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Session Start: Thu Dec 27 21:15:33 2001

* Keelin walks down the sidewalk, cloak tucked up around her closely..

* Devnet walks with her, watching the area around them, sighing softly

* Keelin sighs, eyes still lowered, practically not caring if anything jumps out..

<Keelin> ~why Al...?~

* Devnet rests an arm around her shoulders* <w> Dunno, Kee...

<Devnet> <w> Shit happens, I guess...*rubs her arm lightly* She died with honor...

* Keelin sighs shakily, grimacing as she nods

<Keelin> ~I know...I want to go back and kill th' bastard who did her in...~

* Devnet nods* <w> And we will...just not tonight...we're both too drained...

* Keelin nods, frowning..

<Keelin> ~I know...and I know that Tiernan recognised probably hit him a few miles down the road as to who I'll settle indefinately if it hasn't .. when he sees Brenna to be gone..~

<Devnet> <w> Yeah...he'll come back...

* Keelin nods..

<Devnet> <w> We're gonna have to keep an eye on the place...

<Keelin> ~tempts me to get a hotel room across the street..~

* Devnet nods..* <w> Probably a good idea...all the death metal around worries me though...*furrows his brow* Do you have enough silk clothing...?

* Keelin sighs..

<Keelin> ~barely any at all..~

* Devnet nods a lil'* <w> We can hunt for some...go to the good side of Underhill maybe...I know Master Aidan would want to hear of this...

* Keelin nods..

<Keelin> shall we go now? It's up to you..but I don't want to waste much time...

* Devnet nods..* Of course...*rubs his temple* We can spend the night there, I'm starting to get a mad hangover from all that magic...

* Keelin nods, rubbing lightly at his shoulder..

<Keelin> ~understandable..~

* Keelin sighs, looking for an alley..

* Devnet grins slightly at her, stepping into an alley, pulling her with him, putting his flute to his lips, playing a beautifully intericate song, the notes spiralling as a portal forms...

* Keelin smiles as she watches him before blinking and turning to go into the portal

* Devnet follows her through...taking apart his flute and putting it in its case once they get to the other's much lighter than the dark side of Underhill, the trees a silvery green, the light unchanging...much fresher smelling than before

* Keelin pulls the black cloak off, letting her hair fall freely as she drapes the cloak over her arms..her blue dress shimmering to white..

<Keelin> there..much better..

* Devnet chuckles* I'd imagine that feels better...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> I can't stand dark colors *looks sheepish, enjoying the warmth of the sun*

* Devnet reaches back, freeing his own hair, running a hand through it with a chuckle* You look better in lighter colors anyway...

* Keelin chuckles, walking through the grass towards the path

<Keelin> doubt bias like everybody on this side *smiles*

* Devnet chuckles and shrugs, following* Maybe so...that and everyone's always telling me what a horrible flirt I am *winks*

* Keelin laughs, the sunlight making her hair almost golden, the rest of her aura very bright..heading slowly down the path

<Keelin> well, you are you know *smirks*

<Devnet> Wha' Perish the thought! Such a lovely lady such as you simply invokes compliments...*his own hair turns into orange fire in the sun, bright blue eyes sparkling*

* Keelin chuckles quietly

<Keelin> you're only saying that to keep me in a dress...Aidan's already going to flip when he sees me in it..not to mention half of hte village's population.

* Devnet laughs

* Devnet snaps his fingers* Found out...c'mon now...the reaction you'll get has got to be worth it..

* Keelin laughs, shaking her head slowly

<Keelin> a warrioress doesn't much like being seen as a lady *smirks*

<Devnet> That's the point! You make a lovely lady

* Keelin groans

<Keelin> they won'tknow it's me tho! *smirks dryly*

<Devnet> Then you will suprise the hell out of them *grins*

* Keelin sighs, chuckling

<Keelin> They'll all think you've brought home a mistress or something until they realize who I am *sighs*

* Devnet rubs her back lightly with a slight smirk

* Keelin chuckles, leaning against him..

<Keelin> I hate to have to give them the news of Al'..

* Devnet nods, wrapping an arm around her shoulders* Same here...I'll be there with you...

* Keelin nods, sighing...

* Devnet looks up at the gates of the villiage as they pass through..

* Keelin walks with, not even figuring how it'll look with her leaning against him..looking around at the building tops..

* Keelin looks around at a few ppl..not quite clicking why they're staring..looking for Aidan's house..

