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Session Start: Sun Jan 06 17:57:31 2002

* Dev uhm...heads through the forest...looking for the herbs, a pouch slung accross his chest, a sliver of arrows on his back as well as a big-ass bow, sword at his side, daggar at his other side*

* ...and of course, his flute <G>*

* Elvin mage sits in the trees, watching him quietly, bow & arrow in hand and ready..*

* Dev pauses, narrowing his eyes slightly...taking out his flute*

* EM blinks, immediately snapping an arrow towards him*

* Dev dives to the side, the arrow embedding itself in his arm, just missing the bone, the tip coming out the other side and just stopping up to mid-shaft, his brows knit as he weaves a spell of invisiblity with his music*

* Em furrows his brow, looking around...eyes narrowed*

* Dev stumbles into the brush, slipping his flute away, snapping off the feathered end of the arrow off and pulling the shaft the way through with a grimace...taking out his own bow and arrows, looking around and taking aim...he lets one fly at the elf, steel tipped*

* EM grits his teeth, getting it in the stomach and falling back out of the tree*

* Dev looks around, trying to see anymore snipers before dashing over and kneeling by him, resting the tip of the daggar to EM's throat* Who sent you?!

* EM coughs, hand grappled around the embeded arrow, eyes wide*

* Dev leans in close, striking eyes narrowed* <w> Tell'll die you want it quick or long and painful?

* EM grits his teeth, swallowing* Tern..Lord Ternan...*winces, gritting his teeth again* Just kill me, damnit!~

* Dev nods, then slits EM's throat, now that he has his answere*

* EM gurgles n' dies..*

* Dev stands with a grimace, cleaning his blade and resheething it, recovering his arrow and continuing on his way again, picking at herbs as he finds them...*

* Elf in another tree watches quietly....a scout..armed with only a knife*

* Elf climbs quietly onto a branch above Dev, watching..*

* Dev grips his arm as he kneels to gather some more herbs*

* Elf leaps at him, dagger ready, aiming to tackle*

* Dev spins, bringing his own blade up to block as best he can, falling back

* E slams his blade to dev's, growling and aiming to straddle him, teeth grit*

* Dev growls softly, bringing a leg up to his groin, trying to kick him off and stab at him in return*

* E grimaces, getting flipped off of him, kneeling and holding himself for a moment before staggering to attack again*

* Dev jerks back, getting sliced lightly along the cheek, slicccing at E's stomach*

* E growls, slashing again, falling back for a moment when he gets hit before attacking again*

* Dev grits his teeth quietly as he twists to avoid, getting slashed along his bad arm, stabbing at E with his daggar*

* E erks, getting stabbed and staggering backwards*

* Dev rips the knife out, going in for the killing blow*

* E chokes, eyes wide as he looks up at Dev..holding the spot where he was stabbed*

* Dev narrows his eyes, stopping the daggar just short of one of E's eyes* <w> How many more are there of you?

* E furrows his brow, blood coming up from his mouth* four..maybe fi-five..spread out..

* Dev narrows his eyes* <w> Snipers or more like you?

* E chokes..grimacing before his face goes hard..refusing to say any more*

* Dev rests the tip against his eye* <w> I ask you want or death to be long and painful or short and less so?

* E grits his teeth, practicaly choking on his own blood, sputtering* Snipers..

* Dev nods* <w> Along the path?

* E nods, pinching his eyes shut*

* Dev nods* <w> Rest in peice then...*drives the daggar into his brain*

* E .. well dies*

* Dev stands with a sigh, blood soaking into his clothing, creeping just off the path...eyes on trees as he gathers herbs*

* Elvin Mage hops out of the bushes to tackle him*

* Dev erks, stumbling back, unsheething his sword this time, supressing a grimace*

* EM growls, slashing at him with a dagger*

* Dev blocks, barely in time, his pouch only about half full, stumbling back a little again*

* EM glares, hopping off to circle him..another EM joining him*

* Dev narrows his eyes, trying to watch them both..*

<EM1> Put the herbs down..

