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Session Start: Wed Jan 09 21:36:21 2002

* Keelin steps into Underhill, looking around to get her bearings straight*

* Dev follows, closing the portal behind them, pulling his hood up...*

* Keelin sighs, pulling her cloak tightly around her, heading straight to the village where Ternan's castle is, eyes narrowed*

* Dev frowns deeply* {{Kee...why are we going there??}}

* Keeling pauses, glancing back at him..* {{I have my reasons...}}

* Dev furrows his brows, keeping step with her, making sure he's more or less completely hidden by his cloak* {{Care to share...?}}

* Keelin shimmers, her dress going black as well as her coat, hair still cascading down her front to her hips...walking...* {{I'm tired of him attacking the asylum...and this damn price on our heads..}}

* Dev sighs lightly* {{True...but what are two people able to do about it?}}

* Keelin shrugs* {{One might get close enough to rid Underhill of the bastard...}} *looks around, entering the village*

* Dev frowns, keeping step with her, watching the people around them* {{Kee...this is a bad idea...what of our child?}}

* Keelin looks back at him, brow furrowed..* {{I won't let it be harmed..please..? trust me?}}

* Dev gazes down at her, eyes worried* {{You know he can sense the Birth Power...}}

* Keelin nods, turning and heading towards the castle again, not answering this time..*

* Dev furrows his brows, still keeping step with her...*

* Keelin comes up to the guards, brows furrowed..beginning to talk to one of them in the dark elvish tongue*

* Keelin speaks for a few minutes, almost arguing before managing to convince them to open the gates*

* Keelin glances back to Dev..waiting for him* {{Coming..?}}

* Dev goes with her..*

* Keelin goes in, one of the guards leading them to a waiting room before leaving them there...*

<Guard> He will be here in just one moment..

* Guard leaves*

* Dev frowns lightly, keeping his face shadowed by the cloak*

* Keelin glances to him, moving a knife wrapped in silk to the belt on her side* {{I've requested an audience with him..he thinks we're his scouts...are you raedy?}}

* Dev nods slightly as Teirnan steps into the room with a brisk step, looking over them*

<Teirnan> What have you to report?

* Keelin keeps herself covered sans the hair* <masking her voice> They're still in the other world..but we've had some success in the raids on their home..

* Teirn nods* Go on.

* Keelin readies her hand on her blade, still covered..* Unfortunately we have not captured any...many of them have fled to another location we are uncertain of...

* Teirnan frowns slightly, eyeing her* I see...and when did this happen?

* Keelin sinks a little, as if she's cowering* Only shortly ago...the asylum is desserted..

* Keelin looks up, face hooded* What do you want us to do, m'Lord..?

* Teirnan eyes her thoughhtfully* Answere a question...

* Keelin nods respectfully, keeping her head lowered, dagger ready...still wrapped in silk* Anything m'lord.

<Teirnan> Why does your story not match up with that of my other scouts?

* Keelin slowly rises, face still shadowed* Because they were there last night...we were there this morn.

* Teirnan reaches out a glowing hand* I sense birthpower

* Keelin steps back* Are we not allowed to reproduce, m'lord? *whiteknuckles the dagger*

* Teirnan flicks his wrist a little, trying to telekinetically push her hood back*

* Keelin blinkblinks, her hood going back before she snaps the iron blade out at him, wavering herself because of it*

* Teirnan growls and leaps back, guards pouring in, training arrows on both Kee and Dev, in as Dev snaps out his flute*

* Keelin pales, chanting a spell to put a sheild up, running at Ternan with the dagger, her hand reddening in pain of holding it*

* Teirnan growls, stepping to the side and catching her slamming her hand against the table top as Dev weaves a spell to keep the arrows and others at bay*

* Keelin yelps, letting go of the blade, turning to elbow him in the chest*

* Teirnan growls and catches her arm, twisting to the side and twisting it behind her, his other arm around her middle*

* Keelin grits her teeth, refusing to holler, glaring up at him as she attempts to chant a fire spell*

* Teirnan matches that with a water spell, exploring how far along she is and such* A halfling, I should have known...

* Keelin growls, going for a different spell of lightning, trying to twist from his grasp..her wounded arm throbbing*

<Keelin> Let go of me, damnit!

* Teirn falls back, trying to fasten onto the baby's energy, Dev opening a portal*

* Keelin pales, strengthening the spell to get him to let go, then falls on her ass, scrambling to get up*

* Teirnan dives for her, Dev grabbing her and dissapearing through the portal with her, trying to anyway*

* Keelin gets grabbed n' dragged through the portal, kicking Teirnan to get him away from her feet*

* Dev hurriedly closes the portal behind in the good part of Underhill*

* Keelin sinks to her knees almost immediately, curled around herself*

* Dev wraps his arms around her, pulling her close*

* Keelin grimaces, brow furrowed, unnerved at the hollow feeling she's got in her gut..*

* Dev looks down at her brows furrowed* <w> What is it...?

* Keelin sputters, eyes wide, shaking her head* We have to go back..Dev..! *looks up at him, face panicked*

* Dev's eyes widen* What...? What is it...??

* Keelin shakes her head* He took...I have to get it back before it dies!

* Dev's eyes widen* <q> Keelin...he's expecting us..! He'll kill us when we get there...

* Keelin whimpers, frustrated and panicked* But the baby's going to die--Dev--Enh! *pales, doubling over*

* Dev furrows his brows, pulling her close, looking around for help...the area completely desolate...for lack of any better ideas, he takes out his flute, playing a song to try preserving the child's life...trying to draw the soul back desperately*

* Keelin whimpers, gritting her teeth as she leans against him, body fighting to discard the baby..her soul trying to keep it there*

* Dev continues to play desperately, tears flowing down his cheeks as he fights the distance and the barriers put up...deep down knowing it's a lost cause*

* Keelin grits her teeth, doubling over as she goes into labor, losing her fight with her body*

* Devnet cringes, focusing now on trying to make it as painless as he can...opening a portal to where Aiden is...*

* Aiden rushes through, brows furrowed as he kneels..already sensing the loss* How did this happen...?!

* Dev looks up at him, taking a deep breath and concentraiting more, crafting another, harder spell to try easing her pain, but have his hands free* Teirnan...we...tried to get rid of him...*swallows a lil'*

* Aiden shakes his head, chanting quietly, Keelin going very still as he puts a resting spell over her..then puts his hands to her abdomen..concentrating..chanting*

* Dev watches, just holding Keelin as Aiden does so, brows wrinkled, eyes sorrowful*

* Aiden sighs shakily, watching Keelin cringe before her entire body relaxes..* I'm sorry, Dev... *sighs, chanting a spell to get rid of the remains..* I know it's hard..

* Dev sighs shakily, closing his eyes and holding her close, nodding quietly* <q> That it is...never should have gone...

Session Close: Thu Jan 10 00:34:27 2002