* Devnet smirks a lil' at the people, guiding her to Aidan's house

* Keelin walks with, looking at the torn edges of her dress with a mutter...

* Aidan leans against the doorway, brows raised* Hm..I see someone *pauses* Keelin..??? *shakes his head, looking bewildered* Now I know something is wrong..

* Devnet smirks slightly, blue eyes sad* Well...that it is...

* Aidan blinks, stepping back* Come in..tell me all about it..

* Devnet nods a lil', motioning for Keelin to go first* Ladies first *smirks a lil'*

* Keelin rolls her eyes..going in..

<Keelin> good greif..just because I'm wearing a dress doesn't make me a lady..

<Devnet> OH sure it does..!

* Aidan chuckles, closing the door behind them*

<Keelin> riight..

* Aidan motions for them to sit* All right..before you get side tracked...explain..??

* Devnet headed in of course, too ;P, taking a seat*'s a long story, Master...*runs a hand through his hair* You remember Allana?

* Aidan nods* The Halfling..yes..

<Devnet> She's...gone...struck down in battle...

* Keelin winces, staring at the ground..

* Aidan grimaces* Oh...I'msorry..

* Devnet reaches over to gently rub Keelin's back, nodding a little* Teirnan's men did it...*sighs a little* He stole a child from the womb of her mother...we were battling to take them home *shakes his head a little with a sigh*

* Aidan nods, brows creasing* Is the child safe now..?

* Devnet nods...* She should be...she is surrounded by warriors, a death walker and a healer...

* Aidan nods again, sighing* He'll return again..

<Devnet> We know...*leans forward again, brows furrrowing slightly, a bit of pain reflecting in his eyes* There's a hotel across the street from her home...but there is death metal all around that neighborhood...

* Aidan chuckles* I suppose Keelin' needs silk then..

<Devnet> Exactly...and you know how much she loves shopping *smirks*

* Keelin mutters..

* Aidan shakes his head with a chuckle* I'm afraid, in silk, the only thing she'll find here is dresses of the sort she wears now..

<Devnet> Then perhaps she'd better get used to it..*winks then hmms softly* I'm sure we could find something in New York...or perhaps take some material back there so it can be made into something more to her liking...

* Keelin sighs, shaking her head

<Keelin> there's not really enough time..*mutters* I'll befine with the dresses...

* Devnet nods...

* Aidan nods, pointing to the back room* Feel free to look for anything that fits back there..

<Devnet> Well...I guess you should get started then, Kee...

* Keelin nods, sighing and disappearing into the back room..

* Devnet looks back to Aidan, furrowing his brows slightly* Master...? Have there been any problems here of late...? I worry for you and the villiage, what with the Unselighe being so active...

* Aidan nods* Our village is untouched so far...but there are some villages to the south that have had problems..

* Devnet nods with a slight frown* Do you know it it's Teirnan's doing or another lord...? Is there anything we can do to help...? Perhaps we can send the death walker...she did pretty well...

* Aidan shrugs* We shall far the lord in charge is unknown..but we're pretty sure it is Teirnan's work..

* Devnet sighs a little, nodding...* do you fare?

* Aidan nods* Old, but well of course *smirks* Yourself? Still the same shameless flirt? Or have you chosen to settle down at all?

<Devnet> A flirt? *winks* permanent lady in my life, however...

* Aidan chuckles* You're sure..?

* Devnet grins winningly* That I am...why pin myself down? *smirrks a little, hint of sadness in his eyes*

* Aidan quirks a brow* Come now, certainly you can't think you can hide your emotions from your master...

* Devnet blinks then smirks a little* I find myself wishing I had one in my life...

* Aidan chuckles* Anybody in mind..?

* Keelin comes out in a long shoulderless/sleeveless silk dress, dragging on the ground a bit...light blue and white incolors..

* Devnet looks up, grinning a lil', that grin might just answere his question...

<Keelin> I've got a few others that fit..but this one fits the weather here best...*looks up, her hair still down in light waves*

* Aidan smirks, chuckling quietly* Ah..I see

* Devnet grins hammily* It becomes you, m'lady

* Keelin groans

<Keelin> I feel cheap *sighs, putting the chain belt at her hips*

* Devnet blinks a lil'

<Devnet> Whatever for?

* Keelin chuckles, shaking her head

<Keelin> it's nothing..just not used to my arms and shoulders being bare..

<Devnet> They're lovely..*smiles*

* Aidan chuckles* I'll be back soon..Dev, won't you help her get some more dresses? I have errands to run..