* Dev shakes his head* Never. *sheeths his daggar...arming himself with his bow and steel tipped arrows instead*

* EM2 wavers, taking a few steps back* Steel...

* Dev watches them...still looking for a way out, drawing back, moving his arrow between the two*

* EM1 growls, slashing out at him*

* Dev falls back, letting one fly at EM1, hastily getting another and backing away from the two, new gash along his knuckles*

* Em1 stumbles back, gripping the arrow in his shoulder, EM2 going after him*

* Dev falls back again, shooting at EM2 and drawing his sword as soon as he has a hand free*

* EM2 falters, getting it in the head and immediately falling..Em1 tackling at him*

* Dev growls softly, new gash opened by 2 bleeding, turning to block 1*

* EM erks, slashing and clanging against his sword, taking a step back by the dizziness he's feeling from the arrow tip*

* Dev presses forward, slicing at EM, his cut weaker than usual, looking a little paler than usual*

* EM staggers backwards, teeth grit as he tries again*

* Dev furrows his brow, getting a nasty cut down across his chest and belly, his block having failed, swinging his sword around at EM's midsection*

* EM erks, getting pretty much gutted before he passes out*

* Dev gasps for breath, squeezing his eyes shut and binding the worst of his own wounds as best he can, pressing on, trying to fill the pouch the rest of the way*

* An elf with light blonde hair to his hips watches, brow furrowed..*

* Dev fills the pouch, kneeling and grasping his midsection, pausing and looking up at the elf, drawing his sword and turning to face him, eyes narrowed*

* the elf blinks, holding up his hands with his brows furrowed* I'm no foe..

* Dev nods, sheething his sword and grinning thinly* havenae attacked*shrugs a little* Your name...?

* The elf smiles a bit, heading over slowly, his brow furrowed* must be Devnet..

* Dev nods* My reputation preceeds me. *furrows his brow* You were expecting me?

* Kevley shakes his head* I was looking for you..if you consider that expecting then yes....I'm Keelin's older brother..

* Dev blinks and nods to him..* A pleasure to meet you, then...*glances around, half his face and neck wet with blood* Where are you staying...? Do you have word of Keelin..? I've been searching for these for days...lost contact..

* Kevley sighs, pulling some bandages from his bag* Sit and I'll tell you..the other mages have been taken care of..

* Dev nods, sitting down and taking his shredded shirt off* I thank you...

* Kevley nods, going about bandaging him up* She was growing worse because of the iron in the walls of the caves...everybody had to desert the I took her back to the other the .. asylum or whatever it's called..

* Dev nods slightly, a lot of those cuts really nasty...a few on his legs, too* Good...she's safe there...

* Kevley nods, brow creased as he continues, sighing* I need to get to your legs..

* Dev blinks a little and nods* Alright... *puts his shirt back on, not seeming to react to the pain...removing his pants as well*

* Kevley goes about bandaging* Ternan's raised the price on her head...and has put a price on yours as's not safe for you to be in this world..

* Dev nods with a sigh* Alright...great gods...*furrows his brow* Would you be able to deliver most of these herbs to Aiden and the rest...? I'll bring enough for Keelin back to the human world...

* Kevley nods, standing when he's done..handing him another bag of herbs..* That I can..

* Dev nods and stands, accepting, giving Kev a bag in return* If you or the others need help or anything, call...we have friends who can help somehow..

* Kevley nods..* I'll be certain to do so *opens a portal* get there and rest, asap...give my sister my well wishes.

* Dev nods* Thank you...and I wlil...fare thee well, and take care..

* Kevley nods, motioning for him to go in the portal* You do the same for yourself..

* Dev heads through*




* Dev lays in bed, his sleep turned light and troubled*

* Keelin winces, settling beside him...sitting as she presses her hand to his brow gently

<Keelin> Dev...??

