

* Dev continues along the path..*

* Keelin sighs shakily, closing her eyes..

<Dev> {{Let us find a place to stay, love...then perhaps we should contact Diana...}}

* Keelin nods...* {{She'll want to know about this ..}}

* Dev nods...riding around 'till he finds a place that's relatively secure...with food 'n water for the horse as well*

* Dev dismounts once they get there..reaching up tohelp her down*

* Keelin hops off when she can, taking his hand

<Keelin> <q> Thank you..

* Dev nods and kisses her brow* <q> Of corse...go on inside while I take care of the horse? Make sure it's safe?

* Keelin nods, going in cautiously..

* should be...'less you think of anything <G>*

* Dev takes care of the horse and stuff*

* Keelin finds it safe, setting up a bed for the two of them as well as a fire in the fire place

* Dev comes in shortly..*

* Keelin looks up tucking her cloak over the only window

<Dev> I take it's all safe, hm?

* Dev slips his arms around her* <q> Do you wish to contact Diana, or should I?

* Keelin nods, settling her weaponry to the side

<Keelin> Ah..*sighs shakily* I will if you wish..

* Dev nods* I want to weave a sheild and comeflauge spell...

* Keelin nods, settling by the fire

<Keelin> I'll contact her .. do well..

* Dev nods to her, taking out his flute and starting a spell...*

* Keelin settles..* {{Diana...??}}

<Diana> {{Hai...?}}

<Keelin> {{I believe we have some news ... we are start things off...}}

<Diana> {{Good...what have you learned? Is Kevley...??}}

<Keelin> {{Well, .. 19 years have passed her already ...}}

<Keelin> {{And Kevley...I sense he is alive .. but ... }}

<Diana> {{...oh...? Hai...?}}

<Keelin> {{Captive .. }}

<Diana> {{ who...?}}

<Keelin> {{Are you sitting ...??}}

<Diana> {{...hai...}}

<Keelin> {{...he's in the same place we were .. held by your son ...}}

<Diana> *after a few moments* {{N...nani...? But...I have no children...}}

<Keelin> {{He is a mix of you and Teirnan ... I .. I don't know how .. but ... he is ...}}

<Keelin> {{And as powerful as his father ...}}

<Diana> {{D...demo...I...I misscarried him...I bled for three weeks....}}

<Keelin> {{ ... I know .. but .. recall how Brenna was taken ..?}}

<Diana> {{Hai...}}

<Keelin> {{I have a feeling he was taken that way ... and you were fooled to believe you miscarried...}}

<Keelin> {{He is 19 ... and apparently carrying on in his late father's work ...}}

<Diana> {{ just remember waking up...alone in my room...horrible did it in my sleep..oh gods...}}

<Diana> {{I want to go help you...I need to at least see if I can do son...}}

<Keelin> {{We're camped ... I want more than you to be here...}}

<Keelin> {{But not tonight.}}

<Diana> {{Hai.....I....hai...I need to...ah...recover...?}}

<Keelin> {{Tomorrow night .. be well, Diana...}}

<Diana> {{ as well...}}

<Keelin> {{Goodnight...}}

<Diana> {{Oyasumi...}}

* Dev comes back a little bit later..*

* Keelin looks up

<Keelin> She's .. taking it roughly..*sighs, settling*

* Dev nods a little, settling by her* Don't really blame her...

* Keelin shakes her head

<Keelin> Nor do i..

* Dev slips an arm around Kee, hugging her gently*

* Keelin leans into the hug..

* Dev holds her*

* Keelin curls her arms around him

<Keelin> <q> She'll be joining us tomorrow night ..

* Dev nods..* <q> Good...*strokes her back a little* Do you know if she'll be alone or not...?

* Keelin blinks...then shrugs a little..

<Keelin> <q>I .. forgot to ask.. Do we need any more people...?

* Dev shakes his head* <q> I do not think so...

* Keelin chews her lip...

<Keelin> Rislyn. Call it a hunch .. but she might want to know of Kevley ...

* Dev watches her, nodding...* Aye...

* Keelin sighs, muttering quietly* Otherwise I cannot think of anybody else who would have business on this trip.

* Dev nods* Aye...Diana seems to have a great deal of

* Keelin stiffens a little...blinking..

<Keelin> ...Somebody's .. contacting ME?? *blinks..settling*

* Dev blinkblinks, brows furrowing* ...threatening...?

<Keelin> No...*relaxes* Shingami's brother..

* Dev nods, watching quietly*

* Keelin sighs

<Keelin> Wing is asking if they can send someone along with Diana...

* Dev runs a hand through his hair* This group should REALLY not get that big...who exactly is he thinking of?

<Keelin> Rune .. an earth elemental..

* Keelin rubs at her temples..

<Keelin> Let me get this straight .. you, me, Diana, Rislyn .. and Rune. And now he's speaking of somebody else..??

* Dev furrows his brows* Now who...?

<Keelin> *sighs* I'm asking...

* Dev nods...*

<Keelin> <q> Should I tell him that six people is our limit...??

* Dev nods and sighs* <q> Aye...probably a good idea...

<Keelin> Rislyn, you, myself, Rune, DIana and Mitch.

* Dev nods* Alright...

* Dev kisses her brow*

* Keelin leans back, curled against him..

<Keelin> <q> This is going to be a long night tomorrow..

<Dev> <q> Aye...that it will be...

<Keelin> <q> We should rest....

* Dev nods, pulling blankets over them both and kisses her gently*

* Keelin curls against him, kissing him back

<Keelin> <w> Be well, Dev..

* Dev holds her close* <w> Aye as well...

* Keelin smiles...drifting to sleep

* Dev watches her...then dozes himself*

Session Close: Wed Mar 20 23:33:14 2002