<Devnet> Of was good seeing you again, Master...*smiles and stands, bowing to him before heading over to Kee*

* Aidan bows, nodding and heading out...taking a last look at the two with a smirk before leaving*

<Devnet> So...what do you need help with?

* Keelin shrugs, settling down a couple of light green dresses

<Keelin> anything with sleeves..*sighs* Almost all of them are off the shoulder anyway..

* Devnet smirks a little* You look ravishing in them, however...and anyway...we can bring silk back and have it worked on while you wear the dresses

* Keelin nods, heading back into the room..the place practically filled with silk outfits..

<Keelin> Flatterer *smiles, picking through them inspectively*

* Devnet chuckles, blinking and shaking his head, going through them...taking out a light, lavender dress, off the shoulder, but with long sleeves with hoops that go around the middle fingers of each hand* What about this one?

* Keelin inspects it, shrugging and picking it up..

<Keelin> hmm..

<Keelin> I suppose *smiles, tucking it into the leather bag she's been carrying*

* Devnet chuckles softly, digging through again...

* Keelin blinkblinks, pulling out a tube top & loin cloth looking ordeal* Master Aidan carries THIS sort of thing around?? *stares*

* Devnet blinks and laughs!!

<Devnet> Never be suprised with anything Master keeps around here...*winks* Maybe it's a hint

* Keelin slooowly shakes her head, setting it by her bag and turns, continuing her search

<Keelin> oy..hint..eesh

* Devnet laughs, digging around...

* Keelin hrms..pulling out a very large sarong..

<Keelin> hmm..don't look, Dev'..

* Devnet arches a brow and turns his back with a smirk* Aww...whynot?

<Keelin> Because I said *chuckles, stripping out of the dress and pulling the sarong around her like a large wrap sorta dress.*

<Keelin> hmm...I don't know about this one..feels like a towel..

* Devnet chuckles* Can I turn around yet?

<Keelin> yes..I'm decent *chuckls*

* Devnet turns and blinks a little, looking her over* It's very becoming..

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> I feel like some sort of amazon..not an elf *smiles, looking down at herself*

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> turn around...I don't think it'll be warm enough for New York *smirks*

* Devnet chuckles, turning* Maybe in the summer...I remember pretty hot summerss from my childhood on the streets

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> true..*strips, standing and looking for another outfit*

* Devnet keeps his eyes on the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest with a lil' smirk...

* Keelin hrms..curiousity overwhelming her & she pulls on the tube top & loin cloth

<Keelin> egads, WHY does he keep this...and WHY am I wearing it..*stares at herself*

* Devnet looks over and BLINKS!

* Devnet ahems and turns back around quickly

* Keelin blinkblinks, then laughs, shaking her head

<Devnet> .oO(To TEMPT me with curiouse women, that's why! Agggh...)

<Keelin> seriously, act like you've never seen a scantly clad woman before *chuckles, examining it* hn, a bit tight..

* Devnet shakes his head with a smirk*'s different when it's a friend.... *completely forgetting his stripper friends <G>*

* Keelin chuckles walking over

<Keelin> I'm going to keep looking, if you wouldn't mind's warm enough here to wear it like this for now..

* Keelin shakes her head...

<Keelin> and of your friends that strip for a living..?

<Devnet>*shrugs with a grin, turning, keeping his eyes from her as he goes through the clothing* That's, uhm...different..

<Keelin> riight, how so? *looks kneeling and splunking through chests*

* Devnet glances over, blushing slightly, looking back to his hunting and shrugging* It just is...

<Keelin> Seriously, you have to have some sort of reasoning *chuckles, pulling out a few dresses*

<Devnet> Ahh...I do not wish to embarass you...

<Devnet> .oO(Or myself...)

* Keelin quirks a brow, changing while he's looking away

<Keelin> oh come now...

<Devnet> No...really...*pulls out a dress...gots sleaves and shoulders, just a low neckline*

* Keelin dusts herself off, standing in a long dress with a slit all the way up to her thigh of which she hasn't noticed..another off the shoulder, having a tie up the front that pushes her up quite a bit*

<Keelin> gads..I'm not sure of this one..

* Devnet looks over and blinks, chuckling softly, clearing his throat a little* .oO(Now she's doing it on purpose...) It looks good on's some nice leg...

* Keelin blinkblinks, looking down, immediately flushin

<Keelin> agh!, definately not this one..