* Dev jerks slightly, eyes opening slowly* <q> Kee...*reaches up to hug her*

* Keelin smiles, gently slipping her left arm around him..

<Keelin> Are you faring any better..?

* Dev nods* A bit...still sore...tired...*smiles wryly* Your brother says hi...

* Keelin blinkblinks..

<Keelin> Kevley..? *Sighs running her fngers through his hair* I haven't seen him in years...the reward on our head must be very well known..

* Dev nods...* Very true...*furrows his brow* Why have you not seen him for so long..

* Keelin shakes her head...

<Keelin> he refuses to leave Underhill...and he disapproves of me taking up a warrior life rather than that of my people *makes a face and shrugs* I feel he's gotten over it now..

* Dev nods, gently holding her close, stroking her hair* This is good...he seemed nice enough...

* Keelin nods.

<Keelin> he is...but just stuborn..

* Dev nods, smirking slightly* Must run in the family..

* Keelin leans against him..then blinks before she chuckles

<Keelin> must..

* Dev kisses her brow with a soft chuckle* I'm glad the herbs seem to have helped...

* Keelin nods, curling up to his side..

<Keelin> far, yes *smiles* My arm, however, may take time..

* Dev smiles gently down at her, holding her close gingerly* I'll be with you through it all...I wonder if there's anything we can do to hasten the process...

* Keelin shrugs..* I'm not sure...all I know is that I won't be able to use my bow & arrow for a while..

* Dev nods, then gently taps her nose with a slight smirk* You'll have to take it easy, then..

* Keelin chuckles, closing her eyes

<Keelin> easier said than done..

* Dev smiles softly, holding her close* True...we may just have to tie you down..

* Keelin chuckles quietly..

<Keelin> don't think your fantasies will come to reality that easily *winks*

* Keelin stretches a little, watching him quietly...

* Dev chuckles softly and snaps his fingers* Darn...*kisses her brow* I'm just happy you're getting better...

* Keelin chuckles, kissing his chin when he does..

<Keelin> good...I'm glad to see you return in one piece..

* Dev smiles softly, running the backs of his fingers down her cheek, same hand that's gashed along the knuckles* I very nearly didn't...I doubt I would have if your brother didn't take care of the remaining mages...

* Keelin watches..brow furrowed as she takes his hand, tracingher fingers over it gently..

<Keelin> I see..

* Dev smiles thinly, nodding a little..*

* Keelin kisses his knuckles, looking up at him...

<Keelin> sometimes you worry me, Dev'...truly...but other times...*sighs, smiling to let him know she's very thankful for what he's done*

* Dev smiles gently, squeezing her hand lightly*'s my job to add spice to your life..

* Keelin chuckles, stretching her left arm around him..

<Keelin> Well, it's said a life with a human rather than another elf is quite an amusing one indeed.

* Dev laughs softly* Oh ho...the bard amuses you, does he? *winks*

* Keelin grins, kissing his chin

<Keelin> aye

* Dev chuckles, kissing her lips lightly* I'm glad..

* Keelin smiles, curling around him carefully, inspecting to see if he's scarred any more or is wounded in any places*

* Dev watches her...all of the deeper gashes scarred, the arrow wound in the arm hhaving puckered, almost like a bullet wound..*

* Keelin sighs, tracing her fingers over each one, brows furrowed...

* Dev sighs softly* <q> I'm alright...

<Keelin> You amaze me, Dev..I've never known anybody to risk such injuries for others..

* Keelin nods, watching him

<Keelin> I know..

* Dev smiles softly* I would do anything for needed those did the people from the village...

* Keelin smiles softly, kissing him gently..* {{I know...doesn't cease to amaze me tho..}}

* Dev smiles, kissing back, gently pulling her close* {{Aw...gorsh...'twern't nuttin'...*mental wink*}}

Session Close: Mon Jan 07 00:31:48 2002