* Devnet laughs, looking hastily back to his pile of stuffs, cheeks slightly pinkened

* Keelin pauses, then goes over to sit by him..

<Keelin> ~you're flushed.~

* Keelin furrows her brow up at him, worried he's got heat stroke or something..

* Devnet blinks, forcing it down with a grin, his skin going back to its regular tone* <w> Nah...I'm fine...

* Keelin furrows her brow..

<Keelin> If you're sure..

* Devnet smiles at her, nodding* Of course, Kee...nothing's wrong at all...

* Keelin nods, chewing at her lip

<Keelin> ~I know, I apologize...I'm just worried about everything today..~

* Devnet looks over and brushes a lock of hair back from her face* <w>'s been a long, hard day...

* Keelin nods, brow wrinkling..

<Keelin> I'm going to put on a different out fit..*sighs*

* Devnet nods a little, patting her shoulder and looking away...

* Keelin sighs, standing and going over, putting on the dress he picked out earlier..

* Keelin looks at herself in a mirror..examining it..

<Keelin> ~hm..this one actually...I think I Like this one..~

* Devnet looks over, blinking and smiling* It's lovely...

* Keelin nods, fingering the fabric

<Keelin> it's actually quite comfortable as well...

* Devnet stands, heading over, standing behind her* And you can move well in it?

* Keelin nods, watching herself in the mirror as she liftsher legs up to move...

<Keelin> quite easily actually..

* Keelin turns looking up at him

<Keelin> you're quite lucky, you realize...not having to deal with death metal .. and silk *chuckles, eyes watching the floor*

* Devnet chuckles, nodding...then blinking, tilting her head up with two gentle fingers under her chin* Are you alright...?

* Keelin blinks, looking up

<Keelin> I...yeah..just can't get today off mymind *sighs shakily*

* Devnet nods a little, pulling her close in a hug* <q> Makes two of us...

* Keelin hugs him tightly, pinching her eyes shut..

* Devnet holds her close, stroking her hair gently

* Keelin rests against him, sighing quietly..

<Devnet> <q> It's ok...though it's alright...*kisses the top of her head gently*

* Keelin blinks, then looks up at him, brows creased...not offended..just curious..

* Devnet looks down at her...

* Keelin chews her lip, reaching up, almost timidly to press her fingertips lightly on his lower lip..

* Devnet blinks, brows furrowing lightly...stroking her hair gently

* Keelin blinks, chewing at her lip and pulling her fingers away, stepping back and looking down

<Keelin> ~sorry...~

* Devnet blinks, reaching up to stroke her jaw lightly* <w> 'Sokay...

* Keelin furrows her brow, sighing shakily..

* Devnet bites his lip lightly, unsure of what to do...* <w> Do you want to continue looking for clothing....?

<Keelin> Ah...*nods, chewing her lip...more unsure of anything at the moment* I..yeah..start actually packing it..

* Keelin starts folding dresses and putting them into the sack..

<Devnet> Ok...*helps out...*

* Keelin puts just about everything she's tried on in, figuring she can alter them later..

<Keelin> ah...*sighs shakily* ~sorry...I was nervous..~ *bites at her lip, still putting stuffs away, picking up her old dress* I'll change into this for while we're here...

* Devnet smiles, and nods, blinking a little* <q> Nervous about....?

* Keelin blinks, looking a little embarassed before shaking her head, going behind a rack of silk dresses to change..

<Keelin> I..~nev..nevermind.~

* Devnet grins slightly, turning away a little, cheeks pinkening a lil'..

* Keelin comes out in her light blue dress..which is now hemmed up & fixed...picking upher bag and weaponry, draping her cloak over her shoulder..

<Devnet> Want me to carry anything...?

* Keelin blinks, then shrugs, handing him the cloak..the lightest thing

<Keelin> I'll be fine otherwise...

* Devnet nods, smirking slightly and drapinnng it over his shoulder, carrying his flute case in one hand offering an arm to her* M'warrior-lady?

<Keelin> Shall we find a place to stay? *looks through her coin purse* I've not much left..*looks up..flushing VERY lightly and taking his arm* Yes m'Bard'sir?

* Devnet blinks and grins hammily* I believe the Bards' house would take us...if you don't mind sharing a room with one such as I...

* Keelin blinks, then shrugs

<Keelin> Not like we havent had to in the past, Dev *Chuckles*

* Devnet chuckles softly, escourting her out after leaving a thank you note for his Master* Very true...these rooms, if I remember correctly, are extremely small, however...barely enough room for a bed and night-stand...

* Keelin nods

<Keelin> ah, well, we run into something new every adventure then *smiles slightly*

* Devnet smirks a bit, leading her towards the stone bulding, the bards' inn* That we do...*grins, getting a room for them and escourting her up the stairs* Are you hungry at all?

* Keelin shrugs, chuckling

<Keelin> Not entirely...perhaps later tho *smiles, going with* ppl are stil staring at'd think they didn't recognise me..

* Devnet opens the door to the tiny room, indeed only enough room for a pretty small bed and an end-table, for her, nodding with a chuckle* They're blinded by your beauty.

* Keelin laughs, squeezing in and setting her baggage down

<Keelin> riiight..

* Devnet chuckles softly, closing the door behind them and hehing* It's been a long's even smaller than I remember...been years since the Sidhe rescued me from the streets and made me into bardling...

* Keelin nods, chuckling...

<Keelin> a tad small *shrug* But it works..

* Devnet nods with a slight chuckle, sitting on the bed, watching her with a small smirk, eyes soft, before taking out his flute and putting it together...playing a soft, comforting magic in it, just pretty sounding...

* Keelin sits, slipping her boots off and listening..smiling quietly..

* Keelin reaches over and closes the shades to the window, lighting the candle for light

* Devnet brings the song to a gentle close, eyes shut, slowly bringing the flute down from his lips

* Keelin smiles, watching him quietly..putting a sheet up to change behind

<Keelin> that was beautiful, Dev'..

* Devnet smiles* Thank matches not your beauty...

* Keelin chuckles, pulling the sheet down,the circlet offh er brow,hair down...wearing a silknightgown she brought with her..

<Keelin> flattering again...

* Devnet smiles, looking up at her* I speak only the truth...

* Keelin chuckles, crawling onto her side of the bed with a stretch

* Devnet slips his boots off, as well as his shirt, the huge scar across his back from right shoulder to left hip visible from a fight years ago being revield, after fitting his flute back together, slipping in by her, watching her gently

* Keelin blinks, turning to look at him, brow furrowed

<Keelin> ~what happened to your back..?? I ..the scar that is..~

* Devnet blinks a little, smiling wryly* <w> Before I met you I got caught in a nasty battle...that was from a dirty move...I have another scar from the same blade along one of my thighs...nearly killed me..

* Keelin furrows her brow

<Keelin> May I see it..?? *pauses..then clears her throat* Agh..sorry..

* Devnet blinks...

<Keelin> sorry...always had a curiosity on scars..

<Devnet> err...*flushes a lil'*'s...on the inner

* Keelin blinks, shaking her head

<Keelin> I-you don'thave to..sorry..just..slipped..

* Devnet chuckles and shrugs, standing, slipping his tunic back on before untying his pants, sliding them down...trying to keep himself covered as he sits back down by her, the nasty scar running up along his thigh, right up to his crotch, meant to be detrimental to his manhood*

* Keelin blinkblinks, flushing brightly...brows creasing

<Keelin> ~good lords they had quite some nasty intentions..~

* Devnet nods* <w> That they were...*smirks lightly at the flush* I say they were jelouse...

* Keelin quirks a brow at that, leaning back a bit

<Keelin> oh is that so?

<Keelin> Quite certain of yourself, aren't you? *smirks wryly*

* Devnet blushes a lil' and smirks* Just as a reason behind it...

<Keelin> Riiight...*smirks, brow quirked*

* Keelin chuckles

<Keelin> I'd dare you to prove it if I didn't know better *smirks, laying on her back*

* Devnet chuckles, tugging his pants back up and his tunic off, laying down by her again, watching her again with a slight smirk* I know I'd do

* Keelin chuckles, shaking her head..laughingly* you just stripped as it is! *laughs* Why should I doubt you wouldn't??

* Keelin glances over, face still pinkened

* Devnet grins wickedly* Hey now...I was trying to be you WANT me to prove it?

* Keelin blinks, laughing, then sits up, crossing her arms

<Keelin> Dare you then!

* Devnet grins, standing up shirtless, not hugely muscular, but very well defined, six-pack 'n all* And what will you do in return?

* Keelin blinks, laughing

<Keelin> why should I give you something?? That would make my dare pointless!

* Devnet grins* How so? What motivation do I have? *winks with a smirk*

* Keelin laughs, standing up in front of him

<Keelin> How about you chose then, since you're the one in need of motivation. *chuckles, eyes on his*

* Devnet smirks, looking into her eyes* We could always go the lil' kid's route.. *imitating a child's voice* I show you mine you show me yours!

* Keelin laughs, flushing

<Keelin> You're on, lil' one! but YOU first!


*let's just say Devnet couldn't turn THAT dare down...and things...'eh...PROGRESSED from there ;) After the playing....*


* Keelin shivers, sliding her arms around him, skin slick as she curls up to him, blowing the candle out

* Devnet smiles softly, pulling her close, his own skin wet, tucking the blanket around them again...

* Keelin mms, curling into him...

* Devnet strokes her shoulder lightly, staring into the darkness after gazing down at her

* Keelin hms, looking back at the window..hearing ppl walking along the night street outside...just relaxing..

* Devnet smiles softly, lightly running fingertips along her skin

* Keelin shivers slightly & curling closer with a small smile..

* Devnet smiles, gazing down at her, still moving his fingertiips along her skin

* Keelin closes her eyes, then shivers slightly, brow creasing...then flinching..

* Devnet blinks

<Devnet> ...Kee?

* Keelin grimaces, shaking her head..

<Keelin> ~someone outside has death metal..~ *cringes, brow furrowed*

* Devnet frowns, sitting up, reaching over to grab one of the silk dresses, wrapping her in it before, getting up and pulling his pants on, grabbing a daggar to sheeth at his waist* <w> Close to us?

* Keelin nods, pulling it close, head throbbing lightly

<Keelin> ~Under our the street..~

* Devnet lightly touches her brow, his back to the wall, nudging the shade to the side and looking out the window...

* A man who appears to be elven is chatting with a few others...all with swords at their sides*

* Devnet frowns, donning his flute, starting an almost silent melody...seaking wich one has the death metal...

* The elven man furrows his brows, looking around..the metal at his side...sensing being watched and bows to whom he was speaking too..heading for the west side of the village..where glints of weaponry can be seen glinting from the edge of the forest*

* Devnet furrows his brows, watching the man, lifting his eyes to the edge of the forest, lowering the flute, looking back to Kee...1 ...a fight

* Keelin furrows her brows

<Keelin> ~between whom??~

<Devnet> <w> I can't's at the edge of the villiage...west side... *pulls on clothing*

* Keelin blinks, pulling a silk dress on very similar to her light blue on, pulling her cloak n' bow & arrows on*

* Devnet leads the way silently out of the room 'n down the stairs

* Keelin follows, sticking close to the shadows..

* Devnet stays to the shadows, heading towards the west side, watching for the seemingly elven man

* The "elf" guy comes up to the edge, his sword sheilded in silk now, speaking to whomever is in charge...*

* Devnet steps back into the shadows, another man looking over at the "elf" dude, this one pure elf..

* Keelin follws, brow furrowed..

* PseudoElf goes over to the Elf..speaking in low tones with him*

* Elf steps close, murmering something works, I guess...*

* PsuedoElf nods, shrugging* <vq> The price won't be cheap..I don't get paid dirt for offin' elvin women..don'care what yer' boss said.

* Keelin furrows her brow, listening quietly..

* Elf shrugs* <vq> He just wants her gone. She's caused him far too many troubles to have her roamin' around free.

* PE shrugs* Fine...gimme th' description again, I'm prettysure I have her figured out..

<Elf> Long, wavey blond hair...deep blue eyes...she was last spotted with some human bard and a group of Others...

* Keelin blinks, shifting back..

* PE nods* A'right..*pats his sword* It's covered then. see the bardhotel place? you've got her there.

* Devnet frowns deeply, gently pushing her back as well...

* Elf nods and smirks* Good. You will not be paid until we have her head.

* PE nods..* And if I can only capture her....what then?

<Elf> Half price.

* PE makes a face* Why, what'll you do with her?

* Elf shrugs* We'd have to do the dirty work then. Master wants her dead.

* PE nods* right right..*heads away, pulling the sword out when hes far enough away*

* Keelin yelps, almost silently, holding her head..

* Devnet pulls her close, taking his flute out to 'port them back to their room to grab her stuff* We're going to the humans' world...

* Keelin furrows her brow, grasping her things with a nod*

* Devnet takes a deep breath...opening a portal right into the living room of the asylum

Session Close: Fri Dec 28 03:08:43 2001

